1695-S AMH FITZ CALL 042


SHB 1695 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2306.2/15) 256

By Representative Fitzgibbon

WITHDRAWN 03/11/2015

    On page 2, beginning on line 35 of the striking amendment, after "projects." strike "Manufacturing by-products such as bottom ash from a coal-fired electric generation plant may be used to satisfy this requirement" and insert "Construction aggregate and concrete materials containing manufacturing by-products such as bottom ash from a coal-fired electric generation plant may be used to satisfy the requirements of this subsection if the proposed manufacturing by-products are:

    (a) Not listed as a hazardous waste by the United States environmental protection agency under the federal resource conservation and recovery act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 6901 et seq.; and

    (b) Used consistent with RCW 70.95.300 and WAC 173-350-200." 




    EFFECT:  Limits the manufacturing by-products that may be used by the Department of Transportation to satisfy the minimum recycled material content requirements to by-products that are both not considered hazardous waste under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and are used consistent with state law.


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