1702-S AMH TAYL MURD 160
SHB 1702 - H AMD 152
By Representative Taylor
On page 3, beginning on line 3, strike all of section 2
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly. Correct the title.
EFFECT: Strikes all of Section 2 from the underlying substitute bill. By striking Section 2, retains current statutory authority requiring the Chief of the Washington State Patrol (Chief), through the Director of Fire Protection (Director), to adopt uniform, statewide standards for retail fireworks stands, rather than, as proposed in the underlying bill: (a) establishing the NFPA 1124: Code for the manufacture, transportation, storage, and retail sales of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles, 2013 edition, published by the National Fire Protection Association as the uniform, statewide fireworks standard; and (b) requiring the Chief, through the Director, to repeal state fireworks rules and adopt new rules to implement and give effect to the State Fireworks Law and the NFPA 1124 by August 31, 2015. |
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