2151.E AMH JINK KETT 056
EHB 2151 - H AMD 513
By Representative Jinkins
WITHDRAWN 06/24/2015
On page 2, line 5, after
"approximately" strike "four hundred" and insert "((four
On page 2, line 6, after "eight thousand))"
strike "eighty-nine million" and insert "nine hundred
and sixty million"
On page 2, line 7, strike "year" and insert
"((year)) biennium"
On page 2, line 14, after "sources" insert ", but which include quality improvement incentive payments"
On page 2, line 23, strike "and" and insert
On page 2, after line 32, insert "and (f) For each of the two biennia starting with fiscal year 2016 to generate:
(i) Four million dollars for new integrated evidence-based psychiatry residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016 at the integrated psychiatry residency program at the university of Washington, and
(ii) Eight million two hundred thousand dollars for new family medicine residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, as directed through the family medicine residency network at the university of Washington, for slots where residents are employed by hospitals."
On page 4, line 16, after "RCW 74.09.611" insert "; and
(g) For each state fiscal year 2016 through 2019 to generate:
(i) Two million dollars for new integrated evidence-based psychiatry residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016 at the integrated psychiatry residency program at the university of Washington, and
(ii) Four million one hundred thousand dollars for new family medicine residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, as directed through the family medicine residency network at the university of Washington, for slots where residents are employed by hospitals"
On page 5, line 9, after "((forty-four))"
strike "forty-five" and insert "fifty"
On page 5, line 21, after "((sixty-seven))"
strike "sixty-eight" and insert "seventy"
On page 5, line 25, after "((sixty-seven))"
strike "sixty-eight" and insert "seventy"
On page 10, line six, after "by July 1,))"
strike "Four million four hundred" and insert "Ten
million five hundred"
On page 10, line 8, after "2019" insert "paid as follows, except if the full amount of the payments required under RCW 74.60.120 and RCW 74.60.130 cannot be distributed in a given fiscal year, the amounts in this subsection (ii) and (iii) must be reduced proportionately:
(i) Four million four hundred fifty-five thousand dollars;
(ii) Two million dollars to new integrated, evidence-based psychiatry residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, at the integrated psychiatry residency program at the university of Washington; and
(iii) Four million one hundred thousand dollars to new family medicine residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, as directed through the family medicine residency network at the university of Washington, for slots where residents are employed by hospitals"
EFFECT: Increases the quarterly assessment for prospective payment system hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and rehabilitation hospitals. Revenue from the increased assessment pays for new family medicine residency program slots, and also new psychiatric residency program slots, at the University of Washington.
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