2214 AMH MAGE H2809.1
HB 2214 - H AMD 503
By Representative Magendanz
ADOPTED 5/27/2015
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  "(1) The legislature finds that high school students in Washington have been required to meet a standard on high school assessments since 2008 to earn a certificate of academic achievement and graduate. The majority of high school students have taken these assessments for the first time by the conclusion of tenth grade. Over time, the state has adopted several alternative methods to allow students who do not meet the standard on the tenth grade assessment to demonstrate their competency to graduate. These alternatives include the opportunity to retake the assessment, a comparison of grades earned, collections of evidence, and college entrance or dual credit course exams.
(2) The legislature recognizes that, in today's competitive global economy, it is not enough for Washington's students to meet a minimum level of competency. Success in postsecondary education, gainful employment, and citizenship requires increased rigor and achievement. To that end, the state has recently adopted new, academically rigorous policies to better prepare students for future success. Starting in spring 2015, Washington students will be tested using a comprehensive assessment system developed with a multistate consortium. This system, the smarter balanced assessment, will evaluate students in grades three through eight and grade eleven on their college and career readiness based on the Washington state learning standards in English language arts and mathematics, and will be used for state and federal accountability purposes. In addition, students beginning with the graduating class of 2019 will also have the requirement to earn twenty-four credits for high school graduation to obtain a more meaningful diploma. Schools also have put a great deal of time and effort into ensuring quality instruction through the teacher and principal evaluation program, a four-tiered system that establishes eight new criteria for teachers' and principals' evaluations. Finally, Washington adopted new, academically rigorous next generation science standards (NGSS) in 2013. A comprehensive science assessment of the next generation science standards is being developed and is expected to become operational statewide in spring 2017 or 2018.
(3) The legislature further finds that the transition to the smarter balanced assessment system has markedly complicated the development and administration of the statewide assessment graduation requirement and the state's confusing array of alternative assessments. The classes of 2016 through 2018 are required to take end-of-course exams or comprehensive assessments in the tenth grade to fulfill graduation requirements for English language arts, mathematics, and biology. In addition, they are required to take the smarter balanced assessments in the eleventh grade to determine if they are college and career ready and for school and district accountability.
(4) The legislature finds that requiring schools to administer six high school assessmentsthe smarter balanced English language arts assessment, smarter balanced mathematics, the end-of-course assessment for biology, two mathematics end-of-course assessments, and the English language arts exit examcreates a costly system in which too much classroom time and too many state resources are devoted to taking and retaking tests for graduation purposes. The time and funding that are now invested in Washington's current state graduation assessments do not result in students meeting a college or career ready measure accepted by postsecondary institutions and organizations.
(5) The legislature further finds that locally directed remediation and intervention strategies, including twelfth grade transition courses, opportunities to retake courses, and more sustained focus on providing college and career guidance through students' high school and beyond plans, would better prepare students for postsecondary college and career opportunities. State and local resources that are now directed to develop and administer alternative graduation assessments should be redirected to courses and programs better suited for student needs during high school.
(6) The legislature further finds that taxpayers and tuition payers can save substantial money by avoiding remedial courses taught at public institutions of higher education. An unprecedented agreement among Washington's public institutions of higher education now ensures that high school graduates who meet the standard on the smarter balanced assessment or who successfully complete twelfth grade high school transition courses in English language arts and mathematics will move directly to college-level English and mathematics courses at participating institutions without remediation or additional placement testing.
(7)(a) The legislature therefore intends to eliminate the tenth grade assessments in reading, writing, and mathematics and the myriad of alternative assessments that students may use to obtain a certificate of academic achievement. In their place, students will be required to either meet the standard on the smarter balanced English language arts and mathematics assessments administered in high school, or demonstrate by the beginning of their senior year that they have met state standards using the SAT or ACT. The legislature further intends for students who fail to meet the standard to take and pass locally determined courses in their senior year that align with their college or career goals, including, when available, high school transition courses.
(b) The legislature recognizes that many students in the graduating class of 2016 have already satisfied current requirements for obtaining a certificate of academic achievement and does not intend that these efforts go for naught. The legislature intends to allow students in the graduating class of 2016 who have, by the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, already met the standard on the tenth grade assessments in reading, writing, and mathematics, or satisfied the alternative assessments, to earn a certificate of academic achievement by these means, by the means identified in section 101(3) of this act, or by a combination of the two in the event that a student has, by the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, already met the standard or satisfied an alternative in one, but not both, of the content areas.
(8) It is the intent of the legislature for Washington to administer only three statewide assessments for high school graduation: The smarter balanced assessment in English language arts; the smarter balanced assessment in mathematics; and the statewide assessment in science, including, when operational, the comprehensive next generation science standards assessment.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 101.  A new section is added to chapter 28A.655 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The high school assessment system shall include the statewide student assessment and opportunities for a student to retake the content areas of the assessment in which the student was not successful.
(2) Subject to the conditions in this section, students shall obtain a certificate of academic achievement as evidence that they have successfully met the state standard in the content areas included in the certificate. With the exception of students satisfying the provisions of RCW 28A.155.045, acquisition of the certificate is required for graduation from a public high school but is not the sole requirement for graduation.
(3) Beginning with the graduating class of 2016, a student shall earn a certificate of academic achievement if the student:
(a) Earns a score of level 3 or level 4 on the high school English language arts and mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070;
(b) Before the beginning of the student's senior year, earns a score on the mathematics, reading or English, or writing portion of the SAT or the ACT that is identified by the state board of education as meeting the state standard in the relevant content area on the high school English language arts and mathematics assessments; or
(c) Takes and passes a locally determined course in English language arts or mathematics under RCW 28A.230.090(1)(e).
(4)(a) The state board of education shall identify the scores on the mathematics, reading or English, or writing portions of the SAT or ACT that are equivalent to a level 3 on both the high school English language arts and mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070.
(b) The state board of education shall promptly notify school districts of the scores identified under (a) of this subsection.
(5) The state board of education may not require the acquisition of the certificate of academic achievement for students in home-based instruction under chapter 28A.200 RCW, for students enrolled in private schools under chapter 28A.195 RCW, or for students satisfying the provisions of RCW 28A.155.045.
(6)(a) If a student does not earn a score of level 3 or level 4 in one or more content areas required for the certificate of academic achievement, the student may retake the assessment in the content area at least once a year and at no charge to the student. If the student earns a score of level 3 or level 4 on a retake of the assessment, the student shall earn a certificate of academic achievement.
(b) School districts must make available to students at no charge, the following options:
(i) If the student is enrolled in a public school, retaking the high school English language arts and mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070 at least once a year in the content areas in which the student did not earn a score of level 3 or level 4; or
(ii) If the student is enrolled in a high school completion program at a community or technical college, retaking the high school English language arts and mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070 at least once a year in the content areas in which the student did not earn a score of level 3 or level 4. The superintendent of public instruction and the state board for community and technical colleges shall jointly identify means by which students in these programs can be assessed.
(c) Students who achieve the standard in a content area of the high school English language arts or mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070, but who wish to improve their results, must be assessed a charge for retaking the assessment according to a uniform cost determined by the superintendent of public instruction.
(7) A student may retain and use the highest result from each successfully completed content area of the high school English language arts and mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070.
Sec. 102.  RCW 28A.230.090 and 2014 c 217 s 202 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The state board of education shall establish high school graduation requirements or equivalencies for students, except as provided in RCW 28A.230.122 and except those equivalencies established by local high schools or school districts under RCW 28A.230.097. The purpose of a high school diploma is to declare that a student is ready for success in postsecondary education, gainful employment, and citizenship, and is equipped with the skills to be a lifelong learner.
(a) Any course in Washington state history and government used to fulfill high school graduation requirements shall consider including information on the culture, history, and government of the American Indian peoples who were the first inhabitants of the state.
(b) The certificate of academic achievement requirements under ((RCW 28A.655.061)) section 101 of this act or the certificate of individual achievement requirements under RCW 28A.155.045 are required for graduation from a public high school but are not the only requirements for graduation.
(c)(i) Each student must have a high school and beyond plan to guide the student's high school experience and prepare the student for postsecondary education or training and career.
(ii) A high school and beyond plan must be initiated for each student during the eighth grade. In preparation for initiating that plan, each student must first be administered a career interest and skills inventory.
(iii) The plan must be updated annually during the high school grades to review transcripts, assess progress toward identified goals, and revise as necessary for changing interests, goals, and needs. School districts are encouraged to involve parents and guardians in the process of developing and updating the high school and beyond plan.
(iv) All high school and beyond plans must, at a minimum, include the following elements:
(A) Identification of career goals, aided by a skills and interest assessment;
(B) Identification of educational goals;
(C) A four-year plan for course-taking that fulfills state and local graduation requirements and aligns with the student's career and educational goals;
(D) Identification of assessments needed to graduate from high school and achieve postsecondary goals identified in the high school and beyond plan; and
(E) By the end of the twelfth grade, a current resume or activity log that provides a written compilation of the student's education, any work experience, and any community service and how the school district has recognized the community service pursuant to RCW 28A.320.193.
(d) Any decision on whether a student has met the state board's high school graduation requirements for a high school and beyond plan shall remain at the local level. A district may establish additional, local requirements for a high school and beyond plan to serve the needs and interests of its students and the purposes of this section.
(e)(i)(A) Beginning in the 2015-16 school year, students who have not earned a certificate of academic achievement under section 101 or 201 of this act before the beginning of grade twelve must take and pass a locally determined course in the content area in which the student was not successful. The course shall be rigorous and consistent with the student's educational and career goals identified in his or her high school and beyond plan, and may include career and technical education equivalencies in English language arts or mathematics adopted pursuant to RCW 28A.230.097.
(B) A course shall be deemed rigorous if it is at a higher course level than the student's most recent coursework in the content area in which the student received a passing grade of C or higher, or its equivalent.
(C) School districts should prioritize enrolling students who must take and pass locally determined courses under this subsection (1)(e)(i) in available high school transition courses.
(ii) School districts shall record students' participation in locally determined courses under this section in the statewide individual data system. Separate data codes must be provided for high school transition courses and other locally determined courses.
(iii) As used in this subsection (1)(e), "high school transition course" means an English language arts, mathematics, or science course offered in high school whose successful completion by a high school student will ensure the student college-level placement at participating institutions of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.10.016. High school transition courses must, in accordance with this section, satisfy core or elective credit graduation requirements established by the state board of education. A student's successful completion of a high school transition course does not entitle the student to be admitted to any institution of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.10.016.
(iv) This subsection (1)(e) does not apply to students satisfying the provisions of RCW 28A.155.045.
(f) Effective with the graduating class of 2015, the state board of education may not establish a requirement for students to complete a culminating project for graduation.
(((d))) (g)(i) The state board of education shall adopt rules to implement the career and college ready graduation requirement proposal adopted under board resolution on November 10, 2010, and revised on January 9, 2014, to take effect beginning with the graduating class of 2019 or as otherwise provided in this subsection (1)(((d))) (g). The rules must include authorization for a school district to waive up to two credits for individual students based on unusual circumstances and in accordance with written policies that must be adopted by each board of directors of a school district that grants diplomas. The rules must also provide that the content of the third credit of mathematics and the content of the third credit of science may be chosen by the student based on the student's interests and high school and beyond plan with agreement of the student's parent or guardian or agreement of the school counselor or principal.
(ii) School districts may apply to the state board of education for a waiver to implement the career and college ready graduation requirement proposal beginning with the graduating class of 2020 or 2021 instead of the graduating class of 2019. In the application, a school district must describe why the waiver is being requested, the specific impediments preventing timely implementation, and efforts that will be taken to achieve implementation with the graduating class proposed under the waiver. The state board of education shall grant a waiver under this subsection (1)(((d))) (g) to an applying school district at the next subsequent meeting of the board after receiving an application.
(iii) A school district that has implemented the career and college ready graduation requirements must update the high school and beyond plans for each student in grade nine who failed to earn a score of level 3 or level 4 on the middle school mathematics assessment identified in RCW 28A.655.070 for the purpose of ensuring that the student takes one or more credits of mathematics coursework in each of grades nine, ten, and eleven. These courses may include career and technical education equivalencies in mathematics adopted pursuant to RCW 28A.230.097.
(2)(a) In recognition of the statutory authority of the state board of education to establish and enforce minimum high school graduation requirements, the state board shall periodically reevaluate the graduation requirements and shall report such findings to the legislature in a timely manner as determined by the state board.
(b) The state board shall reevaluate the graduation requirements for students enrolled in vocationally intensive and rigorous career and technical education programs, particularly those programs that lead to a certificate or credential that is state or nationally recognized. The purpose of the evaluation is to ensure that students enrolled in these programs have sufficient opportunity to earn a certificate of academic achievement, complete the program and earn the program's certificate or credential, and complete other state and local graduation requirements.
(c) The state board shall forward any proposed changes to the high school graduation requirements to the education committees of the legislature for review and to the quality education council established under RCW 28A.290.010. The legislature shall have the opportunity to act during a regular legislative session before the changes are adopted through administrative rule by the state board. Changes that have a fiscal impact on school districts, as identified by a fiscal analysis prepared by the office of the superintendent of public instruction, shall take effect only if formally authorized and funded by the legislature through the omnibus appropriations act or other enacted legislation.
(3) Pursuant to any requirement for instruction in languages other than English established by the state board of education or a local school district, or both, for purposes of high school graduation, students who receive instruction in American sign language or one or more American Indian languages shall be considered to have satisfied the state or local school district graduation requirement for instruction in one or more languages other than English.
(4) If requested by the student and his or her family, a student who has completed high school courses before attending high school shall be given high school credit which shall be applied to fulfilling high school graduation requirements if:
(a) The course was taken with high school students, if the academic level of the course exceeds the requirements for seventh and eighth grade classes, and the student has successfully passed by completing the same course requirements and examinations as the high school students enrolled in the class; or
(b) The academic level of the course exceeds the requirements for seventh and eighth grade classes and the course would qualify for high school credit, because the course is similar or equivalent to a course offered at a high school in the district as determined by the school district board of directors.
(5) Students who have taken and successfully completed high school courses under the circumstances in subsection (4) of this section shall not be required to take an additional competency examination or perform any other additional assignment to receive credit.
(6) At the college or university level, five quarter or three semester hours equals one high school credit.
Sec. 103.  RCW 28A.305.130 and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 22 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
The purpose of the state board of education is to provide advocacy and strategic oversight of public education; implement a standards-based accountability framework that creates a unified system of increasing levels of support for schools in order to improve student academic achievement; provide leadership in the creation of a system that personalizes education for each student and respects diverse cultures, abilities, and learning styles; and promote achievement of the goals of RCW 28A.150.210. In addition to any other powers and duties as provided by law, the state board of education shall:
(1) Hold regularly scheduled meetings at such time and place within the state as the board shall determine and may hold such special meetings as may be deemed necessary for the transaction of public business;
(2) Form committees as necessary to effectively and efficiently conduct the work of the board;
(3) Seek advice from the public and interested parties regarding the work of the board;
(4) For purposes of statewide accountability:
(a) Adopt and revise performance improvement goals in reading, writing, science, and mathematics, by subject and grade level, once assessments in these subjects are required statewide; academic and technical skills, as appropriate, in secondary career and technical education programs; and student attendance, as the board deems appropriate to improve student learning. The goals shall be consistent with student privacy protection provisions of RCW 28A.655.090(7) and shall not conflict with requirements contained in Title I of the federal elementary and secondary education act of 1965, or the requirements of the Carl D. Perkins vocational education act of 1998, each as amended. The goals may be established for all students, economically disadvantaged students, limited English proficient students, students with disabilities, and students from disproportionately academically underachieving racial and ethnic backgrounds. The board may establish school and school district goals addressing high school graduation rates and dropout reduction goals for students in grades seven through twelve. The board shall adopt the goals by rule. However, before each goal is implemented, the board shall present the goal to the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate for the committees' review and comment in a time frame that will permit the legislature to take statutory action on the goal if such action is deemed warranted by the legislature;
(b)(i) Identify the scores students must achieve in order to meet the standard on the statewide student assessment ((and, for high school students, to obtain a certificate of academic achievement)). The board shall also determine student scores that identify levels of student performance below and beyond the standard. ((The board shall consider the incorporation of the standard error of measurement into the decision regarding the award of the certificates.)) The board shall set such performance standards and levels in consultation with the superintendent of public instruction and after consideration of any recommendations that may be developed by any advisory committees that may be established for this purpose.
(ii) ((By the end of the 2014-15 school year, establish the scores students must achieve to meet the standard and earn a certificate of academic achievement on the tenth grade English language arts assessment and the end-of-course mathematics assessments developed in accordance with RCW 28A.655.070 to be used as the state transitions to high school assessments developed with a multistate consortium.
(iii) By the end of the 2014-15 school year, establish the scores students must achieve to meet the standard and earn a certificate of academic achievement on the high school English language arts assessment and the comprehensive mathematics assessment developed with a multistate consortium in accordance with RCW 28A.655.070. To determine the appropriate score, the state board shall review the transition experience of Washington students to the consortium-developed assessments, examine the student scores used in other states that are administering the consortium-developed assessments, and review the scores in other states that require passage of an eleventh grade assessment as a high school graduation requirement. The scores established by the state board of education for the purposes of earning a certificate of academic achievement and graduation from high school may be different from the scores used for the purpose of determining a student's career and college readiness.
(iv) The legislature shall be advised of the initial performance standards for the high school statewide student assessment. Any changes recommended by the board in the performance standards for the high school assessment shall be presented to the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate by November 30th of the school year in which the changes will take place to permit the legislature to take statutory action before the changes are implemented if such action is deemed warranted by the legislature.)) The legislature shall be advised of the initial performance standards and any changes made to the elementary ((level performance standards and the)), middle, and high school level performance standards. The board must provide an explanation of and rationale for all initial performance standards and any changes, for all grade levels of the statewide student assessment. If the board changes the performance standards for any grade level or subject, the superintendent of public instruction must recalculate the results from the previous ten years of administering that assessment regarding students below, meeting, and beyond the state standard, to the extent that this data is available, and post a comparison of the original and recalculated results on the superintendent's web site;
(c) Annually review the assessment reporting system to ensure fairness, accuracy, timeliness, and equity of opportunity, especially with regard to schools with special circumstances and unique populations of students, and a recommendation to the superintendent of public instruction of any improvements needed to the system; and
(d) Include in the biennial report required under RCW 28A.305.035, information on the progress that has been made in achieving goals adopted by the board;
(5) Accredit, subject to such accreditation standards and procedures as may be established by the state board of education, all private schools that apply for accreditation, and approve, subject to the provisions of RCW 28A.195.010, private schools carrying out a program for any or all of the grades kindergarten through twelve. However, no private school may be approved that operates a kindergarten program only and no private school shall be placed upon the list of accredited schools so long as secret societies are knowingly allowed to exist among its students by school officials;
(6) Articulate with the institutions of higher education, workforce representatives, and early learning policymakers and providers to coordinate and unify the work of the public school system;
(7) Hire an executive director and an administrative assistant to reside in the office of the superintendent of public instruction for administrative purposes. Any other personnel of the board shall be appointed as provided by RCW 28A.300.020. The board may delegate to the executive director by resolution such duties as deemed necessary to efficiently carry on the business of the board including, but not limited to, the authority to employ necessary personnel and the authority to enter into, amend, and terminate contracts on behalf of the board. The executive director, administrative assistant, and all but one of the other personnel of the board are exempt from civil service, together with other staff as now or hereafter designated as exempt in accordance with chapter 41.06 RCW; and
(8) Adopt a seal that shall be kept in the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
Sec. 104.  RCW 28A.655.068 and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 22 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Beginning in the 2011-12 school year, the statewide high school assessment in science shall be an end-of-course assessment for biology that measures the state standards for life sciences, in addition to systems, inquiry, and application as they pertain to life sciences.
(2)(a) The superintendent of public instruction may develop or adopt science end-of-course assessments or a comprehensive science assessment ((that includes subjects in addition to biology for purposes of RCW 28A.655.061,)) when so directed by the legislature. The legislature intends to transition from a biology end-of-course assessment to a more comprehensive science assessment in a manner consistent with the way in which the state transitioned to an English language arts assessment and a comprehensive mathematics assessment. ((The legislature further intends that the transition will include at least two years of using the student assessment results from either the biology end-of-course assessment or the more comprehensive assessment in order to provide students with reasonable opportunities to demonstrate high school competencies while being mindful of the increasing rigor of the new assessment.))
(b) The superintendent of public instruction shall develop or adopt a science assessment in accordance with RCW 28A.655.070(10) that is not biased toward persons with different learning styles, racial or ethnic backgrounds, or on the basis of gender.
(((c) Before the next subsequent school year after the legislature directs the superintendent to develop or adopt a new science assessment, the superintendent of public instruction shall review the objective alternative assessments for the science assessment and make recommendations to the legislature regarding additional objective alternatives, if any.))
(3) The superintendent of public instruction may participate with consortia of multiple states as common student learning standards and assessments in science are developed. The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the state board of education, may modify the essential academic learning requirements and statewide student assessments in science, including the high school assessment, according to the multistate common student learning standards and assessments as long as the education committees of the legislature have opportunities for review before the modifications are adopted, as provided under RCW 28A.655.070.
(4) ((The statewide high school assessment under this section shall be used to demonstrate that a student meets the state standards in the science content area of the statewide student assessment for purposes of RCW 28A.655.061.)) After the superintendent of public instruction adopts a comprehensive science assessment under this section and RCW 28A.655.070, there shall be a two-year transition period, including one year to pilot the comprehensive science assessment and a second year to administer the assessment statewide, before students are required to meet the standard on the comprehensive assessment to earn a certificate of academic achievement.
Sec. 105.  RCW 28A.655.070 and 2015 c 211 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction shall develop essential academic learning requirements that identify the knowledge and skills all public school students need to know and be able to do based on the student learning goals in RCW 28A.150.210, develop student assessments, and implement the accountability recommendations and requests regarding assistance, rewards, and recognition of the state board of education.
(2) The superintendent of public instruction shall:
(a) Periodically revise the essential academic learning requirements, as needed, based on the student learning goals in RCW 28A.150.210. Goals one and two shall be considered primary. To the maximum extent possible, the superintendent shall integrate goal four and the knowledge and skill areas in the other goals in the essential academic learning requirements; and
(b) Review and prioritize the essential academic learning requirements and identify, with clear and concise descriptions, the grade level content expectations to be assessed on the statewide student assessment and used for state or federal accountability purposes. The review, prioritization, and identification shall result in more focus and targeting with an emphasis on depth over breadth in the number of grade level content expectations assessed at each grade level. Grade level content expectations shall be articulated over the grades as a sequence of expectations and performances that are logical, build with increasing depth after foundational knowledge and skills are acquired, and reflect, where appropriate, the sequential nature of the discipline. The office of the superintendent of public instruction, within seven working days, shall post on its web site any grade level content expectations provided to an assessment vendor for use in constructing the statewide student assessment.
(3)(a) In consultation with the state board of education, the superintendent of public instruction shall maintain and continue to develop and revise a statewide academic assessment system in the content areas of ((reading, writing)) English language arts, mathematics, and science for use in the elementary, middle, and high school years designed to determine if each student has mastered the essential academic learning requirements identified in subsection (1) of this section. School districts shall administer the assessments under guidelines adopted by the superintendent of public instruction. The academic assessment system may include a variety of assessment methods, including criterion-referenced and performance-based measures.
(b) ((Effective with the 2009 administration of the Washington assessment of student learning and continuing with the statewide student assessment, the superintendent shall redesign the assessment in the content areas of reading, mathematics, and science in all grades except high school by shortening test administration and reducing the number of short answer and extended response questions.
(c) By the 2014-15 school year,)) (i) The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the state board of education, shall modify the statewide student assessment system to transition to assessments developed with a multistate consortium((, as provided in this subsection:
(ii) The assessments developed with a multistate consortium to assess student proficiency in English language arts and mathematics shall be administered beginning in the 2014-15 school year. The reading and writing assessments shall not be administered by the superintendent of public instruction or schools after the 2013-14 school year.
(((ii))) (iii) The high school ((assessments in)) English language arts and mathematics ((in (c)(i) of this subsection)) assessments developed with the multistate consortium shall be used for the purposes of earning a certificate of academic achievement for high school graduation under the timeline established in ((RCW 28A.655.061)) section 101 of this act and for assessing student career and college readiness.
(((iii) During the transition period specified in RCW 28A.655.061, the superintendent of public instruction shall use test items and other resources from the consortium assessment to develop and administer a tenth grade high school English language arts assessment, an end-of-course mathematics assessment to assess the standards common to algebra I and integrated mathematics I, and an end-of-course mathematics assessment to assess the standards common to geometry and integrated mathematics II.))
(4) If the superintendent proposes any modification to the essential academic learning requirements or the statewide assessments, then the superintendent shall, upon request, provide opportunities for the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate to review the assessments and proposed modifications to the essential academic learning requirements before the modifications are adopted.
(5) The assessment system shall be designed so that the results under the assessment system are used by educators as tools to evaluate instructional practices, and to initiate appropriate educational support for students who have not mastered the essential academic learning requirements at the appropriate periods in the student's educational development.
(6) By September 2007, the results for reading and mathematics shall be reported in a format that will allow parents and teachers to determine the academic gain a student has acquired in those content areas from one school year to the next.
(7) To assist parents and teachers in their efforts to provide educational support to individual students, the superintendent of public instruction shall provide as much individual student performance information as possible within the constraints of the assessment system's item bank. The superintendent shall also provide to school districts:
(a) Information on classroom-based and other assessments that may provide additional achievement information for individual students; and
(b) A collection of diagnostic tools that educators may use to evaluate the academic status of individual students. The tools shall be designed to be inexpensive, easily administered, and quickly and easily scored, with results provided in a format that may be easily shared with parents and students.
(8) To the maximum extent possible, the superintendent shall integrate knowledge and skill areas in development of the assessments.
(9) Assessments for goals three and four of RCW 28A.150.210 shall be integrated in the essential academic learning requirements and assessments for goals one and two.
(10) The superintendent shall develop assessments that are directly related to the essential academic learning requirements, and are not biased toward persons with different learning styles, racial or ethnic backgrounds, or on the basis of gender.
(11) The superintendent shall consider methods to address the unique needs of special education students when developing the assessments under this section.
(12) The superintendent shall consider methods to address the unique needs of highly capable students when developing the assessments under this section.
(13) The superintendent shall post on the superintendent's web site lists of resources and model assessments in social studies, the arts, and health and fitness.
(14) The superintendent shall integrate financial education skills and content knowledge into the state learning standards pursuant to RCW 28A.300.460(2)(d).
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 106.  A new section is added to chapter 28A.655 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Beginning with the graduating class of 2015, and until the first graduating class following the transition period identified in RCW 28A.655.068(4), a student is not required to meet the state standard in science in order to earn a certificate of academic achievement.
(2)(a) Beginning with the first graduating class following the transition period identified in RCW 28A.655.068(4), a student must meet the state standard on the comprehensive science assessment, in addition to the other content areas required under section 101 of this act, to earn a certificate of academic achievement.
(b)(i) Students in grade twelve who have not met the state standard on the comprehensive science assessment must take and pass a locally determined course in science to earn a certificate of academic achievement. The course shall be rigorous and consistent with the student's educational and career goals identified in his or her high school and beyond plan, and may include career and technical education equivalencies in science pursuant to RCW 28A.230.097.
(ii) For purposes of this subsection (2)(b), a course shall be deemed rigorous if it is at a higher course level than the student's most recent coursework in the content area in which the student received a passing grade of C or higher, or its equivalent.
(c) When available, school districts should prioritize enrolling students who must take and pass a locally determined course in science in a high school transition course.
(d) For the purpose of this section, "high school transition course" has the definition in RCW 28A.230.090(1)(e)(iii).
Sec. 107.  RCW 28A.230.125 and 2014 c 102 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the four-year institutions as defined in RCW 28B.76.020, the state board for community and technical colleges, and the workforce training and education coordinating board, shall develop for use by all public school districts a standardized high school transcript. The superintendent shall establish clear definitions for the terms "credits" and "hours" so that school programs operating on the quarter, semester, or trimester system can be compared.
(2) The standardized high school transcript shall include a notation of whether the student has earned a certificate of individual achievement or a certificate of academic achievement.
(3) The standardized high school transcript may include a notation of whether the student has earned the Washington state seal of biliteracy established under RCW 28A.300.575.
(4) If a student has earned a level 3 or level 4 score on the high school English language and mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070, the student's standardized high school transcript must include a notation of "career and college ready high honors." School districts are encouraged to also include a notation of "career and college ready high honors" on the student's diploma.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 108.  A new section is added to chapter 28A.300 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction shall conduct a study of the locally determined courses in English language arts or mathematics under RCW 28A.230.090(1)(e) offered by school districts in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years to students in grade twelve who are participating in locally determined courses. The study shall analyze how the transition courses and other locally determined courses are aligned with the Washington state learning standards in English language arts and mathematics. The study shall also determine whether the state has an adequate number of certificated teachers qualified to teach transition courses and other locally determined courses aligned with the Washington state learning standards in English language arts and mathematics. The superintendent of public instruction shall submit a report on the results of this study to the legislature, in accordance with RCW 43.01.036, before January 1, 2018.
(2) Beginning in 2018, the superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the education data center in RCW 43.41.400, shall annually produce a summary report of the outcomes of Washington state high school graduates who earned a certificate of academic achievement under section 101 of this act. The report must include data identifying students' employment, participation in higher education, and workforce training after a period of one year following graduation from high school. The report must also include data identifying remedial precollege coursework that students take in postsecondary institutions following graduation from high school. The data must be disaggregated into the following categories: (a) Students who earned a certificate of academic achievement by earning a level 3 or level 4 on the high school English language arts and mathematics assessments identified in RCW 28A.655.070; (b) students who earned a certificate of academic achievement by earning equivalent scores on the SAT or ACT; (c) students who earned a certificate of academic achievement by taking and passing transition courses in English language arts or mathematics in grade twelve; and (d) students who earned a certificate of academic achievement by taking and passing other locally determined courses in English language arts or mathematics in grade twelve.
Sec. 109.  RCW 28A.320.195 and 2013 c 184 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Each school district board of directors is encouraged to adopt an academic acceleration policy for high school students as provided under this section.
(2) Under an academic acceleration policy:
(a) The district automatically enrolls any student who meets the state standard on the high school statewide student assessment in the next most rigorous level of advanced courses offered by the high school. Students who successfully complete such an advanced course are then enrolled in the next most rigorous level of advanced course, with the objective that students will eventually be automatically enrolled in courses that offer the opportunity to earn dual credit for high school and college.
(b) The subject matter of the advanced courses in which the student is automatically enrolled depends on the content area or areas of the statewide student assessment where the student has met the state standard. Students who meet the state standard on (i) both end-of-course mathematics assessments or (ii) the high school mathematics assessment identified in RCW 28A.655.070 are considered to have met the state standard for high school mathematics. Students who meet the state standard ((in both reading and writing)) on the high school English language arts assessment identified in RCW 28A.655.070 are eligible for enrollment in advanced courses in English, social studies, humanities, and other related subjects.
(c) The district must notify students and parents or guardians regarding the academic acceleration policy and the advanced courses available to students.
(d) The district must provide a parent or guardian with an opportunity to opt out of the academic acceleration policy and enroll a student in an alternative course.
Sec. 110.  RCW 28A.700.080 and 2008 c 170 s 301 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Subject to funds appropriated for this purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop and conduct an ongoing campaign for career and technical education to increase awareness among teachers, counselors, students, parents, principals, school administrators, and the general public about the opportunities offered by rigorous career and technical education programs. Messages in the campaign shall emphasize career and technical education as a high quality educational pathway for students, including for students who seek advanced education that includes a bachelor's degree or beyond. In particular, the office shall provide information about the following:
(a) The model career and technical education programs of study developed under RCW 28A.700.060;
(b) Career and technical education course equivalencies and dual credit for high school and college;
(c) ((The career and technical education alternative assessment guidelines under RCW 28A.655.065;
(d))) The availability of scholarships for postsecondary workforce education, including the Washington award for vocational excellence, and apprenticeships through the opportunity grant program under RCW 28B.50.271, grants under RCW 28A.700.090, and other programs; and
(((e))) (d) Education, apprenticeship, and career opportunities in emerging and high-demand programs.
(2) The office shall use multiple strategies in the campaign depending on available funds, including developing an interactive web site to encourage and facilitate career exploration; conducting training and orientation for guidance counselors and teachers; and developing and disseminating printed materials.
(3) The office shall seek advice, participation, and financial assistance from the workforce training and education coordinating board, higher education institutions, foundations, employers, apprenticeship and training councils, workforce development councils, and business and labor organizations for the campaign.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 201.  A new section is added to chapter 28A.655 RCW to read as follows:
(1) In addition to the means identified in section 101(3) of this act for earning a certificate of academic achievement, a student in the graduating class of 2016 may earn a certificate of academic achievement if, before the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, the student:
(a) Met the standard pursuant to RCW 28A.655.061(3)(b)(i) as it existed on September 1, 2014; or
(b) Satisfied the alternative assessment options available to students of the graduating class of 2016 under RCW 28A.655.061(10) and 28A.655.065, each as they existed on September 1, 2014.
(2) This section expires June 30, 2017.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 301.  The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
(1) RCW 28A.655.061 (High school assessment systemCertificate of academic achievementExemptionsOptions to retake high school assessmentObjective alternative assessmentStudent learning plans) and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 22 s 2, 2011 1st sp.s. c 22 s 2, 2010 c 244 s 1, 2009 c 524 s 5, & 2008 c 321 s 2;
(2) RCW 28A.655.063 (Objective alternative assessmentsReimbursement of costsTesting fee waivers) and 2007 c 354 s 7 & 2006 c 115 s 5;
(3) RCW 28A.655.065 (Objective alternative assessment methodsAppeals from assessment scoresWaivers and appeals from assessment requirementsRules) and 2009 c 556 s 19, 2008 c 170 s 205, 2007 c 354 s 6, & 2006 c 115 s 1; and
(4) RCW 28A.655.066 (Statewide end-of-course assessments for high school mathematics) and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 22 s 3, 2011 c 25 s 2, 2009 c 310 s 3, & 2008 c 163 s 3.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 302.  Section 106 of this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately."
Correct the title.
EFFECT: Retains the underlying original bill with the following changes:
Specifies that, beginning with the graduating class of 2015 and until the first graduating class following the specified transition period, students are not required to meet the state standards in science in order to earn a CAA and includes an emergency clause to make this effective immediately.
Provides that after the SPI adopts a comprehensive science assessment, and after the transition period, students "are," rather than "may be," required to meet state standards on the assessment to earn a CAA. Includes a new section that explicitly requires that students in the first graduating class following the transition period must meet state standards in science in order to earn a CAA, and provides that students in grade 12 who have not met state standards must take and pass a locally determined course (which should be a transition course when available) in order to obtain the CAA.
Allows a student who does not receive a level 3 or 4 on the English language arts and mathematics assessments developed with the multistate consortium to earn a CAA if, before the beginning of his or her senior year, he or she earns a score on the SAT or ACT that is identified by the State Board of Education (SBE) as meeting the state standard in the relevant content area. (Consistent with the underlying bill, all other previously available objective alternatives are repealed, and provision is made for locally determined courses/transition courses.)
Allows students in the graduating class of 2016 who, by the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, have met the state standard on the reading and writing assessments, mathematics end-of-course assessments (EOCs), or previously available objective alternative assessments to receive a certificate of academic achievement (CAA). (Underlying original bill included such a provision with respect to mathematics EOCs only.)
Provides that students may retake, and school districts must provide students an opportunity to retake, the assessments "at least once a year" rather than "once in his or her senior year."
Clarifies, with the inclusion of the word "must," that districts should prioritize enrolling students who must take and pass a locally determined course in order to earn a certificate of academic achievement (CAA) into transition courses. (Without the word "must," it seemed to require that the students take and pass the locally determined course before enrolling in the transition course.)
Encourages districts to include on the high school diploma a notation of "career and college ready high honors" if a student earns a level 3 or level 4 score on the English language arts or mathematics assessments, in addition to the already required notation on the transcript.
Strikes provisions of existing law that authorize the SBE to set the cut scores on the assessments for purposes of obtaining a certificate of academic achievement, but provides that the SBE shall identify the scores on the specified portions of the SAT and ACT that are equivalent to a level 3 or a level 4 on these assessments.
Requires, by January 1, 2018, that the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) study and report regarding the locally determined and transition courses, analyzing how they are aligned with the state's learning standards and determining whether the state has an adequate number of certificated teachers qualified to teach these courses.
Requires the OSPI, together with the Education Data Center, to issue an annual report beginning in 2018 regarding graduates' outcomes, disaggregated by which students earned a CAA by earning a level 3 or 4 on the assessments, which earned a CAA by earning equivalent scores on the SAT/ACT, which earned a CAA by taking transition courses, and which earned a CAA by means of another locally determined course.
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