2376-S AMH KRET BUNC 065
SHB 2376 - H AMD 873
By Representative Kretz
ADOPTED 02/25/2016
On page 12, line 20, increase the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2017 by $143,195
On page 12, line 24, correct the total.
On page 12, line 30, after "and" strike
"$462,000" and insert "(($462,000)) $605,195"
On page 12, line 34, after "initiative." Insert "Of the amounts provided in this subsection, $143,195 of the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2017 is provided solely for the expansion of the parents representation program into Okanogan county."
EFFECT: Increases funding for the Office of Public Defense to expand the Parents Representation Program into Okanogan County.
FISCAL IMPACT: Increases General Fund - State by $143,195.
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