2376-S AMH MACE BUNC 067
SHB 2376 - H AMD 856
By Representative MacEwen
NOT ADOPTED 02/25/2016
On page 45, line 20, increase the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2017 by $125,000
On page 45, line 35, correct the total.
On page 47, after line 20, insert the following:
"(10) $125,000 of the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2017 is provided solely for the military department to raise awareness within the state about the history and commissioning of the USS Washington. In designing the public awareness campaign, the department must partner with other public or private organizations with specific expertise on the USS Washington."
EFFECT: Provides general fund-state funding for the Military Department to increase public awareness about the history and commissioning of the USS Washington (SSN 787).
FISCAL IMPACT: Increases General Fund - State by $125,000.
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