2708-S AMH MCCA MURD 270
SHB 2708 - H AMD 740
By Representative McCaslin
NOT ADOPTED 02/17/2016
On page 1, line 13, after "town" insert ", except as provided otherwise in subsection (c) of this subsection,"
On page 2, line 8, after "(c)" insert the following:
"(i) The fire protection district established by the city or town legislative authority must be:
(A) Coextensive with the corporate boundaries of the city or town; or
(B) If a municipal airport is located in whole or in part within the corporate boundaries of the city or town and the governing body of the municipal airport has not approved inclusion of the municipal airport within the fire protection district, coextensive with the corporate boundaries of the city or town excluding any area containing the municipal airport. The boundaries of the proposed fire protection district may include land on which the municipal airport is located only if inclusion in the district is approved by a majority of the governing body of the municipal airport.
(ii) For purposes of this subsection, "municipal airport" means an airport owned or operated by a municipality, as defined in RCW 14.08.015, other than the city or town, for which the municipality provides fire protection or contracts with any private body or political subdivision of the state to furnish fire protection.
(d)(i) The resolution may authorize the fire protection district to establish an ambulance service to be operated by the district or operated by contract after a call for bids. However, the fire protection district may not provide for the establishment of an ambulance service that would compete with any existing private ambulance service, unless the district determines that the area served by the district, or a substantial portion of the area served by the district, is not adequately served by an existing private ambulance service.
(ii) In determining the adequacy of an existing private ambulance service, the fire protection district must take into consideration objective generally accepted medical standards and reasonable levels of service, which must be published by the district. If a fire protection district makes a preliminary conclusion that an existing private ambulance service is inadequate, the district must allow a minimum of sixty days for the private ambulance service to meet the generally accepted medical standards and accepted levels of service. If the fire protection district makes a second preliminary conclusion of inadequacy within a twenty-four-month period, the district may immediately issue a call for bids or establish its own ambulance service and is not required to afford the private ambulance service another sixty-day period to meet the generally accepted medical standards and reasonable levels of service.
(iii) A private ambulance service that is not licensed by the department of health, or has had its license denied, suspended, or revoked, is not entitled to a sixty-day period to demonstrate adequacy, and the district may immediately issue a call for bids or establish an ambulance service.
Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 2, beginning on line 34, strike all of subsection (d)
EFFECT: The amendment makes the following changes to the underlying substitute bill:
(1) Prohibits the inclusion of a municipal airport within a proposed fire protection district (district), unless the governing body of the municipality, as defined in the Revised Airports Act (chapter 14.08 RCW), agrees to the airport's inclusion. If the governing body of the municipality does not approve of inclusion within the district, the boundaries of the proposed fire protection district must be coextensive with the corporate boundaries of the city or town excluding any area containing the municipal airport.
(2) Allows the city or town legislative authority, with the approval of voters, to authorize the proposed fire protection district to establish a district ambulance service or an ambulance service operated by contract after a call for bids. However, the district may not provide for the establishment of an ambulance service that would compete with any existing private ambulance service, unless the district determines that the existing private ambulance service is inadequate. A process for determining adequacy is provided.
(3) Strikes a provision in the underlying bill that provides that nothing in chapter 52.02 RCW, relating to the formation of fire protection districts, is intended to impair or affect the formation or continued existence of municipal airport fire departments or other powers authorized in provisions of the Revised Airports Act, chapter 14.08 RCW.
(4) Makes technical changes. |
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