2745 AMH ORCU INGI 023


HB 2745 - H AMD 808

By Representative Orcutt

ADOPTED 02/17/2016

    On page 1, line 20, after "council" strike "or the legislative authority of King county if the Vashon/Maury Island community council is unable to appoint" and insert ". If the Vashon/Maury Island community council fails to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy within ninety days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the legislative authority of King County shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy"




    EFFECT:  Allows the legislative authority of King County to make an appointment to the Vashon Ferry Advisory Council if the Vashon/Maury Island Community Council fails to appoint a qualified person within ninety days of the occurrence of the vacancy, instead of allowing the legislative authority of King County to make an appointment only if the Vashon/Maury Island Community Council is unable to do so. 



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