2785-S AMH FITZ LIPS 328
SHB 2785 - H AMD 732
By Representative Fitzgibbon
ADOPTED 02/15/2016
On page 4, line 17, after "event" strike "that leaves a" and insert "beyond the control of a person that leave the person's"
On page 4, beginning on line 24, strike all of subsection (6)
On page 4, beginning on line 33, strike all of section 2
Correct the title.
EFFECT: Clarifies that intentional actions by a person that leave a home or business without heat do not qualify as emergency power outages that authorize a person to install, repair, or replace solid fuel burning devices. Eliminates the process for the awarding of reasonable expenses to a person whose use of a solid fuel burning device was unsuccessfully challenged. Restores the authority for the Department of Ecology and local air authorities to prohibit uncertified solid fuel burning device use in any area of the state that does not meet fine particulate matter air quality standards, rather than limiting this authority only to areas west of the Cascade Mountains. |
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