NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. "(1) The sex offender policy board must review and make findings and recommendations regarding the following:
(a) Disclosure to the public of information compiled and submitted for the purposes of sex offender and kidnapping offender registries that is currently held by public agencies, including the relationship between chapter
42.56 RCW and RCW
4.24.550; and
(b) Ability of registered sex offenders and kidnapping offenders to petition for review of their assigned risk level classification and whether such a review process should be conducted according to a uniform statewide standard.
(2) The sex offender policy board must report its findings and recommendations pursuant to this section to the governor and to the appropriate committees of the legislature on or before December 1, 2015.
(3) This section expires January 31, 2016."
EFFECT: (1) Requires the sex offender policy board to review and make findings and recommendations regarding the following:
(a) Public disclosure of sex and kidnapping offenders and the relationship between current laws on public disclosure; and
(b) Ability of registered sex and kidnapping offenders to have their risk level classification reviewed and whether there should be a uniform statewide policy for review.
(2) The sex offender policy board must report its findings and recommendations to the governor and appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2015.