Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. "
(1) The department of ecology, in consultation with clean air agencies, and in conjunction with the United States environmental protection agency's "Guidance on Removing Stage II Gasoline Vapor Control Programs from State Implementation Plans and Assessing Comparable Measures," published August 7, 2012, must analyze stage II gasoline vapor recovery system requirements under RCW 70.94.165. The department of ecology must cite all sources of peer-reviewed science and other sources of scientific information that it relied upon in the analysis.
(2) The analysis must include:
(a) An estimate of when stage II gasoline vapor control requirements will begin to increase emissions;
(b) Costs to businesses and time frames necessary to remove stage II gasoline vapor recovery systems;
(c) Impacts to areas required to meet United States environmental protection agency ozone standards and national ambient air quality standards;
(d) Identification of areas or regions with state implementation plans requiring approval by the United States environmental protection agency if state stage II gasoline vapor recovery system requirements are revised;
(e) The need for revisions to state implementation plans approved by the United States environmental protection agency, should state requirements change; and
(f) The applicability requirements of stage II gasoline vapor recovery systems.
(3) By December 1, 2015, the department of ecology must provide its analysis and recommendations to the legislature, in accordance with RCW
43.01.036. The recommendations must address: Assistance to businesses; cost-effective measures to ensure minimal increases in gas vapor emissions; assistance to clean air agencies required to revise state implementation plans; and necessary statutory revisions."
EFFECT: Requires the Department of Ecology to cite the sources of information, including peer-reviewed science, relied on for the analysis of Stage II gasoline vapor emission control technologies to be submitted to the Department of Ecology by December 1, 2015.