6194-S2.E AMH BERG H4745.1
E2SSB 6194 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-4714.2/16) 968By Representative Bergquist
NOT ADOPTED 03/09/2016
On page 18, beginning on line 17 of the amendment, strike all of subsection (1) and insert the following:
"(1) A maximum of ((forty public)) eight charter public schools may be established under this chapter((, over a five-year period. No more than eight charter schools may be established in any single year during the five-year period, except that if in any single year fewer than eight charter schools are established, then additional charter schools equal in number to the difference between the number established in that year and eight may be established in subsequent years during the five-year period)). A charter school eligible for establishment under this chapter: Must have been operating as an authorized charter school in Washington during the months of September, October, and November 2015; and may not have submitted an application or other expression of intent with a public agency to operate as a private school."
On page 19, line 12 of the amendment, after "the" strike "annual" and insert "((annual))"
On page 21, beginning on line 17 of the amendment, strike all of subsection (9)
Renumber the remaining subsection consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
EFFECT: (1) Reduces the maximum number of charter schools that may be established statewide from 40 to 8.
(2) Specifies that a charter school eligible for establishment: (a) Must have been operating as an authorized charter school in Washington during the months of September, October, and November 2015; and (b) may not have submitted an application or other expression of intent with a public agency to operate as a private school.
(3) Deletes provisions related to an annual establishment limit of charter schools.
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