1793-S AMS AWRD S2811.2
SHB 1793 -  S COMM AMD 
By Committee on Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1.  RCW 19.27.097 and 2010 c 271 s 302 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Each applicant for a building permit of a building necessitating potable water shall provide evidence of an adequate water supply for the intended use of the building. Evidence may be in the form of a water right permit from the department of ecology, a letter from an approved water purveyor stating the ability to provide water, or another form sufficient to verify the existence of an adequate water supply. In addition to other authorities, the county or city may impose conditions on building permits requiring connection to an existing public water system where the existing system is willing and able to provide safe and reliable potable water to the applicant with reasonable economy and efficiency. An application for a water right shall not be sufficient proof of an adequate water supply.
(2) Within counties not required or not choosing to plan pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040, the county and the state may mutually determine those areas in the county in which the requirements of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply. The departments of health and ecology shall coordinate on the implementation of this section. Should the county and the state fail to mutually determine those areas to be designated pursuant to this subsection, the county may petition the department of ((general administration)) enterprise services to mediate or, if necessary, make the determination.
(3) Buildings that do not need potable water facilities are exempt from the provisions of this section. The department of ecology, after consultation with local governments, may adopt rules to implement this section, which may recognize differences between high-growth and low-growth counties.
(4) When an applicant is unable to provide evidence of an adequate water supply under this section due to restrictions resulting from an in-stream flow rule, the department of ecology must inform the applicant about alternative water sources that may be used to provide sufficient evidence of an adequate water supply. The department of ecology may develop alternative water source information in cooperation with local governments administering the building permit application processes. For purposes of this section, "alternative water source" means a source or method of providing potable water for domestic purposes other than a single groundwater well or group A or B water system.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  (1) The department of ecology must coordinate with local governmental entities and utility districts to identify possible capital projects that may assist in providing alternative water sources for use in areas where in-stream flow rules are resulting in restrictions on the use of water, including water resource inventory areas 3 and 4. The department of ecology must report to the office of financial management, the house of representatives capital budget committee, and the senate ways and means committee by October 31, 2015, with recommendations for projects that are eligible for funding from the omnibus capital appropriations act that are identified through the implementation of this section.
(2) This section expires July 1, 2016."
SHB 1793 -  S COMM AMD 
By Committee on Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development
On page 1, line 6 of the title, after "waters;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 19.27.097; creating a new section; and providing an expiration date."
EFFECT: Requires the department of ecology to inform building permit applicants who are unable to provide evidence of an adequate water supply because of in-stream flow rule restrictions of alternative water sources sufficient to verify the existence of an adequate water supply; removes references to rainwater collection, mitigation options, trucking water, and Swinomish violations; removes a mandate to each county or city with jurisdiction over potentially affected property to adopt alternative water source local ordinances.
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