5077-S AMS HARG SUGA 017
SSB 5077 - S AMD 319
By Senator Hargrove
PULLED 04/02/2015
On page 50, line 4, increase the General Fund-State appropriation for FY 2016 by $6,879,000 and adjust the total accordingly.
On page 50, line 5, increase the General Fund-State appropriation for FY 2017 by $6,880,000 and adjust the total accordingly.
On page 50, line 27 strike "$69,653,000" and insert "$76,532,000"
On page 50, line 28 strike "$69,518,000" and insert "$76,498,000"
On page 50, strike everything from line 35 through "additional" on page 51, line 1, and insert "A".
EFFECT: Removes reduction of non-Medicaid funding provided to the Regional Support Networks, related to their collective operating reserves. FISCAL EFFECT: $13,759,000 General Fund-State
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