5077-S AMS HASE MCNA 075


SSB 5077 - S AMD 341

By Senators Hasegawa, Cleveland, Fraser, Conway, Keiser, Jayapal, Nelson, Habib, Darneille, Chase

NOT ADOPTED 04/02/2015

    On page 68, line 3, increase the General Fund--State (FY 2016) appropriation by $4,792,000.

    On page 68, line 4, increase the General Fund--State (FY 2017) appropriation by $4,792,000.

    Adjust the total appropriation accordingly.

    On page 70, line 20, after "to be" strike "no less than seventy-five percent and no more than".


    On page 115, line 1, increase the General Fund--State (FY 2016) appropriation by $800,000.

    On page 115, line 2, increase the General Fund--State (FY 2017) appropriation by $800,000.

    Adjust the total appropriation accordingly.

    On page 115, line 11, after "(1)" strike "$5,308,445" and insert "$6,108,445".

    On page 115, line 12, after "and" strike "$5,302,905" and insert "$6,102,905".




    EFFECT:  Increases the state Food Assistance Program benefit from 75 percent of the federal food benefit level to 100 percent of the federal food benefit level beginning July 1, 2015. Increases a FAP client's monthly benefit from $109 per household to $145.33 per household. An estimated 10,991 households will receive this benefit in 2016 and 2017.

         Increases funding for the Department of Agriculture's emergency food assistance program.


    FISCAL IMPACT:  $9,584,000 GF-S for the state Food Assistance Program benefit.  $1.6 million GF-S for Dept. of Ag's EFAP

Total GF-S: $11.184 million 



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