NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. "(1) A task force is established to study all spirits taxes and fees as provided in this section. The task force must review and make recommendations on the development of a comprehensive tax and fee structure for the state in consideration of the laws enacted by Initiative Measure No. 1183.
(2) The task force must consist of a total of eight members, appointed as follows:
(a) The president of the senate must appoint two members from each of the two largest caucuses of the senate;
(b) The speaker of the house of representatives must appoint two members from each of the two largest caucuses of the house of representatives.
(3) Staff support for the task force must be provided by senate committee services and the house of representatives office of program research.
(4) By December 1, 2015, and in compliance with RCW
43.01.036, the task force must submit a report to the legislature that details its findings and recommendations under this section to the appropriate legislative committees."
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "Relating to" strike the remainder of the title and insert "creating a task force to study the development of a comprehensive spirits tax and fee structure; and creating a new section."