6089 AMS FROC NEED 101
SB 6089 - S AMD TO S-2915.3 366
By Senators Frockt, Keiser
WITHDRAWN 04/03/2015
On page 1, line 27, strike
"((, and premium taxes under RCW 48.14.0201(5)(b) and 48.14.020(2)))"
and insert the following:
", and premium taxes under RCW 48.14.0201(5)(b) and 48.14.020(2) prior to July 1, 2017".
On page 3, line 8, strike "2016", and replace with "2017".
On page 3, line 11, strike "2016", and replace with "2017".
On page 3, line 34, strike "((Assessments of
issuers may be made only if the amount of expected premium taxes, as provided
under RCW 48.14.0201(5)(b) and 48.14.020(2), and other funds deposited in the health
benefit exchange account in the current calendar year are insufficient to fund
exchange operations in the following calendar year))", and replace
with "Assessments of issuers may be made only if the amount of expected
premium taxes, as provided under RCW 48.14.0201(5)(b) and 48.14.020(2), and
other funds deposited in the health benefit exchange account in the current
calendar year are insufficient to fund exchange operations in the following
calendar year".
On page 6, line 29, strike "2015", and replace with "2017".
On page 9, line 3, strike "2015", and replace with "2017".
On page 12, line 4 strike all of the section.
EFFECT: · Restores premium tax revenue to the Health Benefit Exchange through June 30, 2017 · Removes the emergency clause
--- END ---