Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Commerce & Gaming Committee

HB 1004

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Clarifying provisions that allow for the tasting of alcohol by students under twenty-one years of age.

Sponsors: Representatives Springer, Manweller, Moeller, Walsh, Blake, Buys, Reykdal, Wilcox, Condotta, Fey, Gregerson and Sawyer.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Adds regional and state universities to the list of educational institutions eligible to receive a special permit from the Liquor Control Board authorizing the tasting of alcoholic beverages by underage students enrolled in specified culinary or alcoholic beverage technology classes.

  • Adds sommelier, wine business, enology, and viticulture degree programs to the types of degree programs eligible for the special permit authorizing the tasting of alcoholic beverages by underage students.

Hearing Date: 1/12/15

Staff: Thamas Osborn (786-7129).


The Liquor Control Board (LCB) is authorized to issue a special permit to a community or technical college to allow certain students to lawfully taste alcohol provided they are at least 18 years old, yet still under age 21, and enrolled in a class that is part of a culinary, wine technology, beer technology, or spirituous technology-related degree program. The issuance of the permit requires that the following criteria be met:

The LCB is required to waive any permit fees that might otherwise be applicable.

Viticulture and enology are the two disciplines of wine production. Viticulture is the science, production, and study of grapes and their culture. Enology is the science and study of all aspects of wine and winemaking except vine-growing and grape-harvesting. Viticulture and enology degree programs generally offer students the opportunity to study and research wine-grape growing and winemaking. The term "sommelier" is generally used to describe a restaurant employee who has extensive knowledge regarding wines and who orders and maintains the wines sold in the restaurant.

Summary of Bill:

The range of educational institutions that may receive the special permit from the LCB allowing the tasting of alcohol by underage students enrolled in specified culinary or alcoholic beverage technology classes is expanded to include regional and state universities. In addition, the types of degree programs eligible for the special alcohol tasting permit is expanded to include sommelier, wine business, enology, and viticulture degree programs.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Available.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.