Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Judiciary Committee

HB 1817

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Title: An act relating to liability immunity for local jurisdictions when wheeled all-terrain vehicles are operated on public roadways.

Brief Description: Providing liability immunity for local jurisdictions when wheeled all-terrain vehicles are operated on public roadways.

Sponsors: Representatives Shea, Taylor, Holy, Scott, Griffey, Reykdal and Condotta.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Provides that the release required for a person who operates a wheeled all-terrain vehicle on a public roadway releases the state, counties, cities, and towns from any liability.

  • Provides that the release of liability must be on a form supplied by the Department of Licensing.

Hearing Date: 2/18/15

Staff: Brent Campbell (786-7152).


Wheeled All-Terrain Vehicles.

In 2013 the Legislature established a new classification of vehicles known as wheeled all-terrain vehicles (WATVs). These are motorized non-highway vehicles and utility vehicles that meet certain height, width, weight, and wheel requirements.

Authorized and Prohibited Uses.

The WATV designation allows off-road and, in certain circumstances, on-road use. A person may operate a WATV on any public roadway, not including nonhighway roads and trails, with a speed of 35 miles or less subject to certain restrictions. A person may not operate a WATV on a state highway and may not cross a public roadway with a speed in excess of 35 miles an hour. A person also may not operate a WATV within the boundaries of a county with a population of 15,000 or more unless the county by ordinance has approved the operation of WATVs on roadways. A person is further prohibited from operating a WATV within the boundary of a city or town unless the city or town has approved operation of WATVs.

Operational Requirements.

In order to operate a WATV off road, a person must:

In addition to the above requirements, a person may also operate a WATV on certain public roads if:

Declaration Requirements.

In addition to equipment and registration requirements, a person who operates a WATV on a public roadway must provide a declaration that includes the following:

Summary of Bill:

A person who operates an WATV on any public roadway, not including nonhighway roads and trails, is subject to the statutorily authorized and prohibited uses for WATVs.

A person who operates an WATV on a public roadway must provide a release of liability on a form supplied by the DOL. This release must be signed by the owner of the WATV and be verified by the DOL, county auditor or other agent appointed by the director of the DOL to release the state, counties, cities, and towns from any liability.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.