EHB 2190

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 148 L 15

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Authorizing the electronic submission of vessel reports of sale.

Sponsors: Representatives Harmsworth, Moscoso, Orcutt, Clibborn, Wilson, Condotta, Kretz, Rodne, Dunshee and Pike.

House Committee on Transportation

Senate Committee on Transportation


The owner of a vessel must notify the Department of Licensing (DOL) within five business days of the date when he or she sells or otherwise disposes of a vessel. In order for a report of sale to be considered properly filed it must include the date of the sale or transfer, the name and address of the owner and the person acquiring the vessel, the vessel hull identification number and vessel registration number, and a date stamp by the DOL showing it was received on or before the fifth business day after the date of sale or transfer.

A report of sale does not transfer ownership, but may protect the seller from civil liability if the person acquiring the vessel does not complete the transfer of ownership. The DOL only accepts vessel reports of sale via a paper form that must be completed, printed, signed, and mailed to the DOL. The DOL accepts vehicle reports of sale electronically.


The DOL is required to provide or approve reports of sale forms, provide a system enabling vessel owners to submit reports of sale electronically, immediately update the DOL's vessel record when a report of sale has been filed, provide instructions to sellers on releasing their interest in a vessel, and send a quarterly report to the Department of Revenue that lists vessels for which a report of sale has been received; but no transfer of ownership has taken place.

Votes on Final Passage:








January 1, 2017