Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



State Government Committee

SSB 5081

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Increasing transparency of state government expenditures related to state employees, state vendors and other public entities.

Sponsors: Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Miloscia, Hill, Bailey, Becker and Dammeier).

Brief Summary of Substitute Bill

  • Requires that information regarding collective bargaining agreements, leased facilities, procurement, and employee compensation be posted on websites accessible to the public.

Hearing Date: 3/11/15

Staff: Marsha Reilly (786-7135).


Collective Bargaining.

The Office of Financial Management (OFM) is the Governor's designee for negotiating collective bargaining agreements between public employers and the exclusive bargaining representatives of employees under the Personnel System Reform Act (PSRA), the Public Employee's Collective Bargaining Act (PECBA), ferry employees, and home-care providers considered public employees for purposes of bargaining.

Leased Facilities.

The OFM maintains an inventory system to account for all owned or leased facilities used by state government. Information required for the inventory system includes the facility owner and the location, type, condition, and size of each facility. The date and cost of original construction and major remodeling or renovation also must be included.


The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is responsible for setting policy, standards, and procedures for procurement of goods and services by all state agencies. Generally, contracts for purchases of goods and services are based on a competitive solicitation process, with some exceptions, such as emergency contracts, sole source contracts, and performance-based contracts. Competitive solicitations may include electronic or web-based solicitations, bids, and signatures.

All contract opportunities must be posted on the State's enterprise vendor registration and bid notification system, as well as the name of each bidder and an indication of the successful bidder. Agencies are required to submit a list of all their contracts and renewals to the DES, and the DES is required to maintain a list of these contracts. The DES website includes a list of all state contracts, including any extensions, renewals, and contract changes.

Sole source contracts must be approved by the DES before any services are performed or goods provided. State law requires that sole source contracts must be available for public inspection at least 10 days prior to the proposed starting date.

Agencies are encouraged to enter into performance-based contracts. Performance-based contracts stipulate expected deliverables and performance measures or outcomes and may include consequences or incentives to ensure value to the state. Payment under such contracts should be contingent on the contractor achieving the performance outcomes.

The Director of the DES has the authority to debar any contractor based on a number of causes, including conviction of a criminal offense, a violation of contract provisions, or failure to perform the terms of one or more contracts.

Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program.

The Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program (LEAP) Committee was established in 1977 to be the Legislature's independent source of information and technology. The LEAP Committee provides fiscal information and technology for developing budgets, communicating budget decisions, and tracking revenue, expenditure, and staffing activity.

Employee Compensation.

The Director of the OFM (Director) has oversight of personnel administration of civil service rules and has the authority to adopt rules regarding such things as probationary periods, transfers, promotional preference, and layoffs. Rules adopted by the Director may be superseded by the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement, but will affect only those employees in that bargaining agreement. The Washington Management Service (WMS) was established in 1993 as a separate personnel system for civil service managers within the executive branch of state government. Its purpose is to develop and maintain a professional managerial workforce, and to provide agencies increased flexibility for their management positions in the areas of hiring and setting compensation.

State agencies are required to report annually on the number of classified, WMS, and exempt employees in the agency, including any changes compared to the previous year's report; the number of bonuses and performance-based incentives awarded to agency staff; and the cost of each bonus or incentive awarded. A compilation of the data for each agency must be provided annually to the Governor and posted on the Department's website.

Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises.

The Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE) certifies businesses owned and controlled by minorities, women, and socially and economically disadvantaged persons for participation in several public works and procurement programs. State agencies and educational institutions are required to adopt a plan, in consultation with the OMWBE, to insure that minority and women-owned businesses have an opportunity to participate in procurement and public works contracts. Each year, the OMWBE notifies the Governor, the State Auditor, and the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee of the agencies and educational institutions who are not in compliance with the provisions of the chapter on minority and women's business enterprises.

Summary of Bill:

Collective Bargaining.

The OFM is required to post on its website collective bargaining agreements for employees under the PSRA and the PECBA, ferry employees, and home-care providers. A summary of each agreement must be included that contains the following information:

The website must be updated within 60 days of implementation of any agreement or revisions to an agreement. By January 1, 2016, the information contained in the summary of collective bargaining agreements must be incorporated into the state expenditure information website maintained by the LEAP Committee.

Leased Facilities.

By January 1, 2016, the inventory of owned and leased facilities used by state government must be incorporated into the state expenditure information website maintained by the LEAP Committee.


No later than January 1, 2016, the DES must maintain a website, accessible to the public, that contains a listing of sole source contracts, current contract opportunities on the state's enterprise vendor registration and bid notification system, debarred contractors, a listing of all contracts entered into by agencies during each fiscal year, and performance-based contracts.

Agencies are required to submit to the DES a list of performance-based incentives, bonuses, or awards paid under performance-based contracts. For purposes of posting performance-based contracts on the website, the following information is required: the name of the contracting agency; the name of the contractor; the purpose of the contract; the effective dates and periods of performance; a description of the performance incentive, bonus, or award clause; and the amount paid.

Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program.

By January 1, 2016, in collaboration with the DES, the LEAP Committee must establish and make available to the public a state contracting information website that directs the public to existing databases and websites of:

Employee Compensation.

The annual report submitted by state agencies on the number of classified, WMS, and exempt employees in the agency, including any changes compared to the previous year's report; the number of bonuses and performance-based incentives awarded to agency staff; and the cost of each bonus or incentive awarded must be incorporated into the state expenditure information website maintained by the LEAP Committee.

The OFM must prepare summaries of compensation and fringe benefits provided to non-represented employees of executive branch agencies, excluding institutions of higher education. Separate summaries must be prepared for WMS employees and for employees exempt from civil service, and must include generally the same information required in the summaries for collective bargaining agreements. The summaries must be posted on the OFM's website within 60 days of the beginning of each fiscal biennium and updated whenever changes occur.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.