By Senators Kohl-Welles, Cleveland, Hobbs, Hatfield, Mullet, Keiser, McCoy, Nelson, Hargrove, Ranker, Hasegawa, Fraser, Chase, Conway, Darneille, Jayapal, McAuliffe, Pedersen, and Sheldon
WHEREAS, Bryce Seidl served the city of Vancouver as councilmember from 1978 to 1983 and as mayor from 1984 to 1987, his tenure best remembered for the major work he did in Vancouver's economic advancement and its arts and cultural development, particularly by transforming the city's historic core with the acquisition and upgrade of Officers Row and attracting the very exclusive Nihonga Exhibit of Japanese art which showed in London, Paris, Stockholm, Barcelona, Boston. . . and Vancouver; and
WHEREAS, He has served the public in a wide variety of community service, arts, professional, and educational leadership positions, a long list that includes the Simpson Timber and Paper companies, Fisher Mills, the Rainier Club, the Columbia River Economic Development Council, Pilchuck Glass School, YMCA Campaign for Kids, People for Puget Sound, and the Association of Science-Technology Centers; and
WHEREAS, Bryce served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Pacific Science Center for over a decade, and achievements under his direction include establishment of the stunningly impactful teen youth program Discovery Corps, building of the Mercer Slough Environmental Center as a joint venture with the City of Bellevue and its award-winning environmental education programs and its Polliwog Preschool, creation of the Discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition, presentation of the King Tut exhibit, restoration of much of the campus including the PACCAR IMAX theater, growth of the nationally recognized LASER program for science education reform, and operation of the nation's largest science education outreach program that reaches all 39 counties of our State every year; and
WHEREAS, The city of Vancouver, the Pacific Science Center, and Washington State are better places as a result of his career and dedication;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Washington State Senate express their gratitude for Bryce Seidl's leadership and exceptional contributions to the city of Vancouver, the Pacific Science Center, and the greater community of Washington State.
I, Hunter G. Goodman, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8654,
adopted by the Senate
March 31, 2015
Secretary of the Senate