May 11, 2015

To the Honorable Speaker and Members,
The House of Representatives of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am returning herewith, without my approval as to Section 1, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1980 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to implementing recommendations of the sunshine committee."

Guardian Ad Litems undergo a rigorous evaluation of their backgrounds and qualifications, which include background checks that are required by law. There is no need for this information to be distributed to parties. I believe that enactment of this law would have a chilling effect on GAL programs and their ability to recruit volunteers if this information were shared with parties in dependency actions.

For these reasons I have vetoed Section 1 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1980.

With the exception of Section 1, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1980 is approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Jay Inslee