SB 6179-S - DIGEST |
Requires the department of ecology to: (1) Include, in the information maintained on its web site, a schedule or table for each water bank that shows: (a) The amount charged for mitigation, including any fees; (b) if applicable, the priority date of the water rights made available for mitigation; (c) the amount of water made available for mitigation; (d) if applicable, any geographic areas in the state where the department may issue permits or other approvals to use the water rights associated with the water bank as mitigation; (e) the processes used by the water bank to obtain approval from the department, or other applicable governmental agency, to use the water rights as mitigation for new water uses; and (f) the nature of the ownership interest of the water right available to be conveyed to the landowner and whether the ownership interest will be recorded on the title; and |
(2) Update the schedule or table on a quarterly basis, using information provided to it by the operator of each water bank. |