64th Legislature - 2016 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 9, 2016 - Tuesday 30th Day 2016 Regular Session
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
SHB 1037 f Child support APP DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)33 RUL
HB 1130 f Water power license fees GGIT DPS(ENVI)5 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1290 f Winery tasting rooms GGIT DPS6 RUL
HB 1351 f Nat. guard/hunting license GGIT DPS(AGNR-A GGIT)7 RUL
HB 1441 f Dental services for tribes APP DPS20 DNP11 w/oRec1 RUL
ESHB 1448 f Suicide threats, response to APP DP2S(JUDI)32 DNP1 RUL
HB 1499 f Vulnerable adults GGIT DP3S(PS)7 RUL
HB 1581 f 30 dollar vehicle lic. fee TR DPS22 w/oRec2 DNP1 RUL
HB 1605 f Fire protection/benefit chrg FIN DP2S(w/o sub LG)9 w/oRec4 DNP2 RUL
EHB 1632 f Domestic violence GGIT DPS(PS)7 RUL
ESHB 1713 f Mental hlth, chem dependency APP DP3S(w/o sub JUDI)26 DNP5 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 1915 f Government contracting APP DPS21 DNP10 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1949 Higher ed student protection APP DPS(HE)18 DNP9 w/oRec6 RUL
HB 1983 f Teacher financial assistance APP DP2S(w/o sub ED)22 DNP9 w/oRec2 RUL
2SHB 1999 f Foster youth edu outcomes APP DP4S(w/o sub ELHS)28 DNP3 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2029 Public trans benefit areas TR DPS14 DNP11 RUL
HB 2076 f Racial disproportionality GGIT DPS(SG)5 w/oRec1 DNP0 RUL
HB 2146 Public works requirements CB DP2S8 RUL
HB 2148 f State auditor GGIT DPS6 w/oRec1 DNP0 RUL
HB 2182 f Fishing & seafood processing FIN DP2S(w/o sub TED)11 w/oRec3 DNP1 RUL
HB 2252 f St capital historical museum GGIT DPS7 RUL
HB 2262 f Tennis special licnse plates TR DP24 DNP1 RUL
HB 2280 f Felony DUI as class B felony GGIT DP7 RUL
HB 2287 f Disability/emergency scene APP DPS(JUDI)30 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2321 f Fire authority formation FIN DP12 w/oRec2 DNP1 RUL
HB 2340 f State health insurance pool APP DPS(HCW)33 RUL
HB 2341 f DNA biological samples GGIT DP2S(w/o sub PS)6 RUL
HB 2346 f Renewable energy promotion APP DP2S(w/o sub TED)27 DNP5 RUL
HB 2364 f Marijuana business licensing GGIT DP2S(w/o sub COG)6 RUL
HB 2375 f Cybercrime GGIT DP2S(w/o sub PS)7 RUL
HB 2378 f Caseload forecast council APP DPS29 DNP4 RUL
HB 2388 f Theatrical wrestling GGIT DP6 RUL
HB 2394 f Parent to parent program APP DP30 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2429 f Student assessment results APP DPS32 RUL
HB 2432 f Substance abuse monitoring APP DP31 DNP1 RUL
HB 2436 f Permanent ballot drop boxes GGIT DPS4 DNP2 RUL
HB 2439 f Youth mental health services APP DP2S(w/o sub ELHS)26 DNP4 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2449 f Truancy reduction APP DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)29 DNP2 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2452 f Medical licensure compact APP DPS(HCW)25 DNP6 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2486 f Environmental statutes GGIT DPS(ENVI)4 DNP2 RUL
HB 2496 f Military members/pro bono GGIT DPS(JUDI)6 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2506 f Electric facilities reg plan GGIT DPS(TED)5 DNP2 RUL
HB 2518 f Intergenerational poverty APP DPS(ELHS)18 DNP12 w/oRec3 RUL
HB 2519 Nuisance abatement costs FIN DPS(LG)12 w/oRec2 DNP1 RUL
HB 2526 f State resident qualification GGIT DP6 RUL
HB 2527 f On-site sewage systems APP DPS(ENVI)24 DNP7 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2530 f Victims of sex crimes APP DP2S(w/o sub PS)27 DNP3 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2540 f Annual tax surveys & reports FIN DPS15 RUL
HB 2545 f Flame retardant chemicals APP DPS(HCW)23 DNP7 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2565 f Local sales & use tx changes FIN DP15 RUL
HB 2573 f Teacher shortage APP DP2S(w/o sub ED)24 DNP7 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2574 f Distracted driving incidents TR DPS13 DNP12 APP
HB 2575 f Oil transportation safety GGIT DPS(ENVI)5 DNP1 RUL
HB 2576 f Local agency public records GGIT DP2S(w/o sub LG)4 DNP3 RUL
HB 2583 f Local creative districts GGIT DPS(CDHT)6 RUL
HB 2615 f CTC faculty & staff benefits APP DPS(HE)17 DNP14 RUL
HB 2619 f Postsecondary education APP DP28 DNP4 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2651 f Vehicle maximum gross weight TR DP25 RUL
HB 2652 f Health care declarations APP DP2S(w/o sub TR)26 DNP6 RUL
HB 2655 f Crowdfunding donation taxes FIN DPS13 DNP2 RUL
HB 2659 f Traffic fines consolidation GGIT DP7 RUL
HB 2667 f Parks & rec. commission CB DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)8 RUL
HB 2674 f Dispute resolution fees GGIT DPS(JUDI)4 DNP2 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2679 f Life sciences research APP DP20 DNP11 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2681 f Pharmacists/contraceptives APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)25 DNP6 RUL
HB 2682 $f Automatic voter registration APP DPS20 DNP9 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2695 f Historic public rec. access GGIT DPS(AGNR)7 RUL
HB 2700 f Impaired driving TR DPS(PS)23 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2716 Working connect. child care APP DPS(ELHS)21 DNP8 w/oRec3 RUL
HB 2726 f Retirement communities APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)31 DNP1 RUL
HB 2730 f Rx drug monitoring program APP DPS(HCW)29 DNP3 RUL
HB 2745 Ferry committee appointments TR DP23 RUL
HB 2746 Juvenile offender treatment APP DPS(ELHS)25 DNP5 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2758 f Public trans. benefit areas TR DP22 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2759 f Disabled veterans & seniors FIN DPS9 DNP3 w/oRec3 RUL
HB 2767 f Center-based services APP DPS(ELHS)30 w/oRec2 DNP1 RUL
HB 2768 f Dental plan taxes & charges FIN DP13 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2769 f CTC bachelor degrees pilot APP DP2S(w/o sub HE)19 DNP11 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2770 f Driver training uniformity TR DP23 RUL
HB 2778 f Clean alt. fuel vehicles TR DPS21 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2783 f Tribal member/vehicle sale FIN DPS15 RUL
HB 2791 f WA statewide reentry council APP DP2S(w/o sub PS)25 DNP5 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2793 f Suicide education FIN DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)9 DNP3 w/oRec3 RUL
HB 2795 f Adapted housing/veterans FIN DPS14 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2799 f Mobile home communities FIN DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)8 w/oRec4 DNP3 RUL
HB 2801 f Higher education opportunity APP DP22 DNP9 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2807 f Heavy haul industr corridors TR DP23 RUL
HB 2815 f Regional transp. plan. orgs. TR DP22 DNP1 RUL
HB 2823 f School violence reports APP DP2S(w/o sub ED)28 DNP1 RUL
HB 2839 f Airplane repair taxes FIN DPS11 w/oRec4 APP
HB 2841 f State building code council GGIT DPS(LG)7 RUL
HB 2842 f State-owned land/private dev FIN DP15 RUL
HB 2844 f Responsible bidder criteria APP DP17 DNP14 RUL
HB 2853 f Election admin. cert. reqs. GGIT DPS(SG)6 DNP1 RUL
HB 2863 f Drinking water supply projs. CB DP5 DNP3 RUL
HB 2872 f WSP recruitment & retention TR DPS21 DNP4 APP
HB 2874 f TANF income eligibility APP DPS19 DNP12 RUL
HB 2875 f Office of data privacy, etc. GGIT DPS(TED)6 RUL
HB 2876 f Deed of trust foreclosure APP DPS(JUDI)31 RUL
HB 2877 f SNAP benefit dist. dates APP DP2S(w/o sub ELHS)33 RUL
HB 2884 f Alt. fuel comm. vehicles FIN DPS(TR)15 RUL
HB 2892 f Electric fuel mix info. GGIT DP7 RUL
HB 2895 f Alien victims of crime APP DPS(PS)29 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2917 f Commercial janitor injuries APP DP17 DNP14 RUL
HB 2933 f Small works rosters CB DP2S(w/o sub TED)8 RUL
HB 2936 Public investments APP DPS31 RUL
HB 2938 f WA trade conventions/taxes FIN DPS14 DNP1 RUL
HB 2943 Obsolete provisions/commerce CB DPS8 APP
HB 2955 f Free to finish college prog. APP DP2S(w/o sub HE)22 DNP9 RUL
HB 2956 Technology in transportation TR DPS25 RUL
HB 2959 f Business tax & licenses FIN DP15 RUL
HB 2964 f Reduced-price lunch copays APP DPS17 DNP13 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2968 Kindergarten, K-3 class size CB DP8 RUL
HB 2971 f Real estate/local government FIN DP15 RUL
HB 2973 f Transportation performance TR DPS25 RUL
HB 2976 f Clarke-McNary account trans. APP DP31 RUL
HJM 4010 f WP Stewart mem highway/SR-99 TR DP17 DNP5 w/oRec3 RUL
SB 5180 f Life insurance reserve req's BFS DP10 RUL