64th Legislature - 2016 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1018 Breed-based dog regulations Appleton,Gregerson JUDI DPS8 DNP3 w/oRec2
HB 1034 Surname changes when married Moeller,Appleton JUDI DPS10 DNP3
HB 1039 f Voting, signature stamp for Hunt, S.,Johnson SG DPS7
HB 1054 Collection agency fees Stanford,Gregerson BFS DPS9 DNP2
2SHB 1118 f Fish & wildlife cost savings GGIT(Blake) AGNR DP3S11
HB 1164 f Student nutrition/grant prog Riccelli,DeBolt CB DP9
HB 1177 Service contracts regulation Kirby,Jinkins JUDI DP13
HB 1234 f Building permit fees Senn GGIT DPS4 DNP3
HB 1267 Irrigation/water right chngs Buys AGNR DP10 DNP3
HB 1275 f Osteopath med & surgery brd Cody,Haler HCW DP12 DNP2
HB 1312 f Bail forfeiture exoneration Goodman,Moscoso PS DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 1321 Health coverage/WA residents Robinson,Ryu HCW DP8 DNP7
HB 1323 f Advisory votes, repealing Reykdal,Sawyer SG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1336 f Security guard backgrnd chks Kirby,Hayes BFS DP8 DNP3
HB 1352 f Hydroelectric generation Nealey,Wylie TED DP10 DNP3
HB 1353 f Good samaritan/disease tests Robinson,Riccelli HCW DPS15
HB 1457 Liquor handling by employees Springer,Vick COG DP7 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1464 f Public water syst assistance Hudgins,MacEwen CB DP9
HB 1514 f Dental office support Jinkins,Manweller HCW DPS10 DNP1 w/oRec4
HB 1525 f Beverage containers Caldier,Buys ENVI DPS8 w/oRec3
HB 1539 f Hardship property tx waivers Moeller,Wylie FIN DPS15 w/oRec1
HB 1549 f PUD privilege tax Carlyle FIN DP15
SHB 1562 f Allergen info in pub schools ED (Sullivan) ED DP2S11 DNP10
HB 1581 f 30 dollar vehicle lic. fee Fey,Rodne TR DPS22 DNP1 w/oRec2
HB 1585 f Surplus trans. property Young,Shea TR DPS23
HB 1611 f Industrial insurance Reykdal,Dunshee LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 1612 f Workers' compensation Robinson,Reykdal LAWS DP4 DNP3
HB 1613 f Injured workers w/disability Pollet,Haler LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 1656 f Property assessment appeals Takko,Springer LG DP5 DNP4
HB 1657 f Property assessment appeals Takko,Springer LG DP5 DNP4
HB 1684 f Public records, charges for Takko,Nealey APP DPS(SG)18 DNP14 w/oRec1
HB 1711 Public works contractors Senn,Condotta CB DP5 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1723 Jail booking photos, public Hayes,Hurst PS DPS8 DNP1
ESHB 1762 f Health insurer and provider HCW(Riccelli) HCW DPS12 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1794 f Infants, toddlers/disability Sawyer,Walsh ELHS DP8 DNP2
HB 1798 Anticipated tax, assessments Takko,Griffey LG DP9
HB 1837 f Border areas, fuel tax Morris,Lytton TR DP13 DNP11
HB 1838 f Black bears, baiting of MacEwen AGNR DPS10 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1885 f Property crimes, impacts of Klippert,Hudgins APP DP2S(w/o sub PS)18 DNP13 w/oRec2
HB 1922 f Small loans Springer,Lytton GGIT DP2S(w/o sub BFS)6 DNP1
HB 1926 Noncompetition agreements Stanford,Sells LAWS DP4 DNP3
HB 1929 f Electric vehicle readiness Fitzgibbon,Stanford LG DPS5 DNP4
HB 1954 Columbia gorge com tsk force Pike AGNR DP7 DNP5
HB 1997 Community facilities distrct Tharinger,Tarleton CDHT DP7
HB 2025 f Human remains sale & display Appleton PS DPS9
HB 2029 Public trans benefit areas Fey,Jinkins TR DPS14 DNP11
HB 2076 f Racial disproportionality Sawyer,Pollet GGIT DPS(SG)5 w/oRec1
HB 2097 f Ltd jurisdiction courts/fees Kirby,Rodne JUDI DP10 DNP1 w/oRec2
HB 2129 f State contracting & bonding Santos SG DP4 w/oRec3
HB 2146 Public works requirements Kilduff,Smith CB DP2S8
HB 2252 f St capital historical museum Hudgins,Wilcox GGIT DPS7
HB 2299 f Lobbying reports, electronic Moeller,Stanford SG DPS6
HB 2305 Storage/personal property Ryu,Vick BFS DP10
HB 2314 f Motor vehicle air bags Goodman,Hayes PS DPS9
HB 2316 f Securities act of WA Kirby,Stanford BFS DPS10
HB 2339 f Residential treatment Moeller,Appleton HCW DPS13
HB 2344 County ferry districts Morris,Lytton TR DPS18 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 2348 Local fireworks ordinances Hawkins,Gregerson LG DPS5 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 2353 OPMA civil penalties Hunt, S.,Stokesbary SG DP4 DNP3
HB 2358 Water-sewer districts Kochmar,Gregerson LG DP9
HB 2365 f Marijuana merchandise Wylie,Hurst COG DP8 DNP1
HB 2369 f Liquor enforcement officers Hurst PS DP5 DNP4
HB 2378 f Caseload forecast council Stanford,Chandler APP DPS29 DNP4
HB 2380 Supplemental capital budget Tharinger,DeBolt CB DPS9
HB 2387 f Flamethrowing devices Hunt, S. PS DPS6 DNP3
HB 2389 School-age child care Kagi,Walsh ELHS DP9 w/oRec1
HB 2414 f Bistate bridge project group Wylie,Pike TR DPS24
HB 2426 f Rural library trustee appt. Fitzgibbon,Stokesbary LG DPS8 DNP1
HB 2437 Legislators/election year Hudgins,Hunt, S. SG DP7
HB 2446 Fish & wildlife work groups Rossetti,Orcutt AGNR DP9 DNP2
HB 2447 f Emergency healthcare billing Cody,Robinson HCW DPS13 DNP2
HB 2453 f State hospital oversight Jinkins,Rodne APP DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)33
HB 2480 Natural res agencies/fed gov Blake,Buys AGNR DPS12
HB 2486 f Environmental statutes Fitzgibbon,Tharinger GGIT DPS(ENVI)4 DNP2
HB 2505 f Payroll cards Hunt, G.,Kirby BFS DPS9 DNP1
HB 2506 f Electric facilities reg plan Young,Tarleton GGIT DPS(TED)5 DNP2
HB 2509 f Wildlife and recreation prg. Tharinger,DeBolt CB DPS9
HB 2510 Existing county statutes Appleton,Griffey LG DP8 DNP1
HB 2527 f On-site sewage systems Peterson,Goodman APP DPS(ENVI)24 DNP7 w/oRec2
HB 2528 f Economic dev. committees Tarleton,Smith TED DP12
HB 2532 f Access to library services Kilduff,Muri LG DPS6 DNP3
HB 2533 f Child sex exploit./fees Kilduff,Caldier PS DP9
HB 2558 Jail standards task force Goodman,Klippert PS DPS9
HB 2567 f Transport. drafting error Clibborn TR DP21 DNP3
HB 2590 f County road admin. & maint. Moscoso,Rodne LG DPS6 DNP3
HB 2618 Port district workers Tarleton,Zeiger HE DP10 DNP1 w/oRec2
HB 2620 f Energy site eval. council Tarleton,Smith TED DP13
HB 2636 f Secondary fish receivers Walkinshaw,Blake AGNR DP11
HB 2645 f Eliminating accounts Hudgins,Robinson APP DPS29 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 2655 f Crowdfunding donation taxes Stokesbary,Vick FIN DPS13 DNP2
HB 2667 f Parks & rec. commission Farrell,Holy CB DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)8
HB 2668 f Trafficking victims/vacating Orwall,Goodman PS DP8 DNP1
HB 2673 Judgment lien recording cost Sawyer,Shea JUDI DP13
HB 2695 f Historic public rec. access Blake,Rossetti GGIT DPS(AGNR)7
HB 2697 f Campaign finance reporting Hunt, S. SG DP6 w/oRec1
HB 2699 Ticket sale interference Young,Van De Wege TED DP11 DNP1
HB 2704 f Supervision of offenders Klippert,Hayes PS DP7 DNP2
HB 2718 f Consumer protection/military Kilduff,McCabe CDHT DPS7
HB 2732 Fire district annexations Peterson,Stokesbary SG DP4 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 2736 f Governor appointments/gender Frame,Moscoso SG DP4 DNP3
HB 2759 f Disabled veterans & seniors Wylie,Hunt, S. FIN DPS9 DNP3 w/oRec3
HB 2795 f Adapted housing/veterans Kirby,Muri FIN DPS14 w/oRec1
HB 2801 f Higher education opportunity Hansen,Haler APP DP22 DNP9 w/oRec2
HB 2826 f Energy strategy document DeBolt,Morris TED DPS13
HB 2835 f Dementia public info. system Tharinger,Cody HCW DPS15
HB 2837 School class size task force Farrell,Pollet
HB 2839 f Airplane repair taxes Springer,Nealey APP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)28 DNP5
HB 2846 f Apprenticeship utilization Ormsby,Sells LAWS DP4 DNP2
HB 2853 f Election admin. cert. reqs. Hudgins,Hunt, S. GGIT DPS(SG)6 DNP1
HB 2854 f Ballot rejection survey Hudgins,Hunt, S. SG DP7
HB 2865 Hospitals/ARNPs & PAs Cody,Harris HCW DPS12
HB 2872 f WSP recruitment & retention Fey,Hayes APP DP2S(w/o sub TR)32 DNP1
HB 2874 f TANF income eligibility Pettigrew,Walsh APP DPS19 DNP12
HB 2878 f Child abuse penalty assessm. Kilduff,Robinson PS DPS9
HB 2882 f Deadly force data collection Appleton,Moscoso PS DP5 DNP4
HB 2904 f Issuer payment acceptance Blake,Rossetti HCW DPS15
HB 2913 Child support noncompliance Gregerson,Kilduff JUDI DP7 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 2917 f Commercial janitor injuries Gregerson,Sells APP DP17 DNP14
HB 2942 f Nonresident CDLs Ryu TR DPS14 DNP11
HB 2945 Growth management act review Appleton,Moscoso LG DPS5 DNP4
HB 2956 Technology in transportation Clibborn,Ormsby TR DPS25
HB 2996 f Tax preferences/K-12 funding Lytton,Reykdal FIN DP8 DNP6 w/oRec1
HJM 4004 Elections, money spent on Wylie,Tarleton SG DP4 DNP3
HJM 4007 Transatlantic partnership Morris,Smith TED DP10 w/oRec3
HCR 4415 2016 workforce training plan Sells,Haler HE DPA13
HI 735 Corporate & money influence People of the State of Washington SG DP4 DNP3
ESSB 5029 Digital assets, access to LAW(Pedersen) JUDI DPA11 DNP2
SB 5046 f Traffic safety commission Padden,Pedersen TR DP25
E2SSB 5109 f Infrastructure/local govt WM (Brown) FIN DPA(CDHT)15
SB 5143 f Childhood immunizations Becker,Bailey HCW DP15
SB 5180 f Life insurance reserve req's Benton,Mullet BFS DP10
SB 5203 af Job order contracting Warnick,Hasegawa CB DP9
SSB 5206 f Audits finding noncompliance WM (Becker) GGIT DPA7
2ESB 5251 f Public water syst assistance Honeyford,Keiser GGIT DP7
SB 5265 f Public funds/recip. deposits Benton,Mullet BFS DP11
SB 5271 f NFPA, bldg code council/stds Roach,Hasegawa LG DP5 DNP4
SB 5277 f Patronizing a prostitute Kohl-Welles,Darneille PS DP6 DNP3
SB 5342 Human trafficking Hasegawa,Kohl-Welles LAWS DP7
SB 5363 Eminent domain/econ devel Padden,Dansel JUDI DPA13
ESSB 5435 f Optional salary deferral WM (Bailey) APP DPA30 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 5458 Health district banking Angel,Rolfes LG DP8 DNP1
SB 5549 f Pharmacy assistants Jayapal,Angel HCW DP15
ESSB 5561 Vet. survivor tuition waiver WM (Bailey) HE DP13
SB 5581 f Group life & disability ins. Angel,Hobbs BFS DP11
SB 5605 f Domestic violence assault Darneille,Jayapal ELHS DPA8 DNP1 w/oRec1
ESSB 5635 Power of attorney LAW(Pedersen) JUDI DPA13
SSB 5670 f Universal comm services prog EET(Braun) APP DP31 DNP2
SB 5689 f Diabetes epidemic Becker,Keiser APP DPA(APP w/o HCW)30 DNP2 w/oRec1
SSB 5728 f Screening for HIV infection WM (Darneille) HCW DPA11 DNP4
SSB 5767 Local govt treasuries GOS(Cleveland) LG DP8 DNP1
SSB 5778 Ambulatory surgical facility HLTH(Becker) APP DPA(APP w/o HCW)33
5ESSB 5857 f Pharmacy benefit managers WM (Parlette) GGIT DPA(GGIT w/o HCW)7
ESB 5873 f LEOFF plan 1 retirees Conway,Bailey APP DP29 DNP2 w/oRec2
SB 5894 f Unlawful activity/properties Sheldon,Warnick JUDI DPA13
SB 5937 Farm internship pilot projct Parlette HE DP13
ESB 6100 f Economic gardening pilot pr. Chase,Brown GGIT DPA(GGIT w/o TED)7
SSB 6117 Notice against trespass LAW(Sheldon) JUDI DP13
SSB 6120 Vessel registration exemp TRAN(Mullet) TR DPA25
SB 6147 Water-sewer districts Roach,Takko LG DP9
ESSB 6149 f Pregnancy accommodations CL(Keiser) GGIT DPA(GGIT w/o LAWS)4 DNP3
SB 6150 f Water pollution loans/term Honeyford,McCoy CB DP9
SB 6151 f Sexual assault protect order Litzow,Fain JUDI DP7 DNP4 w/oRec2
SB 6155 County payroll draw days Roach,McCoy LG DP9
SB 6156 f Medicaid false claims act Rivers,Keiser APP DP30 DNP3
SSB 6160 f Motor vehicle air bags LAW(O'Ban) GGIT DPA(GGIT w/o PS)7
ESB 6166 f Incremental electricity Takko,Rivers GGIT DP4 DNP3
SB 6171 OPMA civil penalties Roach,Liias SG DP6
SSB 6179 f Water banking AWRD(Honeyford) AGNR DPA11
SB 6180 $f Disadvantaged business cmte. King,Schoesler TR DPA22 DNP3
SB 6200 f WA fish license plates Hewitt,Rolfes TR DP25
ESSB 6203 f Practice of pharmacy HLTH(Parlette) HCW DPA15
SB 6205 Corporation/acquiring person Pedersen,O'Ban JUDI DP12 DNP1
ESB 6207 f Marijuana info. disclosure Rivers,Liias COG DP9
SSB 6210 f Better life experience prog. HLTH(Dammeier) APP DPA30 DNP1 w/oRec1
SSB 6219 f Vehicular homicide sentences WM (Brown) GGIT DP7
SB 6220 f Federal economic dev. funds Brown,Angel TED DP11
SSB 6227 f Wildlife and recreation prg. NRP(Honeyford) CB DPA9
SSB 6238 f Schedule II Rx/binge eating HLTH(Rivers) HCW DPA15
2SSB 6239 Affordable housing options WM (Fain) FIN DPA(FIN w/o CDHT)9 DNP5
E2SSB 6242 f ISRB/notice of petitions WM (O'Ban) GGIT DP7
ESSB 6248 f Transition of coal units EET(Ericksen) GGIT DP7
SSB 6254 f Purple Heart license plates TRAN(Sheldon) TR DP25
SSB 6261 Human remains LAW(Padden) PS DPA9
SB 6263 f Emergency mgmt. benefits Warnick,Ranker APP DP28 DNP4 w/oRec1
SSB 6264 f WSPRS/LEOFF annuities WM (Dammeier) APP DPA29 DNP3 w/oRec1
SSB 6267 f Conc. pistol license notices LAW(Schoesler) JUDI DP13
SB 6274 f Columbia river endorsement Parlette,Takko APP DP24 DNP4 w/oRec5
SSB 6283 Securities act of WA FI(Benton) BFS DP11
SSB 6285 f Horse racing comm'n account WM (Fain) APP DP27 DNP5 w/oRec1
SSB 6286 Offender assault victims LAW(Pearson) GGIT DP7
SB 6291 f Weighted GPAs Braun,Becker ED DPA16 DNP2 w/oRec2
ESSB 6293 f Student volunteers CL(Braun) LAWS DPA7
SB 6296 f Habitat & rec. lands group Parlette,Ranker AGNR DP11
SB 6299 f Transport. drafting error King,Hobbs TR DP24 DNP1
SSB 6301 Employee personal vehicles FI(Benton) BFS DP11
SSB 6314 County road admin. & maint. TRAN(Fain) LG DPA5 DNP4
SB 6325 Cider alcohol content Baumgartner,Ranker COG DP8 DNP1
SSB 6327 Hospital discharge planning HLTH(Bailey) HCW DPA8 DNP6
SSB 6329 Parent to parent program HSMH(O'Ban) APP DPA(APP w/o ELHS)32 DNP1
SSB 6338 Cooperative assoc. mergers LAW(Padden) JUDI DPA13
SSB 6341 Cannabis producer services CL(Rivers) COG DP9
SB 6345 f Fruit & vegetable inspection Takko,Warnick AGNR DP11
ESB 6349 f Public funds and deposits Benton,Mullet BFS DP11
SSB 6354 f Reverse transfer agreements HIE(Liias) HE DP13
ESSB 6356 Cloud service employee info. GOS(Roach) SG DP6
SSB 6358 Rail fixed guideway system TRAN(King) TR DP25
SSB 6360 f Traffic fines consolidation LAW(O'Ban) JUDI DPA13
SSB 6363 f Transportation/waterways TRAN(Takko) TR DP24 w/oRec1
SB 6371 f Early learning agency def. Litzow,Mullet ELHS DP10
SB 6400 f Technical changes/wildlife Hewitt,Hargrove AGNR DP11
SB 6405 Civilian health program Benton,Roach BFS DP11
ESSB 6406 CPA firm mobility CL(Warnick) BFS DP11
2SSB 6408 f Paraeducators WM (Hill) APP DPA(APP w/o ED)23 DNP7 w/oRec3
SSB 6411 Professional service corps. LAW(Angel) JUDI DP13
ESSB 6427 f Tribal member/vehicle sale WM (Fain) FIN DPA15
SSB 6430 f Incarceration/cont. of care HSMH(Parlette) APP DPA33
SSB 6445 f Mental health/phys. assists. HLTH(Braun) HCW DPA14
SSB 6449 f Enhanced raffles CL(Hewitt) COG DP9
E2SSB 6455 f Prof. educator workforce WM (Dammeier) APP DPA(APP w/o ED)30 DNP3
SB 6459 f Peace officers/assisting DOC Rivers,Takko PS DPA9
ESSB 6470 f Wineries CL(King) GGIT DPA(GGIT w/o COG)7
SB 6475 f Health coverage through PEBB Dansel,King APP DP33
2SSB 6497 f Truancy reduction WM (Hargrove) APP DPA(APP w/o JUDI)30 DNP3
SSB 6498 Recovery sponsor privilege LAW(Fain) JUDI DP12 DNP1
ESSB 6513 Reservs of water/areas 18&45 AWRD(Warnick) AGNR DP11
SSB 6519 f Telemedicine HLTH(Becker) APP DPA30 DNP3
SSB 6523 f Emergency employees/pension WM (Pearson) APP DPA18 DNP12 w/oRec3
ESSB 6525 State building code council GOS(Angel) GGIT DPA(LG)4 DNP3
ESSB 6528 f Cybersecurity jobs act TRED(Brown) GGIT DPA(GGIT w/o TED)7
SSB 6529 f Juvenile offenders reintegr. HSMH(Hargrove) TR DPA(ELHS)22 DNP3
E2SSB 6534 f Maternal mortality review WM (O'Ban) APP DPA(APP w/o HCW)31 DNP2
SSB 6536 f Group health plan benefits HLTH(Becker) HCW DP14
SSB 6558 f Hospital pharmacy licenses HLTH(Parlette) HCW DPA14
E2SSB 6564 f Dev. disability protections WM (O'Ban) APP DPA(ELHS)32 DNP1
SSB 6569 Patient out-of-pocket costs HLTH(Cleveland) HCW DP14
ESB 6589 f Water storage/exempt wells Bailey,Pearson AGNR DP11
E2SSB 6601 f WA college savings program WM (Frockt) APP DPA(APP w/o HE)31 DNP2
ESSB 6605 f Solid waste/disease & pests AWRD(Warnick) GGIT DPA(ENVI)7
SB 6607 f State route 276 removal Baumgartner,Schoesler TR DP25
SB 6614 f Transportation performance Hobbs,King TR DPA25
SB 6626 f Accel. baccalaureate degrees Bailey,Frockt HE DP13
ESB 6631 Port issues committee Roach,Chase TED DPA10 w/oRec1
SB 6633 f Marine resources adv council Ranker,Ericksen ENVI DP6 DNP5
SJM 8019 f SR 509 highway naming Conway,Dammeier TR DP21 DNP3 w/oRec1
SJR 8210 Advance redistricting plan Schoesler,Nelson SG DP6