January 12, 2015 - Monday
SB 5000 Allowing rural counties providing emergency medical services to locations with a rural amphitheater to impose an additional admissions surcharge. Parlette 12/2/2014
SB 5001 Clarifying provisions that allow for the tasting of alcohol by students under twenty-one years of age. Hewitt 12/4/2014
SB 5002 Concerning traffic infractions for marijuana, marijuana-based substances, or marijuana-infused substances. Rivers 12/5/2014
SB 5003 Concerning the taxes payable on sales by licensed recreational marijuana producers, processors, and retailers. Hatfield 12/5/2014
SB 5004 Establishing the position and authority of warrant officers in first-class cities to enforce court orders and outstanding warrants. Angel 12/10/2014
SB 5005 Concerning grandparent visitation rights. Angel 12/10/2014
SB 5006 Authorizing the termination of all legal responsibilities of a nonparent if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that a man is not the genetic father of a child. Angel 12/10/2014
SB 5007 Concerning the regulation of employment agencies. Angel 12/10/2014
SB 5008 Concerning beverage containers. Angel 12/10/2014
SB 5009 Concerning self-service storage facilities. Hobbs 12/10/2014
SB 5010 Restoring funding to the health professional loan repayment and scholarship program fund. Frockt 12/11/2014
SB 5011 Addressing third-party payor release of health care information. Becker 12/12/2014
SB 5012 Authorizing the growing of industrial hemp. Hatfield 12/15/2014
SB 5013 Regarding the use of designated agricultural lands. Honeyford 12/16/2014
SB 5014 Concerning best practices for water banks. Honeyford 12/16/2014
SB 5015 Extending the dairy inspection program assessment expiration date. Honeyford 12/16/2014
SB 5016 Retaining water resources to assure the vitality of local economies. Honeyford 12/16/2014
SB 5017 Defining honey bee products and services as an agricultural product. Honeyford 12/16/2014
SB 5018 Concerning underground artificial storage and recovery projects. Honeyford 12/16/2014
SB 5019 Creating the agricultural labor skills and safety program. Honeyford 12/16/2014
SB 5020 Concerning state agencies continuity of operations planning requirements. Bailey 12/16/2014
SB 5021 Concerning cadmium in children's jewelry. McCoy 12/17/2014
SB 5022 Providing fee immunity for certain city, town, and county water facilities. Angel 12/18/2014
SB 5023 Concerning filing requirements for large group health benefit plans, stand-alone dental plans, and stand-alone vision plans. Parlette 12/22/2014
SB 5024 Making conforming amendments made necessary by reorganizing and streamlining central service functions, powers, and duties of state government. Benton 12/22/2014
SB 5025 Modifying the apportionment of quick title service fees collected by appointed subagents. Rivers 12/22/2014
SB 5026 Declaring that it is an unfair practice for any employer who provides health insurance to its employees as part of an employee's benefit package to not include contraceptive coverage as part of the benefit package, to fail to comply with federal rules adopted under the affordable care act relating to the provision of contraceptive coverage, or to discriminate against any employee based on that employee's use of any reproductive health care service, drug, or device. Pedersen 12/23/2014
SB 5027 Providing access to the prescription drug monitoring database for clinical laboratories. Angel 12/26/2014
SB 5028 Raising licensure limits to allow assisted living facilities to serve a higher acuity resident population. Bailey 12/26/2014
SB 5029 Concerning the uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act. Pedersen 12/30/2014
SB 5030 Addressing the limited liability company act. Pedersen 12/30/2014
SB 5031 Permitting advance action regarding business opportunities under the business corporation act. Pedersen 12/30/2014
SB 5032 Specifying when a transaction in the form of a lease does not create a security interest for purposes of the uniform commercial code. Pedersen 12/30/2014
SB 5033 Concerning sexually violent predators. Padden 12/30/2014
SB 5034 Concerning referral of medical cases to occupational therapists. Habib 12/31/2014
SB 5035 Authorizing the awarding of the medal of valor to a group of persons. Pearson 1/5/2015
SB 5036 Creating a sentence enhancement for body armor. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5037 Modifying organized retail theft provisions. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5038 Waiving liability for service members for certain towing costs and penalties under certain circumstances. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5039 Affirming the authority of the clemency and pardons board to make recommendations to the governor regarding petitions for reprieve to ensure that victims, law enforcement, prisoners, and others are heard. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5040 Concerning communication of mammographic breast density information to patients. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5041 Concerning seizure and forfeiture of property for patronizing a prostitute. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5042 Providing a business and occupation tax credit for businesses that hire veterans. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5043 Providing greater small business assistance by modifying the filing threshold for excise tax purposes. O'Ban 1/5/2015
SB 5044 Concerning mitigation measures for shoreline development. Brown 1/6/2015
SB 5045 Concerning the deauthorization of union security provisions by public employees. Angel 1/6/2015
SB 5046 Correcting a codification error concerning the governor's designee to the traffic safety commission. Padden 1/6/2015
SB 5047 Enhancing the protection of consumer financial information. Braun 1/7/2015
SB 5048 Subjecting a resolution or ordinance adopted by the legislative body of a city or town to assume a water-sewer district to a referendum. Chase 1/7/2015
SB 5049 Concerning the registration and professional education of surgical technologists. Angel 1/7/2015
SB 5050 Adding adherence to state wage payment laws to the state's responsible bidder criteria. Roach 1/8/2015
SB 5051 Clarifying transportation and delivery services for marijuana producers, marijuana processors, and marijuana retailers. Hatfield 1/8/2015
SB 5052 Establishing the cannabis patient protection act. Rivers 1/8/2015
SB 5053 Requiring the reporting of highway construction project errors. O'Ban 1/8/2015
SB 5054 Concerning the design-build procedure for certain transportation projects. O'Ban 1/8/2015
SB 5055 Concerning a local government installing a public sewage system within the public right-of-way under certain circumstances. Angel 1/8/2015
SB 5056 Concerning the use of chemical action plans for recommendations of safer chemicals. Ericksen 1/8/2015
SB 5057 Concerning the safe transport of hazardous materials. Ericksen 1/8/2015
SB 5058 Concerning the financial fraud and identity theft crimes investigation and prosecution program. Fain 1/9/2015
SB 5059 Creating the patent troll prevention act. Frockt 1/9/2015
SB 5060 Improving relationships between agricultural producers and state regulatory staff. Honeyford 1/9/2015
SB 5061 Limiting the authority of growth management hearings boards to hear petitions challenging the regulation of permit exempt wells. Honeyford 1/9/2015
SB 5062 Concerning water quality enforcement procedure. Honeyford 1/9/2015
SB 5063 Prioritizing state revenue growth for education. Hill 1/9/2015
SB 5064 Providing that a quarterly revenue forecast is due on February 20th during both a long and short legislative session year. Hill 1/9/2015
SJR 8200 Amending the Constitution to require a two-thirds majority vote of the legislature to raise taxes. Roach 12/2/2014