BILLS IN SENATE RULES - April 10, 2015 - Friday
10:12 AM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5017 f Honey bee products, services Honeyford,Rolfes,etc. WM DP23
SB 5042 f Hiring veterans B&O credit O'Ban,Benton,etc. WM DPS22 w/oRec1
SB 5209 f Ag crop protection products Warnick,Hatfield,etc. WM DPS(AWRD)21 DNP2
SB 5257 f Log transp./pub. utility tax Hargrove,Hill,etc. WM DPS23
SB 5301 f Spirits retailers/for resale Braun,Mullet WM DPS12 DNP10
SB 5382 f Aluminum smelter tax prefs Parlette,Ericksen,etc. WM DP19 DNP2 w/oRec2
SB 5449 f Appeals court tax division Braun,Rivers,etc. WM DP2S18 w/oRec4 DNP1
SB 5541 f Electronic commerce taxation Hill,DOR WM DPS20 w/oRec3
SB 5575 f Coal-fired plants conversion Braun,Honeyford,etc. WM DPS21 DNP1 w/oRec1
SB 5665 f High-tech R&D tax prefs Hill,Liias,etc.,OFM WM DPS18 DNP4 w/oRec1
SB 5698 f Food processing tax prefs Hewitt,Hatfield,etc.,OFM WM DP20 DNP1 w/oRec1
SB 5708 Nonprofit fair associations Ericksen,Bailey,etc. WM DP2S20 DNP3
SB 5827 f Data ctr server equip tax ex Warnick,Mullet,etc. WM DPS19 w/oRec3
SB 5878 f Nonresident vessels Bailey,Kohl-Welles,etc. WM DP21 DNP2
SB 5916 f Tourism marketing Brown,Chase,etc. WM DP2S13 w/oRec5 DNP3
SB 5981 State debt limitations Braun WM DPS14 DNP7 w/oRec2
SB 6013 f Charity supporter tax relief Roach,Angel,etc. WM DP17 DNP5
SB 6080 f Kindergarten, K-3 class size Dammeier,Keiser,etc. WM DPS18 w/oRec3
SB 6096 f Cancer research Becker,Litzow,etc. WM DPS12 DNP10
HB 1014 Antifreeze products Appleton CL DP7
HB 1022 f Bail bond agreements Appleton,Goodman LAW DP7
HB 1032 f Habitat projects Blake,Hurst,etc. NRP DP4 w/oRec2 DNP1
SHB 1037 f Child support Moeller,etc. LAW DP7
SHB 1045 f East Asian medicine Tharinger,etc. HLTH DP12
HB 1047 f Continuity of operations Goodman,Haler,etc.,MIL WM DP19
SHB 1048 Residential mortgage lending Kirby,etc. FI DPA8
SHB 1063 f Cosmetology, hair design etc Kirby,etc. CL DP7
HB 1077 f Reinsurance, credit for Kirby,Ryu,etc.,INS FI DP6
ESHB 1094 Biometric identifiers Morris LAW DPA4 w/oRec2 DNP1
SHB 1100 f Appliance efficiency Morris,etc. EET DPA9
HB 1113 Solemnizing marriages Appleton,Ormsby LAW DPA7
EHB 1115 Capital budget 2015-2017 Dunshee,DeBolt,etc.,OOG WM DPA20 w/oRec2
2SHB 1118 f Fish & wildlife cost savings Blake NRP DP6 DNP1
EHB 1123 Single-family res. dwellings Blake,Buys GOS DP4 w/oRec2
HB 1124 Beer and wine sampling Takko,Morris,etc. CL DPA6
ESHB 1126 f Fatality reviews by DEL Kagi,etc. WM DPA(HSMH)20 w/oRec3
SHB 1127 Ag labor skills and safety Chandler,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
SHB 1132 f Adult family homes Tharinger,etc. HLTH DP12
HB 1134 f Certif counselors & advisors Moeller,Harris,DOH HLTH DPA8 w/oRec3
SHB 1138 Higher ed mental health Orwall,etc. WM DP23
SHB 1145 Cnty legislative authorities Haler,etc. GOS DP7
SHB 1166 State gen oblig bonds, accts Dunshee,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec1
SHB 1183 f Radiology benefit managers Harris,etc. HLTH DPA11
SHB 1184 f UW health sci library access Cody,etc. HLTH DP12
ESHB 1186 Patients, observation status Clibborn,etc. HLTH DPA11
HB 1189 City, district publ. records S. Hunt,Holy,etc. GOS DPA6
SHB 1194 f Death benefits/LEOFF, WSPRS Kirby,etc. WM DP23
HB 1259 ARNPs/signing documentation Cody,Schmick,etc. HLTH DP12
HB 1263 CPAs/priv. investigator regs Stokesbary,Kirby,etc. CL DP7
HB 1268 f Hemp in animal feed Buys,Lytton,etc. WM DP23
E2SHB 1272 f Intimate images/disclosing Buys,etc. LAW DP7
E2SHB 1276 f Impaired driving Klippert,etc. WM DPA14 w/oRec6 DNP1
HB 1279 f Local tourism promo. areas Kochmar,Gregory TRED DP6
HB 1304 f Public funds/recip. deposits Kirby,Vick FI DP6
HB 1339 f Scope of practice/healthcare Cody,Schmick,etc. HLTH DPA11
HB 1345 Professional learning Lytton,Magendanz,etc. EDU DPA6 DNP3
HB 1389 f State fire service/disasters Goodman,Griffey,etc. WM DPA23
ESHB 1424 f Suicide prevention Orwall,etc. HLTH DPA11
HB 1431 Real estate appraisals Bergquist,Holy,etc. GOS DP6
ESHB 1440 Cell site simulator devices Taylor,etc. LAW DPA7
EHB 1443 f Commercial parking/fees G. Hunt,S. Hunt,etc. CL DPA5 w/oRec2
E2SHB 1450 f Mental health/inv outpatient Jinkins,etc. WM DPA(HSMH)22 DNP1
E2SHB 1472 f Chemical action plans Fitzgibbon,etc. WM DPA(EET)15 w/oRec8
SHB 1480 f Intermittent-use trailers Holy,etc. TRAN DP11
SHB 1505 Juvenile restorative justice Goodman,etc. HSMH DP5
SHB 1516 Lodging services/tax exem. Pettigrew,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
HB 1531 f Long-term care workers Tharinger,Harris,etc.,DSHS HLTH DP12
E2SHB 1546 f Dual credit ed opportunities Reykdal,etc. WM DPA14 w/oRec5 DNP4
HB 1550 f Recreation services etc. tax Carlyle,Nealey,etc.,DOR WM DPA23
SHB 1564 Sale of liquor, prohibition Kilduff,etc. CL DP7
SHB 1575 Contract retainage bonds Buys,etc. FI DP8
HB 1585 f Surplus trans. property Young,Shea,etc. TRAN DPA12
SHB 1617 Judicial information system Rodne,etc. LAW DP7
SHB 1619 Environmental handling chrgs S. Hunt,etc. EET DP9
HB 1620 f Biotoxin testing, monitoring Tharinger,Fey,etc.,DOH WM DPA18 w/oRec3
HB 1622 f Cottage food operations Young,Blake,etc. AWRD DPA4
EHB 1632 f Domestic violence Goodman,Klippert,etc. LAW DPA7
EHB 1633 Housing trust fund projects Zeiger,Jinkins,etc. HSMH DP3 w/oRec1
HB 1641 Shellfish/unlawf trafficking Blake,Lytton,etc. NRP DP7
SHB 1667 Bleeding disorders Cody,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
HB 1674 f Youthful offenders, reentry Pettigrew,Walsh,etc.,DSHS HSMH DP4 w/oRec1
SHB 1676 f Wild ungulates, predation Short,etc. WM DP20 w/oRec1
HB 1706 f College fees/military member Stanford,Zeiger,etc.,BCTC HIE DP6
ESHB 1713 f Mental hlth, chem dependency Cody,etc. WM DPA22 w/oRec1
EHB 1729 f Domestic violence victims Pettigrew,Magendanz,etc. WM DPA(HSMH)22 w/oRec1
2SHB 1735 f Extended foster care Orwall,etc. WM DPA22 w/oRec1
ESHB 1745 Voting rights Moscoso,etc. GOS DP5 DNP2
E2SHB 1763 f Music licensing agencies Van De Wege,etc. CL DPA4 DNP3
HB 1779 f Victim interviews training Van De Wege,Johnson,etc. HLTH DP11 w/oRec1
SHB 1793 Alternative water procuring Lytton,etc. AWRD DPA3 DNP1
E2SHB 1807 f Small business spirits sales Condotta,etc. CL DPA6
HB 1817 Wheeled all-terrain vehicles Shea,Taylor,etc. LAW DP7
E2SHB 1836 f State drought preparedness Stanford,etc. AWRD DPA4 DNP1
ESHB 1844 Ferry vessel & terminal work Moscoso,etc. TRAN DPA12
ESHB 1845 f Pharmaceutical waste DeBolt,etc. EET DP7
E2SHB 1850 f DOT, local reviews & permits Hayes,etc. EET DP9
SHB 1851 f Bridges, expedited process Hayes,etc. TRAN DP10
SHB 1853 f Electric vehicle charging Magendanz,etc. EET DPA9
HB 1858 Cty auditors & sec of state Shea,S. Hunt,etc. GOS DP5
EHB 1859 RCW statutes/inactive, etc. Kilduff,Smith,etc.,TRE WM DP23
EHB 1868 County road fund purposes Lytton,Morris TRAN DPA11 w/oRec1
SHB 1879 f Foster children health care Kagi,etc. WM DPA(HSMH)22 w/oRec1
HB 1884 f Electric mobility devices Vick,Bergquist,etc. TRAN DP11
2SHB 1916 f Chem dependncy & mental hlth Cody,etc. WM DPA12 w/oRec8 DNP1
HB 1940 f Flood control zone districts Stokesbary,Fitzgibbon,etc. WM DPA21 w/oRec2
EHB 1943 f Home detention Shea,Goodman,etc. WM DPA(LAW)23
HB 2000 f Marijuana agreemnts w/tribes Hurst,Condotta,etc. WM DPA22 w/oRec1
HB 2010 Public sewer required/appeal Takko,Reykdal,etc. GOS DPA6
HB 2033 f Sexual assault protect order Goodman,Rodne,etc. LAW DPA7
2SHB 2041 f Need grant prog scholarships Hansen,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
2SHB 2063 f Better life experience prog Kilduff,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
EHB 2084 f State-required reports Hunter GOS DPA6 DNP1
SHB 2085 Traffic infrac alt penalties Goodman,etc. LAW DPA7
EHB 2086 The homeless/religious orgs McBride,Walkinshaw,etc. HSMH DPA5
ESHB 2093 f Wildland fire suppression Kretz,etc. WM DPA23
SHB 2107 f Wolf conservation and mgmt Kretz,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
SHB 2109 Small business retirement Springer,etc. WM DPA21 w/oRec2
HB 2140 Permanency hearing excptions Kagi,Orwall,etc. HSMH DPA5
SHB 2160 Intimate images/distributing Wylie,etc. LAW DPA7
EHB 2190 f Vessel reports of sale Harmsworth,Moscoso,etc. TRAN DP12
SGA 9004 STEVEN F. ANDERSON, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9
SGA 9008 CHRISTOPHER P. BARRY, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9
SGA 9032 MARC D. DAUDON, Member, Energy Northwest EET BC9
SGA 9035 GRANT DEGGINGER, Member, Public Disclosure Commission GOS BC5
SGA 9037 LYNNE N. DELANO, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board LAW BC6
SGA 9044 PATRICK ESCAMILLA, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC6
SGA 9059 KIMBERLY GORDON, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9074 ROY JENNINGS, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC11
SGA 9087 ANNE LEVINSON, Member, Public Disclosure Commission GOS BC5
SGA 9089 ALBERT J. LINGGI, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9 w/oRec2
SGA 9092 CHRIS LIU, Director, Department of Enterprise Services GOS BC5
SGA 9095 BILL LYNCH, Chair, Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council EET BC9
SGA 9098 JOAN M. MARCHIORO, Member, Pollution Control/Shorelines Hearings Board EET BC9
SGA 9109 JAMES MCDEVITT, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board LAW BC7
SGA 9117 MARYANN MORENO, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC6
SGA 9150 KECIA RONGEN, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board LAW BC7
SGA 9154 STANLEY RUMBAUGH, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9156 TOM SAHLBERG, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board LAW BC7
SGA 9159 CATHERINE SHAFFER, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9160 MAUREEN C. SIMMONS SPARKS, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC10
SGA 9165 SEPI SOLEIMANPOUR, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9
SGA 9170 ROBERT K. ST. JOHN, Director, Consolidated Technology Services GOS BC4
SGA 9176 DOROTHY F. TEETER, Director, Washington State Health Care Authority, Administrator HLTH BC9
SGA 9180 JOE M. TORTORELLI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC11
SGA 9188 TIM WETTACK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9199 ANN E. RENDAHL, Member, Utilities and Transportation Commission EET BC9
SGA 9204 PATRICK DOWD, Director, Office of the Family and Children Ombudsman - Agency Head HSMH BC5
SGA 9213 RICHARD MORGAN, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board LAW BC6
SGA 9216 JON TUNHEIM, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7

Total Count: 149