BILLS IN SENATE RULES - February 25, 2016 - Thursday
1:10 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 6049 Fiscal matters T.O. Hill WM DP15 DNP1 w/oRec1
SB 6307 Trans sup budget 2015-2017 King,Hobbs,etc.,OFM TRAN DPS10 w/oRec2
SB 6547 f WSP recruitment & pay Becker,Ranker,etc. TRAN DPS9
SB 6623 f Transportation prop. rental King TRAN DP9 DNP4
SJR 8213 Four-year balanced budget Hill,Fain,etc. WM DP13 DNP5 w/oRec4
SB 5542 f PUD privilege tax Hill,DOR
HB 1022 f Bail bond agreements Appleton,Goodman LAW DP6
ESHB 1067 f Medicaid false claims Jinkins,etc. ACRE DP5
2ESHB 1100 f Appliance efficiency Morris,etc. EET DPA7 DNP1
ESHB 1213 County veterans assist. fund Orwall,etc. GOS DP5
ESHB 1351 f Nat. guard/hunting license Blake,etc. NRP DPA5 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1561 Info technology security Hudgins,Scott,etc. GOS DP5
EHB 1578 f Customer satisfaction bnfits Kirby,Vick FI DP9
2SHB 1651 Human trafficking Ryu,etc. CL DP7
HB 1659 f Group life & disability ins. Vick,Kirby,etc. FI DP9
EHB 1752 Chief examiners Hawkins,Takko GOS DP5
HB 1858 Cty auditors & sec of state Shea,S. Hunt,etc.
HB 2309 f Water pollution loans/term Smith,Stanford,etc.,ECY EET DP9
HB 2315 f Mortgage lending fraud/acct. Kirby,Blake,etc.,DFI FI DP9
HB 2321 f Fire authority formation Stokesbary,Reykdal,etc. GOS DP5
HB 2331 f Invasive species council Chandler,Stanford,etc.,RCO NRP DP7
ESHB 2355 Service contract providers Kirby,etc. FI DP9
HB 2356 f Employee personal vehicles Kirby,Vick FI DPA9
SHB 2359 Obsolete provisions Goodman,etc. ACRE DPA5
HB 2390 f National guard empl. rights Klippert,Orwall,etc.,MIL GOS DP5
HB 2391 County payroll draw days McCabe,Appleton,etc. GOS DP5
HB 2398 f Purchases/agencies for blind Holy,Riccelli,etc. GOS DP5
EHB 2400 f Steel slag from electric arc Fitzgibbon,Tarleton EET DP7
SHB 2405 Notices, records, & parties Muri,etc. LAW DP6
SHB 2425 Massage therapists Kuderer,etc. HLTH DP12
ESHB 2433 CPA firm mobility Vick,etc. CL DP7
SHB 2443 Conversion vending&med units Sells,etc. CL DP7
HB 2444 f Industrial classif. system Manweller,Sells,etc.,LI CL DP7
HB 2457 Electric utility easements Young GOS DP5
EHB 2478 f Pollinator forage preserv. Peterson,Stambaugh,etc. AWRD DPA4
HB 2493 f Habitat & rec. lands group Smith,Tharinger,RCO NRP DP7
SHB 2501 Confined person health info. Caldier,etc. LAW DPA6
HB 2516 Commuter ride-sharing/CTSPs Kirby,Vick,etc. FI DP9
HB 2520 f Marijuana sales/cooperatives Wylie,LACB CL DP7
HB 2521 f Marijuana disposal Wylie,Condotta,LACB CL DP7
HB 2543 f Civil service qualifications Stokesbary,Hickel,etc. CL DPA7
HB 2557 f Unused shared leave return S. Hunt,Reykdal GOS DP4
SHB 2584 Marijuana info. disclosure Vick,etc. CL DP6 w/oRec1
SHB 2585 Private activity bond alloc. Robinson,etc. FI DP9
HB 2587 Superior court judges' assoc Rodne,Goodman,etc. LAW DP6
HB 2605 f Beer tasting event permit Kirby,Vick,etc. CL DP7
HB 2623 f Advisory measure recounts Van Werven,Bergquist,etc.,SEC GOS DP5
HB 2624 f Election errors S. Hunt,Bergquist,SEC GOS DP5
HB 2634 f Dairy farm nutrient uses Buys,Lytton,etc.,AGR AWRD DP4
HB 2663 f Sunshine committee recs. Springer,Kilduff GOS DP5
SHB 2678 f Nursing home facilities Schmick,etc. HLTH DP12
SHB 2725 Pharmacist authority Rossetti,etc. HLTH DP11 DNP1
SHB 2730 f Prescription monitoring prg. Peterson,etc. HLTH DP12
EHB 2749 f Child welfare system perf. Kagi,Ormsby,DSHS HSMH DPA5
HB 2772 f Hospital district job orders Johnson,Bergquist GOS DP5
HB 2773 Coroners/warrant authority Klippert,Appleton,etc. LAW DP6
HB 2781 f Massage transfer programs Harris,Cody,etc. HLTH DP12
HB 2800 Double amendment correction Haler GOS DP5
ESHB 2852 Election data and reporting Hudgins,etc. GOS DP5
SHB 2859 f Credit report freezes S. Hunt,etc. FI DP9
SHB 2876 f Deed of trust foreclosure Orwall,etc. FI DP9
HB 2918 City traffic schools Gregerson,Pike,etc. GOS DP5
ESHB 2925 Wildland fires/livestock Dent,etc. NRP DP7
SHB 2938 WA trade conventions/taxes Orcutt,etc. TRED DP6 w/oRec1
SGA 9004 STEVEN F. ANDERSON, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9
SGA 9007 DON BARBIERI, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University HIE BC4
SGA 9008 CHRISTOPHER P. BARRY, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9
SGA 9035 GRANT DEGGINGER, Member, Public Disclosure Commission GOS BC5
SGA 9038 MICHAEL DELLER, Member, Recreation and Conservation Funding Board NRP BC5
SGA 9085 BRUCE L. LACHNEY, Member, Board of Trustees, Clover Park Technical College District No. 29 HIE BC5
SGA 9087 ANNE LEVINSON, Member, Public Disclosure Commission GOS BC5
SGA 9092 CHRIS LIU, Director, Department of Enterprise Services GOS BC5
SGA 9095 BILL LYNCH, Chair, Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council EET BC9
SGA 9098 JOAN M. MARCHIORO, Member, Pollution Control/Shorelines Hearings Board EET BC9
SGA 9160 MAUREEN C. SIMMONS SPARKS, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC10
SGA 9178 ELIZABETH J. THEW, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 17 (Spokane and Spokane Falls Community Colleges) HIE BC6
SGA 9180 JOE M. TORTORELLI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC11
SGA 9204 PATRICK DOWD, Director, Office of the Family and Children Ombudsman - Agency Head HSMH BC5
SGA 9221 GARY D. CHANDLER, Member, Work Force Training and Education Coordinating Board HIE BC6
SGA 9252 HARRIETTE BRYANT, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HIE BC4
SGA 9255 JUNE A. DARLING, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees HIE BC7
SGA 9261 AURORA FLORES, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC8
SGA 9265 ROBERT J. GREGORY, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees HIE BC4
SGA 9277 LORRAINE LEE, Director, Office of Administrative Hearings LAW BC6
SGA 9285 ALLYSON M. PAGE , Member, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees HIE BC6
SGA 9289 CATHY R. PEARSALL-STIPEK, Member, Bates Technical College Board of Trustees HIE BC4
SGA 9294 ROGER S. ROGOFF , Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC6
SGA 9298 NANCY J. SINKOVITZ, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC9
SGA 9302 FRIEDA K. TAKAMURA, Member, Renton Technical College Board of Trustees HIE BC6
SGA 9303 LUKE E. THOMAS, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC8 w/oRec1
SGA 9304 JANSEN M. VANDERMEULEN, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University HIE BC4
SGA 9309 RINA S. YORK, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC7 w/oRec1

Total Count: 92