BILLS IN SENATE RULES - February 29, 2016 - Monday
9:45 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 6049 Fiscal matters T.O. Hill WM DP15 DNP1 w/oRec1
SB 6307 Trans sup budget 2015-2017 King,Hobbs,etc.,OFM TRAN DPS10 w/oRec2
SB 6547 f WSP recruitment & pay Becker,Ranker,etc. TRAN DPS9
SB 6623 f Transportation prop. rental King TRAN DP9 DNP4
SJR 8213 Four-year balanced budget Hill,Fain,etc. WM DP13 DNP5 w/oRec4
SB 5542 f PUD privilege tax Hill,DOR
ESHB 1067 f Medicaid false claims Jinkins,etc. ACRE DP5
2ESHB 1100 f Appliance efficiency Morris,etc. EET DPA7 DNP1
SHB 1111 Court transcripts Kilduff,etc. LAW DP7
SHB 1130 f Water power license fees Fey,etc. EET DP6 w/oRec2 DNP1
ESHB 1351 f Nat. guard/hunting license Blake,etc. NRP DPA5 DNP1 w/oRec1
E2SHB 1390 f Legal financial obligations Goodman,etc. WM DPA(LAW)13 DNP4 w/oRec4
2SHB 1408 f Family engagemnt coordinator Ortiz-Self,etc. EDU DP9
EHB 1409 f Vessel owner info disclosure Walkinshaw,Hayes,etc. TRAN DP12
2SHB 1448 f Suicide threats, response to Riccelli,etc. WM DPA21
EHB 1465 f Account for elevators, etc. MacEwen,Hudgins,etc.,LI WM DP20 w/oRec1
3SHB 1499 f Vulnerable adults Goodman,etc. LAW DPA7
4SHB 1541 f Educational opportunity gap Santos,etc. WM DPA13 w/oRec7
2ESHB 1553 f Opportunity restoration Walkinshaw,etc. LAW DP7
HB 1560 Cesar Chavez day Hudgins,Ortiz-Self,etc. GOS DP5 DNP1
SHB 1632 f Domestic violence Goodman,etc. LAW DPA7
HB 1659 f Group life & disability ins. Vick,Kirby,etc. FI DP9
3SHB 1682 f Homeless students Fey,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec1
2SHB 1737 f Retired teachers/substitutes Orcutt,etc. WM DPA(EDU)19 DNP1 w/oRec1
E2SHB 1745 Voting rights Moscoso,etc. GOS DPA5 DNP1 w/oRec1
E2SHB 1763 f Music licensing agencies Van De Wege,etc. CL DPA7
SHB 1790 f Nurse in school setting Springer,etc. EDU DP8 DNP1
HB 1804 Educator professional growth Springer,Magendanz,etc.,PESB EDU DP8 w/oRec1
SHB 1830 f Wrestling special lic plates Muri TRAN DP9 w/oRec3
SHB 1867 Classroom teacher evaluation Bergquist,etc. EDU DP8 w/oRec1
ESHB 1875 f WorkFirst, "work activity" Walsh,etc. WM DPA19 w/oRec2
EHB 1918 f ORV's, etc., & their drivers Shea,Orcutt,etc.
4SHB 1999 f Foster youth edu outcomes Carlyle,etc. WM w/oRec21
SHB 2017 f Farmer & rancher lic plates Klippert,etc. TRAN DP12
E2SHB 2061 Group B water systems Short,etc. EET DP5 DNP4
HB 2262 f Tennis special licnse plates Bergquist,Muri,etc. TRAN DP12
ESHB 2274 f Vehicle reports of sale Harmsworth,etc. TRAN DPA12
HB 2280 f Felony DUI as class B felony Klippert,Hayes LAW DP7
SHB 2287 f Disability/emergency scene McCabe,etc. WM DPA19 w/oRec1
SHB 2300 Guardian ad litem privacy Moeller,etc. HSMH DP4 w/oRec1
HB 2309 f Water pollution loans/term Smith,Stanford,etc.,ECY EET DP9
HB 2315 f Mortgage lending fraud/acct. Kirby,Blake,etc.,DFI FI DP9
HB 2317 f Electric vehicles/NEVs Van De Wege,Tharinger,etc. TRAN DP12
HB 2320 f Horse racing comm'n account Stokesbary,Hurst,etc. WM DP20 DNP1
HB 2321 f Fire authority formation Stokesbary,Reykdal,etc. GOS DP5
HB 2322 Rental car cost recovery fee Zeiger TRAN DP12
ESHB 2323 f Better life experience prog. Kilduff,etc. WM DP22
HB 2326 f Independent review orgs. Moeller,Appleton HLTH DP9 w/oRec3
HB 2331 f Invasive species council Chandler,Stanford,etc.,RCO NRP DP7
HB 2332 f Health care provider comp. Kirby,INS HLTH DP12
2SHB 2335 f Health provider credentials Cody,etc. HLTH DPA10 w/oRec2
HB 2350 f Medical assistants/Rx admin. Cody,Jinkins HLTH DP9 DNP1
ESHB 2355 Service contract providers Kirby,etc. FI DP9
HB 2356 f Employee personal vehicles Kirby,Vick FI DPA9
SHB 2357 f Pollution insurance agency Peterson,etc. WM DP22
HB 2360 f Quality education council Lytton,Magendanz,etc. WM DP21
EHB 2362 f Recordings/law enf., etc. Hansen,Pettigrew,etc. LAW DPA6
HB 2371 Court use of JIS system Kuderer,Magendanz,etc. LAW DP7
E2SHB 2375 Cybercrime Magendanz,etc. LAW DPA7
HB 2384 Mobile telecom. providers Buys,Wylie,etc. LAW DP7
HB 2388 f Theatrical wrestling Hudgins,MacEwen,etc. CL DPA7
HB 2391 County payroll draw days McCabe,Appleton,etc. GOS DP5
HB 2394 f Parent to parent program Walsh,Senn,etc. HSMH DPA5
HB 2403 f Down syndrome resources Kochmar,Senn,etc. HLTH DP12
SHB 2410 Firearm conviction database Hayes,etc. LAW DP7
SHB 2413 Aircraft registration Dent,etc. TRAN DP11
SHB 2427 Local gov. modernization Springer,etc. GOS DPA5 DNP1
HB 2432 f Substance abuse monitoring Riccelli,Harris,etc. HLTH DP12
ESHB 2433 CPA firm mobility Vick,etc. CL DP7
SHB 2435 f Election reconcil. reports Hudgins,etc. GOS DP6
E2SHB 2439 f Youth mental health services Kagi,etc. HSMH DPA4 w/oRec1
SHB 2440 f Youth host home programs Kagi,etc. HSMH DPA5
SHB 2448 f East Asian med. therapies Robinson,etc. HLTH DP12
2SHB 2449 f Truancy reduction Orwall,etc. HSMH DPA5
SHB 2452 f Medical licensure compact Riccelli,etc. HLTH DP10 w/oRec2
ESHB 2458 Rx donation program Parker,etc. HLTH DPA13
SHB 2465 Contraceptives/year supply Robinson,etc. HLTH DPA11
HB 2476 180-day school year waivers Johnson,Santos,etc. EDU DP9
HB 2493 f Habitat & rec. lands group Smith,Tharinger,RCO NRP DP7
SHB 2498 f Dental prior authorization Caldier,etc. HLTH DP12
SHB 2503 Fire sprinkler systems Buys,etc. GOS DP7
HB 2507 f Offender assault victims Klippert,Blake,etc. CL DP7
ESHB 2511 f Child care center licensing Pike,etc. EDU DP6 w/oRec3
HB 2512 Automobile facility records Clibborn,Orcutt TRAN DPA12
SHB 2519 Nuisance abatement costs McCaslin,etc. GOS DP7
HB 2520 f Marijuana sales/cooperatives Wylie,LACB CL DP7
2SHB 2530 f Victims of sex crimes Orwall,etc. WM DPA(LAW)21
SHB 2539 Real estate tax/inheritance Nealey,etc. WM DP22
ESHB 2540 f Annual tax surveys & reports Nealey,etc. WM DP21
SHB 2541 Involuntary treatment orders Frame,etc. HSMH DP5
HB 2543 f Civil service qualifications Stokesbary,Hickel,etc. CL DPA7
ESHB 2545 f Flame retardant chemicals Van De Wege,etc. WM DPA14 w/oRec7
HB 2565 f Local sales & use tx changes Vick,Reykdal,etc. WM DP22
E2SHB 2573 f Teacher shortage Santos,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec1
HB 2578 f Unemployment job search req. Jinkins,Manweller,etc. CL DPA4 DNP2 w/oRec1
SHB 2580 f Blood establishments Cody,etc. HLTH DPA12
SHB 2584 Marijuana info. disclosure Vick,etc. CL DP6 w/oRec1
SHB 2585 Private activity bond alloc. Robinson,etc. FI DP9
ESHB 2591 Dependency hearing notices Hargrove,etc. HSMH DP5
SHB 2598 Vehicle cargo extensions Orcutt,etc. TRAN DP12
HB 2599 Freight mobility bd. funding Orcutt,Clibborn,etc. TRAN DP12
ESHB 2604 Employee info. disclosure Kuderer,etc. GOS DP5 DNP1
HB 2605 f Beer tasting event permit Kirby,Vick,etc. CL DP7
SHB 2632 Political party gender reqs. Van Werven,etc. GOS DP6 DNP1
HB 2637 f Historic cemetery preserv. Manweller,DeBolt,etc. WM DPA16 w/oRec5
HB 2639 f School bus rider safety McCabe,Santos,etc. EDU DP9
SHB 2644 Animal forfeiture Blake,etc. LAW DP7
HB 2648 Retirement info. disclosure Fey,Muri,etc. GOS DP6
HB 2651 f Vehicle maximum gross weight Rossetti,Orcutt,DOT TRAN DP12
HB 2675 f Workforce invest. act refs. Sells,Haler,etc.,WTEB HIE DP7
2SHB 2681 Pharmacists/contraceptives Stambaugh,etc. HLTH DPA10 w/oRec2
HB 2694 f Tribe emergency placements DeBolt,Johnson,etc. HSMH DPA5
ESHB 2700 Impaired driving Goodman,etc. TRAN DPA12
ESHB 2708 Fire district formation Appleton,etc. GOS DPA5 DNP1
SHB 2711 f Sexual assault nurses McCabe,etc. WM DPA21
SHB 2725 Pharmacist authority Rossetti,etc. HLTH DP11 DNP1
2SHB 2726 f Retirement communities Walkinshaw,etc. WM DP21 w/oRec1
SHB 2730 f Prescription monitoring prg. Peterson,etc. HLTH DP12
HB 2741 f State & local fiscal agents Kuderer,Hickel,etc.,TRE WM DP22
EHB 2745 Ferry committee appointments Fitzgibbon,Cody TRAN DP12
ESHB 2746 f Juvenile offender treatment Walkinshaw,etc. WM DP21
EHB 2749 f Child welfare system perf. Kagi,Ormsby,DSHS HSMH DPA5
SHB 2765 Park ranger authority Kretz,etc. LAW DP7
SHB 2767 Center-based services Walsh,etc. HSMH DP5
HB 2768 f Dental plan taxes & charges Schmick,Cody,etc. WM DP21
HB 2771 Hospital district contracts Bergquist,Johnson GOS DP5 DNP1
HB 2773 Coroners/warrant authority Klippert,Appleton,etc. LAW DP6
ESHB 2783 f Tribal member/vehicle sale Springer,etc. WM DPA21
ESHB 2785 Solid fuel burning devices Shea,etc. EET DP6 DNP2
2SHB 2791 f WA statewide reentry council Pettigrew,etc. WM DPA18 w/oRec2
E2SHB 2793 f Suicide education Orwall,etc. WM DPA15 w/oRec6
HB 2807 f Heavy haul industr corridors Dye,Moscoso,etc. TRAN DP12
HB 2808 Invol. treat. petitions Jinkins,Kilduff HSMH DPA5
HB 2815 f Regional transp. plan. orgs. Hayes,Smith,etc. TRAN DP11
ESHB 2825 f Disabled student services Frame,etc. HIE DP7
SHB 2831 f Small business liquor sales Hurst WM DPA19 DNP2
ESHB 2834 Homeless youth Senn,etc. HSMH DPA3 w/oRec2
HB 2838 f DOC limits on contact Klippert,Hayes,DOC LAW DP7
SHB 2841 f State building code council Senn,etc. GOS DPA7
HB 2842 f State-owned land/private dev Schmick,Wylie,etc. WM DP18 w/oRec2
HB 2845 f Prevailing wage law recovery Ormsby,Sells,etc. CL DP7
ESHB 2847 Disability retrofitting Rossetti EET DPA5 DNP2 w/oRec2
SHB 2851 f School director compensation Frame,etc. EDU DP7 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 2856 f Chehalis river flood risk DeBolt,Tharinger,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec1
SHB 2876 f Deed of trust foreclosure Orwall,etc. FI DP9
2SHB 2877 f SNAP benefit dist. dates Hickel,etc. WM DPA21
EHB 2883 f State agency reports Senn,Chandler,etc.,OFM GOS DP6
SHB 2884 Alt. fuel comm. vehicles Clibborn,etc. TRAN DP11
HB 2886 f Electrical scope of practice Manweller CL DP7
SHB 2895 f Crime victim participation MacEwen WM DP20 DNP0
SHB 2900 Corr. inst. prohibited items Klippert,etc. LAW DP7
ESHB 2906 f Juvenile offenders reintegr. Stambaugh,etc. WM w/oRec22
ESHB 2908 Police/deadly force Ryu,etc. LAW DPA7
HB 2918 City traffic schools Gregerson,Pike,etc. GOS DP5
ESHB 2928 f Outdoor burning/forest fires Kretz,etc. WM DPA(NRP)22
HB 2929 Temporary homeless housing Parker,Ormsby,etc. HSMH DP5
SHB 2938 WA trade conventions/taxes Orcutt,etc. TRED DP6 w/oRec1
EHB 2959 f Business tax & licenses Lytton,Nealey,etc. WM DPA(TRED)16 w/oRec4
HB 2970 f Voyeurism McCabe,Appleton LAW DPA4 w/oRec2
EHB 2971 f Real estate/local government McBride,Nealey WM DPA22
HJM 4010 f WP Stewart mem highway/SR-99 Dunshee,Santos,etc. TRAN DPA11 w/oRec1
HCR 4401 Office Building 2, renaming S. Hunt,Reykdal,DES GOS DP6
SGA 9004 STEVEN F. ANDERSON, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9
SGA 9007 DON BARBIERI, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University HIE BC4
SGA 9008 CHRISTOPHER P. BARRY, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC9
SGA 9035 GRANT DEGGINGER, Member, Public Disclosure Commission GOS BC5
SGA 9038 MICHAEL DELLER, Member, Recreation and Conservation Funding Board NRP BC5
SGA 9085 BRUCE L. LACHNEY, Member, Board of Trustees, Clover Park Technical College District No. 29 HIE BC5
SGA 9087 ANNE LEVINSON, Member, Public Disclosure Commission GOS BC5
SGA 9092 CHRIS LIU, Director, Department of Enterprise Services GOS BC5
SGA 9095 BILL LYNCH, Chair, Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council EET BC9
SGA 9098 JOAN M. MARCHIORO, Member, Pollution Control/Shorelines Hearings Board EET BC9
SGA 9131 RUSSELL E. OLSEN, Director, Pollution Liability Insurance Program EET BC9
SGA 9160 MAUREEN C. SIMMONS SPARKS, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTH BC10
SGA 9178 ELIZABETH J. THEW, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 17 (Spokane and Spokane Falls Community Colleges) HIE BC6
SGA 9180 JOE M. TORTORELLI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC11
SGA 9204 PATRICK DOWD, Director, Office of the Family and Children Ombudsman - Agency Head HSMH BC5
SGA 9221 GARY D. CHANDLER, Member, Work Force Training and Education Coordinating Board HIE BC6
SGA 9248 TIA H. BENSON TOLLE, Member, Edmonds Community College Board of Trustees HIE BC7
SGA 9252 HARRIETTE BRYANT, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HIE BC4
SGA 9254 JAMES H. CURTIS, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HIE BC7
SGA 9255 JUNE A. DARLING, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees HIE BC7
SGA 9261 AURORA FLORES, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC8
SGA 9264 RICHARD G. FUKUTAKI, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HIE BC7
SGA 9265 ROBERT J. GREGORY, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees HIE BC4
SGA 9273 VANESSA E. KRITZER, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HIE BC6 NBC1
SGA 9277 LORRAINE LEE, Director, Office of Administrative Hearings LAW BC6
SGA 9285 ALLYSON M. PAGE , Member, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees HIE BC6
SGA 9289 CATHY R. PEARSALL-STIPEK, Member, Bates Technical College Board of Trustees HIE BC4
SGA 9294 ROGER S. ROGOFF , Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC6
SGA 9298 NANCY J. SINKOVITZ, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC9
SGA 9302 FRIEDA K. TAKAMURA, Member, Renton Technical College Board of Trustees HIE BC6
SGA 9303 LUKE E. THOMAS, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC8 w/oRec1
SGA 9304 JANSEN M. VANDERMEULEN, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University HIE BC4
SGA 9309 RINA S. YORK, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC7 w/oRec1
SGA 9310 BERL L. COLLEY, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC9
SGA 9322 CONNIE L. FLETCHER, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC9

Total Count: 197