1147-S AMH YOUN BALL 210
SHB 1147 - H AMD 426
By Representative Young
On page 10, after line 11, insert the following:
"The Legislature finds that there is a need for long-term toll payer relief from increasing toll rates on the Tacoma Narrows bridge. Therefore, the Commission must convene a work group to review, update, add to as necessary, and comment on various scenarios for toll payer relief outlined in the 2014 joint transportation committee report on internal refinance opportunities for the Tacoma Narrows bridge. The work group must include participation from the Tacoma Narrows bridge citizen's advisory group, at least one member from each of the legislative delegations from the districts immediately abutting the Tacoma Narrows bridge, the local chambers of commerce, and affected local communities. Legislative members of the work group must be reimbursed for travel expenses by the Commission. The work group must submit a report with its preferred and prioritized policy solutions to the transportation committees of the legislature by December 1, 2017."
EFFECT: Requires the Washington State Transportation Commission to convene a work group to review, update, add to as necessary, and comment on various scenarios for toll payer relief outlined in the 2014 Joint Transportation Committee report on internal refinancing opportunities for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Requires that a report be submitted to the transportation committees of the legislature by December 1, 2017.
FISCAL IMPACT: No net change to appropriated levels.
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