Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. "
(1) The marbled murrelet, scientific name Brachyramphus marmoratus, is a species that resides along the west coast of North America including on state, federal, and privately owned lands within Washington state. The marbled murrelet is listed as threatened under the federal endangered species act and as endangered by the Washington department of fish and wildlife under RCW 77.12.020. The board of natural resources is in the process of deciding upon and submitting a proposed amendment of the 1997 state trust lands habitat conservation plan to the United States fish and wildlife service, which has jurisdiction on species listed in the endangered species act. The proposed amendment will, if approved by the United States fish and wildlife service, amend the existing plan and grant a fifty-year incidental take permit for department of natural resources-managed lands within the habitat of the marbled murrelet.
(2) The legislature finds that ending a twenty-year period of encumbered lands uncertainty through federal approval of a fifty-year marbled murrelet incidental take permit under the federal endangered species act will provide certainty for the beneficiaries of the affected state lands and state forestlands: Our schools, counties, and junior taxing districts.
(3) It is the intent of the legislature that the commissioner of public lands evaluate the economic impacts of restricting hundreds of acres from harvest or use under the existing and proposed changes with the habitat conservation plan with the assistance of an advisory committee to develop a report with recommendations to the legislature. The report must provide recommendations on: (a) Actions that support maintaining or increasing family-wage timber and related jobs in the affected rural communities; (b) options to address impacts on revenue to the trust beneficiaries; (c) other means of providing revenues for county services; and (d) other nonhabitat-related measures to address the declining populations of the marbled murrelet.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 43.30 RCW under the subchapter heading "powers and duties---general" to read as follows:
By December 1, 2018, and each December 1st thereafter until the United States fish and wildlife service issues an incidental take permit on the state trust land habitat conservation plan for the long-term conservation strategy for the marbled murrelet, the department must provide a report to the legislature as required in section 1 of this act. No fewer than ninety days before submitting the report to the legislature as described in this section, the department must first submit a draft of the report for review and comment to the chair and ranking member of the committees of the house of representatives and senate with jurisdiction over state lands. The report must include recommendations on actions that: (1) Support maintaining or increasing family-wage timber and related jobs in the affected rural communities; (2) address the impacts on revenue to the trust beneficiaries, including a breakdown of the total impacts to manageable acres, harvest, and revenues; (3) address the need to provide revenues for county services that are lost due to the habitat conservation plan; and (4) identify other nonhabitat-related measures to address the declining populations of the marbled murrelet.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 43.30 RCW under the subchapter heading "powers and duties---general" to read as follows:
(1)(a) To assist the department in developing and providing the report to the legislature required in section 2 of this act, the commissioner of public lands must appoint a marbled murrelet advisory committee. The committee may: (i) Include one or more representatives from: State lands trust beneficiaries; impacted state forestlands beneficiaries, including county and junior taxing district beneficiaries; environmental organizations; local governments or an association representing local governments; an association representing milling interests; a statewide association representing private forest landowners; and local public interest groups; and (ii) consult with relevant state and federal agencies and tribes.
(b) The advisory committee must include at least one legislative member from each of the minority and majority caucuses of the house of representatives and the senate whose districts have lands that are included in the 1997 habitat conservation plan or any proposed amendments thereto.
(2) In the event of any subsequent amendment to the 1997 state trust lands marbled murrelet habitat conservation plan, the commissioner must appoint a subsequent marbled murrelet advisory committee. The composition of the committee shall be as described in subsection (1) of this section. The committee must remain in existence until the subsequent amendment has been adopted."
EFFECT: States it is the intent of the legislature that the commissioner of public lands evaluate the economic impacts of both the existing marbled murrelet habitat conservation plan and proposed changes to the habitat conservation plan.
Modifies the scope of the report submitted to the legislature by the commissioner of public lands to address, among other things, recommendations on actions that support maintaining or increasing family-wage timber and related jobs in the communities affected by the habitat conservation plan, and other nonhabitat-related measures to address declining marbled murrelet populations.
Modifies the composition of the marbled murrelet advisory committee to include at least one legislative member from each of the minority and majority caucuses of the house of representatives and the senate whose districts have lands that are included in the 1997 habitat conservation plan or any proposed amendments thereto.