5008.E AMH SHEA HAJE 132
ESB 5008 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2606.2/17) 521
By Representative Shea
NOT ADOPTED 04/11/2017
On page 1, after line 25 of the striking amendment, insert the following:
"(3) An employer is immune from civil liability for relying on a standard driver's license or identicard issued with the design features required under section 1 of this act to establish an employment applicant's identity to the extent that this form of identification is used to comply with federal employment eligibility verification requirements and is authorized by the United States citizenship and immigration services for this purpose."
EFFECT: Provides immunity from civil liability to any employer who relies on a standard driver's license or identicard to establish an employment applicant's identity for the purpose of complying with federal employment eligibility verification requirements to the extent this use is authorized by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
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