Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research | BILL ANALYSIS |
Labor & Workplace Standards Committee |
SSB 6126
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
Brief Description: Requiring completion of an apprenticeship program to receive a journey level electrician certificate of competency.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce (originally sponsored by Senators Saldaña, Hasegawa, Chase, Conway, Zeiger, Keiser and Kuderer).
Brief Summary of Substitute Bill |
Hearing Date: 2/19/18
Staff: Joan Elgee (786-7106).
An electrical contractor license is required to engage in the business of installing or maintaining wires or equipment to convey electric current, or equipment to be operated by electric current. To work as an electrician, an individual must have a journey level or specialty electrician certificate of competency. The Department of Labor and Industries (Department) issues licenses and certificates of competency and otherwise administers the regulation of electricians and electrical work.
To obtain certification as a journey level electrician, an individual must work in the electrical construction trade for at least 8,000 hours to take the required examination. The required work experience hours to qualify to take a specialty examination are either 4,000 or 2,000 hours, depending on the specialty. If the specialty requires 2,000 hours, those hours may not be credited towards the 8,000 hour requirement for the journey level certificate. The Department permits applicants to credit work experience obtained for a 4,000 hour specialty towards the journey level certificate. Alternatively, an individual may qualify to take the examination by completing an apprenticeship program approved by the Washington Apprenticeship and Training Council. An applicant who has completed a two-year program at a community or technical college or technical or trade school may substitute up to two years of the school program for two years of work experience. Training in the electrical construction trade in the military may also be credited as work experience.
The Department may enter reciprocal agreements with other states to accept the credentials of other states if the requirements are equal to Washington's standards.
Summary of Bill:
Beginning July 1, 2023, applicants for a journey level electrician certificate must have completed an apprenticeship program to take the examination. The apprenticeship program may be one approved by the Washington Apprenticeship and Training Council or an equivalent apprenticeship program approved by the Department. The Department's practice of allowing work experience obtained for a 4,000 hour specialty to be credited towards apprenticeship requirements for a journey level certificate is codified.
Until July 1, 2025, the Department may permit an applicant to take the journey level examination if the applicant establishes that the applicant has the equivalent training and experience and good cause for not completing the minimum hours of work on July 1, 2023.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on February 6, 2018
Effective Date: The bill takes effect July 1, 2023.