HB 2313
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
As Reported by Senate Committee On:
Health & Long Term Care, February 22, 2018
Title: An act relating to providing the chiropractic quality assurance commission with additional authority over budget development, spending, and staffing.
Brief Description: Providing the chiropractic quality assurance commission with additional authority over budget development, spending, and staffing.
Sponsors: Representatives Cody, Schmick, Caldier, Appleton, Pollet and Dolan.
Brief History: Passed House: 2/13/18, 98-0.
Committee Activity: Health & Long Term Care: 2/22/18, 2/22/18 [DP-WM, w/oRec].
Brief Summary of Bill |
Majority Report: Do pass and be referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
Signed by Senators Cleveland, Chair; Kuderer, Vice Chair; Rivers, Ranking Member; Bailey, Conway, Fain, Keiser, Mullet and Van De Wege.
Minority Report: That it be referred without recommendation.
Signed by Senator Becker.
Staff: Greg Attanasio (786-7410)
Background: In 2013, CQAC elected to participate in a five year pilot project to expand its responsibilities. Under the pilot project, CQAC was allowed to hire an executive director who would carry out the administrative duties and manage the Department of Health (DOH) staff that are assigned to the CQAC. CQAC was also responsible for establishing its own biennial budget, collaborating with the secretary of DOH on credentialing fees, consulting with the secretary on uniform rules and guidelines, and developing its own performance measures related to the consistent and timely regulation of health care professionals.
The secretary and CQAC were required to report to the Governor and the Legislature by December 15, 2017, on the results of the pilot project, including its effectiveness compared to that of other disciplining authorities with respect to licensing and disciplinary activities, budgetary activity, and the ability to meet performance measures. The report recommended that the staffing and budgetary authority granted to CQAC under the pilot project be made permanent. The pilot project is set to conclude on June 30, 2018.
Summary of Bill: The expiration date of the pilot project is removed. CQAC is given permanent authority over all of the duties and responsibilities included in the pilot project, including budgeting, and consulting with the secretary to set fees, rules, guidelines, and performance measures.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony: PRO: CQAC has a strong working relationship with DOH and expects that to continue after the pilot project. Work during the pilot has achieved improvements in patient safety, better efficiency in licensure, and reduced fees.
Persons Testifying: PRO: James Slakey, Chiropractic Commission; Michael Schweitzer, President, Washington State Chiropractic Association; Kristin Peterson, Assistant Secretary for Health Systems, DOH.
Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying: No one.