WHEREAS, The Washington Information Network 2-1-1 has been serving the State of Washington since 2007 as a coalition of providers in every corner of the state; and
WHEREAS, WIN 2-1-1 provides information and referral services to anyone in need of essential health and human services such as training, employment, food pantries, help for the elderly and individuals with disabilities, affordable housing, support groups, and other ways for people to connect to their community; and
WHEREAS, WIN 2-1-1 provides real-time tracking of community needs, allowing policy makers and funders to make informed decisions about resource allocation; and
WHEREAS, WIN 2-1-1 supports approximately 291 million people in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico working to ensure that every American has access to services they need; and
WHEREAS, WIN 2-1-1 takes the calls of volunteers and those who wish to donate in times of crisis, allowing first responders to focus on relief efforts;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate celebrate the tenth anniversary of WIN 2-1-1 and the necessary service it provides to the residents of Washington state; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Program Manager, Tim Sullivan, of Washington Information Network 2-1-1.
I, Hunter G. Goodman, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8605,
adopted by the Senate
January 31, 2017
Secretary of the Senate