By Senator Fain
WHEREAS, Ms. El Wanda Bryant shows an enthusiasm for life that is contagious, and is always on the lookout for the positive in every situation; and
WHEREAS, After completing high school, El Wanda attended Eastern Washington College of Education where, during her Sophomore year, she married Bill Bryant, her high school sweetheart; and
WHEREAS, El Wanda started out as a tour guide for the legislative building in 1989, was very quickly asked to volunteer, and committed to temporarily help out with the Senate Page Program; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Bryant dutifully served Washington State by leading the Senate Page Program for twenty-eight years; and
WHEREAS, Over ten thousand pages within the Senate Page Program have had the opportunity to learn from El Wanda throughout her years of dedicated service; and
WHEREAS, Every Sunday during those twenty-eight years, El Wanda freely gave her afternoons to the Pages for their orientation; and neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow could prevent her from helping each new page feel welcome at the Capitol Building; and
WHEREAS, El Wanda was an instrumental part of setting into motion an emergency plan, ensuring the Pages knew where to meet in the event of an emergency; and
WHEREAS, Following the earthquake in February of 2001, El Wanda calmly gathered the twelve Pages from the dark Senate floor, led them to the Page room on the fourth floor, and gathered the remaining Pages so that Security, carrying one flashlight, could lead the group out through the back stairwell to safety; and
WHEREAS, El Wanda's adaptability and organizational skills were pivotal in allowing the Page Program to work successfully within the temporary buildings during reconstruction; and
WHEREAS, El Wanda's dedication to the Page Program was critical in keeping the program thriving during the budget crisis of 2008-2010, and even with diminished funds El Wanda never allowed the Page experience to be diminished; and
WHEREAS, El Wanda guided the Page Program through many legislative and technological changes, and her flexibility has been key in maneuvering the Page Program into the vital role it still provides today to the Washington State Senate and its supporting staff; and
WHEREAS, El Wanda and her husband of 60 years have raised five successful children and six loving grandchildren;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate recognize El Wanda Bryant for her passionate commitment to advancing the civic education of students in the great state of Washington.
I, Hunter G. Goodman, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8662,
adopted by the Senate
April 21, 2017
Secretary of the Senate