Legislative Digest No. 7

Wednesday, January 18, 201710th Day - 2017 Regular Session

SB 5206SB 5207SB 5208SB 5209SB 5210SB 5211SB 5212
SB 5213SB 5214SB 5215SB 5216SB 5217SB 5218SB 5219
SB 5220SB 5221SB 5222SB 5223SB 5224SB 5225SJR 8203
HB 1306HB 1307HB 1308HB 1309HB 1310HB 1311HB 1312
HB 1313HB 1314HB 1315HB 1316HB 1317HB 1318HB 1319
HB 1320HB 1321HB 1322HB 1323HB 1324HB 1325HB 1326
HB 1327HB 1328HB 1329HB 1330HB 1331HB 1332HB 1333
HB 1334HB 1335HB 1336HJM 4004HJM 4005

This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.

Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/digests.aspx?year=2017.

House Bills

HB 1306

by Representatives Shea, Taylor, Koster, Caldier, Buys, Volz, Young, Harris, Muri, McCaslin, Kirby, and Stambaugh

Authorizing the termination of all legal responsibilities of a nonparent if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that a man is not the genetic father of a child.

Establishes the Evans family relief act.

Authorizes a man to file a petition in superior court to rescind an acknowledgment of paternity, challenge a presumption of paternity, or contest an adjudication of paternity if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that the man is not the genetic father of the child.

Authorizes the court to enter an order disestablishing a man as the father of the child based on genetic testing that shows that he is not the genetic father.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1307

by Representatives Shea, Schmick, Kretz, Short, and Taylor

Authorizing local authorities to establish dual speed limits.

Allows local authorities in their respective jurisdictions, by ordinance, to establish dual speed limits by use in their jurisdictions.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Transportation (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1308

by Representatives Shea, Taylor, McCaslin, and Rodne

Making human decapitation an aggravating circumstance for purposes of aggravated first degree murder.

Makes human decapitation an aggravating circumstance for purposes of aggravated first degree murder.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1309

by Representatives Steele, Chapman, and Kretz

Concerning removal of land from the current use property tax classification due to certain natural disasters.

Prohibits compensating tax from being imposed, under chapter 84.34 RCW (timber and forest lands), if the land is removed from classification solely as a result of a natural disaster such as a flood, windstorm, earthquake, wildfire, or other calamity rather than by virtue of the act of the landowner changing the use of the property.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
Jan 20Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Finance at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change)

HB 1310

by Representatives Manweller, Bergquist, Hayes, Riccelli, and Klippert

Creating a program to provide students and the community with the means to report anonymously concerning unsafe or violent activities, or the threat of these activities.

Creates the students protecting students program, within the office of the superintendent of public instruction, to provide students and the community with the means to relay information anonymously concerning unsafe, potentially harmful, dangerous, violent, or criminal activities, or the threat of these activities, to the appropriate schools or law enforcement agencies.

Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to contract with an existing organization to provide the program.

Requires school districts to annually: (1) Make available to students at least one age-appropriate educational program, class, or activity designed to teach students about the program; and

(2) Disseminate information about the program, including contact information for anonymous reporting, to students and families through any normal means of existing communication.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1311

by Representatives Tarleton, Haler, Gregerson, Stokesbary, McBride, Pettigrew, Fitzgibbon, and Wilcox

Creating a business and occupation tax deduction for certain amounts received by zoological facilities.

Authorizes a business and occupation tax deduction on certain amounts received: (1) By a zoological facility, which represents income derived from business activities conducted by the facility; or

(2) From the United States or any instrumentality thereof or from this state or any municipal corporation or subdivision thereof as compensation for, or to support, zoological exhibitions, presentations, performances, or education programs provided by a zoological facility.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
Jan 20Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Finance at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change)

HB 1312

by Representatives Stokesbary, Stambaugh, and Cody

Requiring the department of social and health services to collect and publicly report information on the safe surrender of newborn children.

Requires the department of social and health services to collect and compile information concerning: (1) The number and medical condition of newborns transferred by the parent to a qualified person;

(2) The number and medical condition of newborns abandoned within the state who were not transferred; and

(3) Report its findings annually, to the public, which may be on its web site.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Early Learning & Human Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1313

by Representatives Pettigrew and Santos

Improving and expanding applied learning opportunities in public schools.

Creates the applied learning advisory committee to provide guidance to legislators, the superintendent of public instruction, the governor, and other policymakers on the improvement and expansion of applied learning opportunities in public schools.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1314

by Representatives Caldier, Jinkins, DeBolt, Cody, Rodne, Griffey, Harris, and Haler

Concerning health care authority auditing practices.

Addresses auditing requirements of the state health care authority.

Prohibits the disbursement of money from the medicaid fraud penalty account to the state health care authority.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1315

by Representatives Caldier, Wylie, Dent, Blake, and Griffey

Creating a preferred alternative for the placement, sale, and public notice of impounded livestock.

Addresses the placement, sale, and public notice of impounded horses, mules, donkeys, and cattle running at large or trespassing.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1316

by Representatives Caldier, Cody, Jinkins, Wylie, Bergquist, Harris, Clibborn, Rodne, and Griffey

Addressing fair dental insurance practices.

Prohibits a health carrier offering a dental only plan from: (1) Taking or threatening to take punitive action against a provider acting on behalf of or in support of a covered person because the provider disputes the carrier's determination with respect to coverage or payment for a dental service; or

(2) Denying a claim for a covered dental service provided by a treating dentist to a covered person.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1317

by Representatives McBride, Nealey, Ormsby, Muri, Goodman, and Stanford; by request of Department of Enterprise Services

Concerning the public disclosure of global positioning system data corresponding to residential addresses of public employees and volunteers.

Exempts the following employment and licensing information from public inspection and copying under the public records act: The global positioning system data that would indicate the location of the residence of a public employee or volunteer.
Jan 17First reading, referred to State Government (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1318

by Representatives Ryu and Kirby

Addressing credit unions' capital.

Authorizes a credit union, under certain circumstances, to receive payments on accounts or instruments subject to the terms, rates, and conditions as may be established by the board of directors.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Business & Financial Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1319

by Representatives McCaslin, Bergquist, Holy, Ryu, Stokesbary, Orwall, Volz, Haler, Stambaugh, Griffey, Chandler, Blake, Dent, McDonald, Dolan, Shea, Koster, Short, Pettigrew, Fey, and Santos

Concerning the frequency of evaluations for certain educators.

Requires certain classroom teachers and principals to receive an annual comprehensive summative evaluation every six years or every eight years.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1320

by Representatives Reeves, McDonald, Dolan, Stambaugh, Kilduff, Ryu, and Klippert

Concerning certain gold star license plate qualified applicants and recipients.

Allows an eligible widow or widower to apply for a standard issue license plate or a qualifying special license plate for one personal use motor vehicle. He or she is exempt from annual vehicle registration fees and license plate fees for that vehicle.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Transportation (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1321

by Representatives Jenkin, Appleton, Nealey, and Gregerson

Concerning certain public facilities district's authorization to acquire, construct, own, remodel, maintain, equip, reequip, repair, finance, and operate one or more recreational facilities other than a ski area with voter approval.

Authorizes a public facilities district, created by a city or town that participated in the creation of an additional public facilities district, to acquire, construct, own, remodel, maintain, equip, reequip, repair, finance, and operate one or more recreational facilities, other than a ski area, after obtaining voter approval to fund each recreational facility.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Local Government (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1322

by Representatives Kilduff, Harris, Kagi, Senn, Cody, Short, McDonald, Caldier, Dent, Tharinger, Dye, Robinson, and Lovick

Reducing training requirements for developmental disability respite providers working three hundred hours or less in any calendar year.

Requires a person working as an individual provider who provides respite care services only for individuals with developmental disabilities and works three hundred hours or less in a calendar year to complete fourteen hours of training within the first one hundred twenty days after becoming an individual provider.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1323

by Representatives Wylie, Harris, Nealey, McBride, Stanford, and Muri; by request of Department of Enterprise Services

Concerning loss prevention reviews by state agencies.

Requires state agencies, in consultation with the department of enterprise services and upon delegation, to appoint a loss prevention review team when the death of a person, serious injury to a person, or other substantial loss is alleged or suspected to be caused at least in part by the actions of the state agency.
Jan 17First reading, referred to State Government (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1324

by Representatives Tharinger, DeBolt, and Smith; by request of Office of Financial Management

Concerning the financing of local infrastructure.

Authorizes the housing finance commission to develop and implement a program to provide financing to local governments for infrastructure projects.

Authorizes a local government to enter into a financing agreement containing the terms and conditions of a loan from the commission and evidencing the obligation of the municipal corporation to repay that loan under the terms and conditions set forth in the financing agreement.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Local Government (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1325

by Representative Tharinger; by request of Office of Financial Management

Concerning the evaluation and prioritization of capital budget projects at the public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education.

Addresses requirements of two-year and four-year institutions of higher education with regard to the evaluation and prioritization of capital budget projects at the institutions.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Higher Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1326

by Representatives Kirby and Shea

Addressing examinations under oath when a person claims a loss under an insurance contract.

Addresses the claiming of a loss under an insurance contract.

Requires a policy of insurance to contain a provision for conducting an examination under oath.

Prohibits a policy of underinsured motorist coverage from containing a provision authorizing the taking of an examination under oath.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Business & Financial Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1327

by Representatives Shea and Taylor

Changing provisions relating to presidential electors.

Revises presidential elector provisions.
Jan 17First reading, referred to State Government (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1328

by Representatives Shea, Taylor, Holy, Short, and Pike

Directing the department of ecology to consider alternatives to rule making.

Revises the administrative procedure act by requiring the department of ecology to consider alternatives to rule making.
Jan 17First reading, referred to State Government (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1329

by Representatives McCabe and Sells; by request of Department of Labor & Industries

Modifying monetary penalties imposed for infractions relating to mobile and manufactured home installation.

Requires the department of labor and industries to set by rule a schedule of monetary penalties for infractions imposed under chapter 43.22A RCW (mobile and manufactured home installation).

Increases monetary penalties for infractions under chapter 43.22A RCW.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1330

by Representatives Manweller and Tarleton

Extending the business and occupation tax exemption for amounts received as credits against contracts with or funds provided by the Bonneville power administration and used for low-income ratepayer assistance.

Exempts the following from business and occupation taxes: Amounts received by a person in the form of credits against power contracts with the Bonneville power administration, or funds provided by the Bonneville power administration, for the purpose of implementing energy conservation programs or demand-side management programs, as long as the amounts are used for purposes of low-income ratepayer assistance.

Expires January 1, 2028.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Technology & Economic Development (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1331

by Representatives Kilduff and Muri

Concerning ferry district authority.

Removes a reference to passenger-only ferry service in a statute governing the formation and operation of a county ferry district.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Transportation (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1332

by Representatives Fey and Stambaugh

Concerning dangerous objects on county roads and bridges.

Addresses required actions by a county with regard to dumped logs and other public nuisances on county roads and bridges.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Transportation (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1333

by Representatives Stambaugh, Springer, Harris, Tarleton, and Haler

Requiring establishment of a systemwide credit policy regarding AP exams.

Requires the student achievement council to establish an evidence-based systemwide policy for granting undergraduate course credits to students who have earned minimum scores of three on AP exams.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Higher Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1334

by Representative Tarleton

Concerning the energy independence act.

Revises the energy independent act and declares that this state can promote energy independence, create high-quality jobs in the clean energy sector, maintain stable and affordable rates for all customers, especially low-income customers, and protect clean air and water in the Pacific Northwest.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Technology & Economic Development (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1335

by Representative Tarleton

Concerning the electrification of transportation infrastructure.

Authorizes certain cities and towns, engaged in the generation, sale, or distribution of energy, to: (1) Assist its customers in financing the acquisition and installation of materials and equipment for the electrification of transportation; and

(2) Offer programs, services, or investments in the electrification of transportation for its customers in a way as to benefit ratepayers, pursuant to an electrification of transportation plan adopted by the governing body of the city or town.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Technology & Economic Development (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HB 1336

by Representatives Kirby and Sells

Restricting the social security offset to disability compensation.

Exempts from social security offset requirements, workers who applied to receive social security retirement benefits before the date of their injury and workers receiving social security benefits before their injury.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

House Joint Memorials

HJM 4004

by Representatives Shea, Rodne, Young, Koster, Hayes, Klippert, Haler, Irwin, Manweller, Van Werven, Harmsworth, Holy, Volz, McDonald, Schmick, MacEwen, and McCaslin

Condemning the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement.

Condemns the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

HJM 4005

by Representatives Shea, McCaslin, and Taylor

Urging members of the United States congress to propose the parental rights amendment to the states for ratification.

Urges members of the United States congress to propose the parental rights amendment to the states for ratification.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).

Senate Bills

SB 5206

by Senators Chase, Hunt, Conway, Hasegawa, and Keiser

Providing for career and technical education opportunities for elementary school students.

Requires an elementary school, that receives approval from the office of the superintendent of public instruction to provide a career and technical program in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) directly to students, to receive funding at the same rate as a high school operating a similar program.

Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to: (1) Allocate grants to elementary schools to develop or upgrade high-demand career and technical education programs; and

(2) Implement a grant program to fund K-12 STEM programs provided by a national entity that is exempt from certain taxation.

Requires that priority is given, for awards from the grant program, to schools that have an enrollment of seventy percent or more students eligible for free or reduced-price meals.

Makes an appropriation from the general fund to the office of the superintendent of public instruction for awarding grants to fund a curriculum of K-12 STEM courses.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education.

SB 5207

by Senators Kuderer, Miloscia, Frockt, Zeiger, Hobbs, and Keiser; by request of Department of Enterprise Services

Concerning the public disclosure of global positioning system data corresponding to residential addresses of public employees and volunteers.

Exempts the following employment and licensing information from public inspection and copying under the public records act: The global positioning system data that would indicate the location of the residence of a public employee or volunteer.
Jan 17First reading, referred to State Government.

SB 5208

by Senators Warnick, Takko, Dansel, Brown, Wellman, Hawkins, and Schoesler

Creating the Washington rural jobs act.

Establishes the Washington rural jobs act.

Requires the department of commerce to accept applications for approval as a rural growth fund.

Allows a nonrefundable tax credit, for taxpayers that made a credit-eligible capital contribution to the rural growth fund and were issued a tax credit certificate, and allows the credit to be claimed against the following: Business and occupation taxes; insurance premium taxes; and retaliatory taxes.

Provides a July 1, 2023, contingent expiration date.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Trade & Economic Development.

SB 5209

by Senators O'Ban, Conway, Zeiger, and Fortunato

Concerning certain gold star license plate qualified applicants and recipients.

Allows an eligible widow or widower to apply for a standard issue license plate or a qualifying special license plate for one personal use motor vehicle. He or she is exempt from annual vehicle registration fees and license plate fees for that vehicle.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Transportation.

SB 5210

by Senators Liias and Fain; by request of Attorney General

Establishing a student loan bill of rights.

Establishes the Washington student education loan bill of rights.

Requires the student achievement council to designate a student education loan ombuds within the office of student financial assistance to provide timely assistance to a student education loan borrower with a student education loan.

Requires the director of the department of financial institutions to establish fees sufficient to cover the costs of administering the department's program for student education loan servicers and the student education loan ombuds.

Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct a study on the impact and cost-effectiveness of establishing a student loan authority to refinance existing federal and private undergraduate and graduate student loans from the proceeds of tax-exempt bonds.

Creates the student education loan ombuds account.

Requires the state treasurer, beginning in the 2019-2020 fiscal year, to annually transfer from the financial services regulation fund to the student loan ombuds account, the greater of one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars or twenty percent of the annual assessment derived from student education loan servicing.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Higher Education.

SB 5211

by Senator Wilson

Addressing adjudicative proceedings by state agencies.

Addresses state agency adjudicative proceedings with regard to ex parte communications, entry of final orders, and issuance of final decisions or proposals for decisions by an administrative law judge.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Law & Justice.

SB 5212

by Senator Wilson

Concerning the scope of land use control ordinances for purposes of vesting.

Clarifies the scope of land use control ordinances for purposes of vesting.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Local Government.

SB 5213

by Senators Wilson and Zeiger

Concerning the award of fees for limited license legal technicians in certain domestic violence cases.

Revises the domestic violence protection act with regard to the responsibility of a respondent to reimburse the petitioner for costs incurred for limited license legal technician fees.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Law & Justice.

SB 5214

by Senators Wilson and Zeiger

Adding responsibilities to the duties of the joint administrative rules review committee.

Increases the types of rules that must be reviewed by the joint administrative rules review committee.

Subjects the following agency actions to selective review by the joint administrative rules review committee: (1) General permits impacting local governments filed in accordance with agency rules; and

(2) Guidance documents and advisory materials incorporated into local government ordinances.
Jan 17First reading, referred to State Government.

SB 5215

by Senators Conway and O'Ban

Encouraging the annexation of unincorporated urban growth areas.

Encourages unincorporated urban growth area annexation.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Local Government.

SB 5216

by Senator O'Ban

Requiring the superintendent of public instruction to develop an elective firearms safety and hunter education course for high school students.

Requires the superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, to develop a program of instruction for firearms safety and hunter education for students in grades nine through twelve that satisfies hunting license prerequisite requirements.

Authorizes a school district to adopt the program as an elective one-half credit course to instruct students in grades nine through twelve, or grades ten through twelve if grade nine is not offered at the high school, in the content area addressed by the curriculum.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education.

SB 5217

by Senators Zeiger, Rolfes, Fain, and Billig

Changing explicit alternative routes to teacher certification program requirements to expectations for program outcomes.

Changes explicit alternative routes to teacher certification program requirements to expectations for program outcomes.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education.

SB 5218

by Senator Zeiger

Requiring notification to law enforcement of persons with an arrest warrant who are on public agency property.

Requires a public agency employee, who has reasonable cause to believe that a person located on agency property has a warrant issued for his or her arrest, to immediately make a report or cause a report to be made to a local law enforcement agency.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Law & Justice.

SB 5219

by Senators Billig, Palumbo, Mullet, Carlyle, Pedersen, Darneille, Hasegawa, Conway, Rolfes, and Frockt

Increasing transparency of contributions by creating the Washington state DISCLOSE act of 2017.

Establishes the democracy is strengthened by casting light on spending in elections act of 2017, also known as the Washington state DISCLOSE act of 2017, to close campaign finance disclosure loopholes and require the disclosure of contributions and expenditures by nonprofit organizations that participate significantly in this state's elections.
Jan 17First reading, referred to State Government.

SB 5220

by Senators Warnick, Angel, Rivers, and Chase

Concerning the excise taxation of martial arts.

Redefines martial arts training and instruction that take place outside of a fitness facility in order to return these activities to their previous tax treatment.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Ways & Means.

SB 5221

by Senator Fain; by request of Washington State Medical Commission

Creating the interstate medical licensure compact.

Creates the interstate medical licensure compact.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Health Care.

SB 5222

by Senators Hasegawa, Baumgartner, Takko, O'Ban, Conway, Zeiger, Bailey, and King

Requiring prime contractors to bond the subcontractors portion of retainage upon request.

Authorizes a subcontractor, at any time before final formal acceptance of a project, to request the contractor to submit a bond to the public owner for that portion of the contractor's retainage pertaining to the subcontractor in a form acceptable to the public body and from a bonding company meeting standards established by the public body.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Commerce, Labor & Sports.

SB 5223

by Senators Miloscia, O'Ban, and Becker

Concerning safe injection sites in Washington state.

Declares that the state fully occupies and preempts the entire field of safe injection site regulation within the boundaries of the state, including the registration, licensing, possession, purchase, sale, acquisition, transfer, use, authorization, or any other element relating to safe injection sites.

Provides for submission of this act to a vote of the people.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Health Care.

SB 5224

by Senators Frockt, Rivers, McCoy, and Hasegawa

Establishing the practice of dental therapy.

Creates new credentials for dental therapists.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Health Care.

SB 5225

by Senators Keiser, Miloscia, and Saldaña

Directing the completion of a study of certain environmental impacts, including ultrafine particulate emissions, associated with aircraft traffic in areas impacted by airport operations.

Directs the department of commerce, in consultation with the department of health and the department of ecology, to complete a study regarding air quality implications of air traffic at the international airport in Washington with the highest number of total annual departures and arrivals.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Energy, Environment & Telecommunications.

Senate Joint Resolutions

SJR 8203

by Senators Miloscia, O'Ban, Bailey, and Becker

Amending the Constitution to allow public schools that are not free from sectarian control.

Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to allow public schools that are not free from sectarian control.
Jan 17First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education.