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Legislative Digest No.
26 |
| SIXTY-FIFTH LEGISLATURE | Wednesday, February 15, 2017 | | 38th Day - 2017 Regular Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills HB 1036-Sby House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Harmsworth, Kirby, Short, and Muri)
Concerning business practices of registered tow truck operators by authorizing electronic records creation and storage. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Authorizes a registered tow truck operator's transaction file to be created and stored electronically. Requires the method of electronic records storage to use software developed for that business purpose. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 12 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Feb 8 | TR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
HB 1115-Sby House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Bergquist, Muri, Ortiz-Self, Harris, Stanford, Stambaugh, Gregerson, and Kilduff)
Concerning paraeducators. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Creates the paraeducator board and requires the board to: (1) Adopt minimum employment requirements for paraeducators and paraeducator standards of practice; (2) Establish requirements and policies for paraeducator specialty certificates in English language learner and special education; (3) Approve courses of study necessary to meet the state standards of practice for paraeducators and the requirements for specialty certificates; (4) Collaborate with the office of the superintendent of public instruction to adapt the electronic educator certification process to include paraeducator specialty certificates; and (5) Distribute grants to a diverse set of school districts that volunteer to pilot the state paraeducator standards of practice and the paraeducator specialty certificates. Requires school districts to implement a course of study for paraeducators on the state standards of practice. Requires the superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the paraeducator board and the professional educator standards board, to design a training program for teachers and administrators as it relates to their role working with paraeducators. Requires the professional educator standards board, in consultation with the paraeducator board and the office of the superintendent of public instruction, to incorporate the following into the content required to complete a professional educator standards board-approved teacher or administrator preparation program: (1) For teachers, information on how to direct a paraeducator working with students in the paraeducators' classroom; and (2) For administrators, information on how to supervise and evaluate paraeducators. Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct a study on the effectiveness of paraeducators in improving student outcomes. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 26 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | ED - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1234-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Robinson, Lytton, Senn, Frame, Doglio, Tarleton, Hansen, Jinkins, Cody, Ortiz-Self, Riccelli, Stambaugh, Macri, Pollet, Tharinger, Clibborn, Stonier, Caldier, Sells, Gregerson, Wylie, Kilduff, McBride, Goodman, Bergquist, Ormsby, Stanford, Slatter, and Kloba)
Addressing private health plan coverage of contraceptives. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires a health benefit plan that includes coverage for contraceptive drugs to provide reimbursement for a twelve-month refill of contraceptive drugs obtained at one time by the enrollee. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 1:30 PM. | Feb 8 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
HB 1247-Sby House Committee on Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives McCabe, Kilduff, Muri, Caldier, Wylie, Dent, Tarleton, Haler, Stanford, Appleton, McBride, and Young)
Concerning eligibility for lifetime veteran's disability passes. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Authorizes disabled veterans, with a service-connected disability of at least thirty percent and who are residents of Washington or Oregon, to receive a lifetime veteran's disability pass for access to the state parks system at no cost. States that Oregon resident eligibility is contingent on reciprocal statutory authority in Oregon providing for similar cost-free access to Oregon's state parks system for disabled veterans. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 2 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Community Development and Housing & Tribal Affairs at 1:30 PM. | Feb 8 | CDHT - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Community Development and Housing & Tribal Affairs at 8:00 AM. | Feb 14 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1293-Sby House Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Ortiz-Self, Caldier, Stonier, Doglio, Orwall, Senn, Tarleton, McBride, Gregerson, Kagi, Jinkins, Santos, Pollet, Bergquist, Kilduff, Young, and Frame)
Concerning witnessing a student's college bound scholarship pledge when efforts to obtain a parent's or guardian's signature are unsuccessful. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Addresses unsuccessful efforts to obtain a parent's or guardian's signature with regard to the witnessing of a student's college bound scholarship pledge. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 25 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM. | Feb 8 | HE - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
HB 1338-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Cody, Schmick, Jinkins, Johnson, Robinson, and Riccelli)
Addressing the Washington state health insurance pool. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Declares an intent to: (1) Extend the expiration date to December 31, 2022, for nonmedicare coverage in the Washington state health insurance pool; and (2) Study the necessity of continuing pool coverage in the short and long terms, the role of the pool in light of the evolving health care landscape, and the creation of a funding mechanism that equitably and broadly apportions pool costs across the state's health care marketplace. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1359-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Jinkins, Harris, Macri, Kilduff, Riccelli, Cody, Slatter, Appleton, Kloba, Frame, and Doglio)
Concerning notice of charity care availability at time of billing and collection. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires hospital billing statements to include a statement, regarding discounts on hospital bills whether or not you are insured, in English and the non-English language most commonly spoken by the non-English speaking or limited-English speaking population in the hospital's service area. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 3 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. | Feb 8 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 1:30 PM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1369-Sby House Committee on Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Hayes, Muri, Kilduff, Appleton, and Lovick)
Defining veteran for the purpose of receiving certain benefits. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Revises the definition of "veteran," for the purpose of receiving certain benefits, to include a person who is in receipt of a United States department of defense discharge document DD form 214, NGB form 22, or their equivalent or successor discharge paperwork, that characterizes his or her service as honorable. Authorizes veterans' scoring criteria to be claimed: (1) Upon release from active military service with an honorable discharge or a discharge for medical reasons with an honorable record, where applicable; or (2) Upon receipt of a United States department of defense discharge document DD form 214, NGB form 22, or their equivalent or successor discharge paperwork, that characterizes his or her service as honorable. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 2 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Community Development and Housing & Tribal Affairs at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | CDHT - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Community Development and Housing & Tribal Affairs at 10:00 AM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
HB 1404-Sby House Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Tarleton, Wilcox, Sells, Chandler, Haler, Stambaugh, Van Werven, Santos, and Stanford)
Conducting a workforce study of employment opportunities in the agriculture, environment, and natural resources economic sectors intended to provide educators with the information needed for informing students about employment opportunities in the studied fields. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires the workforce training and education coordinating board to conduct a workforce assessment for the agriculture, natural resources, and environment sectors to: (1) Assess the available data on current and projected employment levels and hiring demand for skilled mid-level workers in those sectors; and (2) Assess the food and fiber processing jobs. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Higher Education at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | HE - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1482-Sby House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Sawyer, Kagi, Stambaugh, Caldier, Robinson, Springer, Hargrove, Tarleton, Ormsby, Doglio, and Stanford)
Establishing the legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Creates the legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force to, among other responsibilities: (1) Reduce the overall percentage of people living below two hundred percent of the federal poverty level; (2) Prevent and address adverse childhood experiences and the trauma of children who are living in poverty; and (3) Direct the department of social and health services to develop a five-year plan and a ten-year plan to address intergenerational poverty. Creates the intergenerational poverty advisory committee to assist the task force. Authorizes the department of social and health services to establish and maintain a system to track intergenerational poverty. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 3 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | ELHS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 8:00 AM. | Feb 10 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1489-Sby House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Representatives Kretz, Blake, and Short)
Concerning private wildland fire suppression contractors. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires the department of natural resources, for the maximum effective use of local fire suppression assets, to actively engage in ongoing prefire season outreach and recruitment of qualified wildland fire suppression contractors and equipment owners and compile and annually update a master list of the qualified contractors. Requires the local wildland fire liaison to fulfill duties as assigned by the commissioner of public lands or the legislature, including the recruitment of local wildland fire suppression contractors. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | AGNR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources at 8:00 AM. | Feb 10 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
HB 1521-Sby House Committee on State Govt, Elections & IT (originally sponsored by Representatives Dolan, Doglio, Ormsby, Appleton, Bergquist, and Pollet; by request of Office of Financial Management)
Addressing vacation leave. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Revises state government employee provisions to: (1) Remove the requirement that an employee must work at least six months before taking vacation leave; and (2) Allow employees whose employment is terminated by death, reduction in force, resignation, dismissal, or retirement, who have been employed for at least six continuous months, to cash out his or her accrued vacation leave. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 7 | Public hearing in the House Committee on State Government and Elections & Information Technology at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | SEIT - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on State Government and Elections & Information Technology at 1:30 PM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1531-Sby House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Representatives Chapman, DeBolt, Blake, Koster, Orcutt, Tharinger, Kraft, Pettigrew, Smith, Dolan, and Fitzgibbon)
Concerning the forest riparian easement program. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires the department of natural resources to: (1) Share information regarding the carbon sequestration benefits of the forest riparian easement program with other state programs attempting to quantify carbon storage or account for carbon emissions; and (2) Promote the expansion of funding for the forest riparian easement program as one part of the state's overall climate strategy. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | AGNR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources at 10:00 AM. | Feb 10 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. |
HB 1561-Sby House Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Frame, Pollet, Doglio, Kloba, Bergquist, Kilduff, Stanford, Dolan, Peterson, Stonier, Senn, Slatter, Fey, Lovick, Macri, Tarleton, Tharinger, Sawyer, Goodman, and Farrell)
Concerning open educational resources. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires the student achievement council to: (1) Administer the open educational resources grant pilot program for the four-year institutions of higher education; and (2) Develop an application form for a grant and a process for: Reviewing and selecting grant applicants; awarding grant funding; and the grant awardee to report back to the council on the use of the grant. Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct a study on the cost of textbooks and course materials and the use of open educational resources at four-year institutions of higher education. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Higher Education at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | HE - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1597-Sby House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Representatives Blake, Kretz, and Doglio; by request of Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Increasing revenue to the state wildlife account by increasing commercial fishing license fees and streamlining wholesale fish dealing, buying, and selling requirements. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Increases commercial fishing license fees and streamlines requirements for wholesale fish dealing, buying, and selling to increase revenue to the state wildlife account. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | AGNR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources at 8:00 AM. | Feb 13 | Referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1738-Sby House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representatives Doglio, Jenkin, and Tarleton)
Continuing to protect water quality by aligning state brake friction material restrictions with the requirements of a similar nationwide agreement. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prohibits a manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, or distributor from selling or offering for sale brake friction material containing more than 0.5 percent copper and its compounds by weight. Exempts the following from the prohibition above: (1) Brake friction material manufactured before 2025 for the purposes of clearing inventory; and (2) Brake friction material manufactured as part of an original equipment service contract for vehicles manufactured before January 1, 2025. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Environment at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | ENVI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Environment at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
HB 2098by Representatives Sawyer, Vick, Kirby, and Condotta
Making financial services available to marijuana producers, processors, retailers, qualifying patients, health care professionals, and designated providers as authorized under chapters 69.50 and 69.51A RCW.
Authorizes a financial institution to receive deposits, extend credit, conduct funds transfers, and provide other financial services for marijuana producers, processors, and retailers, qualifying patients, health care professionals, and designated providers. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2099by Representative Blake
Streamlining distillery licensing and fees.
Streamlines distillery licensing and fees. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Commerce & Gaming (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Feb 16 | Scheduled for public hearing and executive session in the House Committee on Commerce & Gaming at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
HB 2100by Representative Goodman
Concerning the statutory vested rights doctrine and establishing rules for determining what regulations control decisions on project permit applications.
Addresses the common law vested rights doctrine with regard to the control of decisions on project permit applications. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Environment (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2101by Representatives McCabe, Orwall, Griffey, Hayes, and McDonald
Concerning the availability of sexual assault nurse examiners.
Requires the office of crime victims advocacy to develop: (1) Best practices that local communities may use on a voluntary basis to create mobile sexual assault nurse examiner teams and multidisciplinary teams to serve sexual assault survivors in local communities; and (2) Strategies to make sexual assault nurse examiner training available without requiring the nurses to travel unreasonable distances or incur unreasonable expenses. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2102by Representatives McCabe, Orwall, Hayes, and McDonald
Clarifying that hospitals and emergency medical facilities providing sexual assault examinations may seek reimbursement from a sexual assault victim's health coverage as long as the victim does not receive a bill or incur any out-of-pocket expenses associated with such reimbursement.
Clarifies that hospitals and emergency medical facilities may seek reimbursement, for the performance of a sexual assault examination, from medicaid, medicare, or the victim's insurance for covered services associated with the examination as long as the victim does not receive a bill or incur any out-of-pocket expenses associated with the reimbursement. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2103by Representative Sawyer
Concerning the gambling commission.
Prohibits money in the gambling revolving fund from being expended to exercise any power, duty, or authority of the gambling commission with respect to the commission's law enforcement powers, duties, or authority as provided in section 2 of this act. Requires the legislature to appropriate, from the state general fund, money sufficient to fund the commission's law enforcement powers, duties, and authority. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Appropriations (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2104by Representative Kirby
Addressing protection product guarantee providers.
Clarifies that more than one reimbursement insurance policy, risk retention group, or both may be used by protection product guarantee providers to meet certain requirements. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Business & Financial Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2105by Representatives Stambaugh and Shea
Enhancing public engagement with the legislative and executive ethics boards.
Requires the legislative ethics board and the executive ethics board to issue written advisory opinions upon the written request of a person or upon its own motion. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to State Government, Elections & Information Technology (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
Senate Bills SB 5021-Sby Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators O'Ban, Frockt, Schoesler, Darneille, Nelson, Pearson, Rolfes, Conway, Sheldon, Fortunato, Fain, Hasegawa, and Kuderer; by request of Attorney General)
Concerning pro bono legal services for military service members, veterans, and their families. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Creates the office of military and veteran legal assistance within the office of the attorney general to promote and facilitate civil legal assistance programs, pro bono services, and self-help services for military service members, veterans, and their family members domiciled or stationed in this state. Prohibits the attorney general from directly providing legal assistance, advice, or representation, legal assistance programs, pro bono services, or self-help services to a service member, veteran, or family member being criminally prosecuted. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 11 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | LAW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | And refer to Ways & Means. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5081-Sby Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Pedersen and Miloscia; by request of Uniform Law Commission)
Adopting the revised uniform law on notarial acts. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Adopts the revised uniform law on notarial acts. Repeals chapter 42.44 RCW (notaries public). -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 10:00 AM. | Feb 8 | LAW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5185-Sby Senate Committee on State Government (originally sponsored by Senators Wilson, Mullet, and Palumbo)
Providing immunity from liability for professional or trade associations providing emergency response volunteers. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prohibits an act or omission, by a covered volunteer emergency worker while engaged in a covered activity, from imposing any liability for civil damages resulting from the act or omission upon a professional or trade association of covered volunteer emergency workers. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 27 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | SGOV - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5192-Sby Senate Committee on State Government (originally sponsored by Senators Kuderer, Billig, Cleveland, Palumbo, Hunt, Darneille, Keiser, Carlyle, and Hasegawa)
Enacting same day voter registration. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Authorizes a person who is not registered to vote in this state to submit a registration application no later than eight days before the day of a primary, special election, or general election or register in person at the county auditor's office, the division of elections, a voting center, or other location designated by the county auditor, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the primary or election. Authorizes a registered voter: (1) Who changes his or her residence, within the same county, to transfer his or her registration at a voting center or other location designated by the county auditor; and (2) To update his or her registration no later than eight days before the day of the primary or election. Requires the secretary of state to establish procedures to enable new or updated voter registrations to be recorded on an expedited basis. Requires a county auditor to register voters in person at the county auditor's office, the division of elections, and a voting center. Requires voting centers to be located in public buildings including libraries. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | SGOV - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5211-Sby Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Wilson and Honeyford)
Addressing adjudicative proceedings by state agencies. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Addresses state agency adjudicative proceedings with regard to qualified hearings, ex parte communications, entry of initial and final orders, and issuance of final decisions or proposals for decisions by an administrative law judge or a presiding officer. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 24 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 10:00 AM. | Feb 8 | LAW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | And refer to Ways & Means. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5241-Sby Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education (originally sponsored by Senators Carlyle, O'Ban, Darneille, Hasegawa, and Wellman)
Concerning the educational success of youth who are homeless or in foster care. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Eliminates academic and nonacademic barriers and changes requirements of school districts with regard to the educational success of youth who are homeless or in foster care. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 30 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | EDU - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 1:30 PM. | Feb 8 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 14 | On motion, referred to Rules Green Sheet for second reading. |
SB 5296-Sby Senate Committee on State Government (originally sponsored by Senators Braun, Ranker, and Keiser; by request of Office of Financial Management)
Removing the requirement that an employee must work at least six months before taking vacation leave. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Revises state government employee provisions to: (1) Remove the requirement that an employee must work at least six months before taking vacation leave; and (2) Allow an employee whose employment is terminated by death, reduction in force, resignation, dismissal, or retirement, who has been employed for at least six continuous months, to cash out his or her accrued vacation leave. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 3 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | SGOV - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | And refer to Ways & Means. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5301-Sby Senate Committee on State Government (originally sponsored by Senators Miloscia, Hunt, Hasegawa, Chase, and Conway; by request of Attorney General)
Including willful violations of certain state laws to the state's responsible bidder criteria. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Revises responsible bidder criteria provisions to include willfully violating the minimum wage act and the wage payment act. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 27 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 8 | SGOV - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5303-Sby Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Parks (originally sponsored by Senators Honeyford, Rolfes, Chase, Hawkins, Warnick, Bailey, and Ranker; by request of Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Concerning aquatic invasive species management. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Revises aquatic invasive species provisions with regard to management, invasive species, ballast water, biofouling management accounts, and biofouling program funding. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 26 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Parks at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | NRP - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | And refer to Ways & Means. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Parks at 1:30 PM. | Feb 9 | Referred to Ways & Means. | Feb 16 | Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. (Subject to change) |
SB 5358-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Schoesler and Ranker)
Improving tax and licensing laws administered by the department of revenue, but not including changes to tax laws that are estimated to affect state or local tax collections as reflected in any fiscal note prepared and approved under the process established in chapter 43.88A RCW. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Addresses the improvement of department of revenue-administered tax and licensing laws regarding: (1) Providing reasonable tools for the effective administration of the public utility district privilege tax; (2) Pet adoption fees; (3) Technical corrections and clarifications to 2015 legislation; (4) Automated sales suppression devices and phantom-ware; (5) Annual surveys and reports for tax preferences; (6) Estate tax return filing relief; (7) Clarifying that licensing information may not be disclosed for commercial purposes; (8) Background investigations; (9) Revising the date by which the department of revenue is required to provide estimates of the amount of public forestland that is available for timber harvesting; and (10) Electronic communication of confidential property tax information. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 2 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | Feb 8 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5388-Sby Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Zeiger, Sheldon, Kuderer, Padden, Wilson, Conway, Fortunato, Hobbs, Becker, Warnick, and Honeyford)
Concerning the removal of unauthorized persons from certain premises. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Authorizes an owner of a building, that is considered residential real property, to initiate an investigation and request the removal of an unauthorized person from the premises by providing a specific declaration to law enforcement. Authorizes a peace officer to remove the person from the premises and order the person to remain off the premises, if the person is unlawfully entering the premises. Requires a peace officer to have probable cause to believe that a person is guilty of criminal trespass in order to make an arrest or exclude anyone under penalty of criminal trespass. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 26 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 10:00 AM. | Feb 8 | LAW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM. | Feb 9 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5809by Senators Rivers and Pedersen; by request of Board For Judicial Administration
Extending surcharges on court filing fees for deposit in the judicial stabilization trust account to July 1, 2021.
Extends, until July 1, 2021, the surcharges on court filing fees for deposit in the judicial stabilization trust account. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Law & Justice. |
SB 5810by Senator Padden
Adding attempted murder to the list of offenses that may be prosecuted at any time after their commission.
Allows attempted murder to be prosecuted at any time after its commission. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Law & Justice. | Feb 15 | Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
SB 5811by Senator O'Ban
Expanding use of the involuntary treatment act to combat heroin abuse.
Addresses heroin abuse. Provides the criteria for a person to be considered as gravely disabled due to a substance use disorder. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Human Services, Mental Health & Housing. |
SB 5812by Senators Liias, Cleveland, Sheldon, Hasegawa, Palumbo, and Saldaña
Regulating wheelchair-accessible for hire vehicles.
Permits the state and the political subdivisions of the state to regulate wheelchair-accessible for hire vehicle transportation services without liability under federal antitrust laws. Requires a wheelchair-accessible for hire vehicle operator to obtain a permit from the director of the department of licensing before operating a wheelchair-accessible for hire vehicle upon a highway in this state. -- 2017 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |