This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change. Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at HB 2468 by Representatives Vick and Kirby Allowing firms in the Canadian province of British Columbia to perform attest or compilation services for companies in Washington state that are the consolidated, subsidiary, or component entity of another corporate entity registered in Canada. Authorizes a firm holding a license or registration as a chartered professional accounting firm in the Canadian province of British Columbia to perform the following services: (1) An attest or compilation engagement of a business entity operating in this state that is the consolidated, subsidiary, or component entity of another entity that is operating in Canada who acts as the issuer of the report; and(2) A standalone attest or compilation engagement of a wholly or majority-owned subsidiary and/or component of an entity that is operating in Canada.
HB 2469 by Representatives Clibborn and Fey; by request of Office of Financial Management Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2017-2019 fiscal biennium. Makes supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2017-2019 fiscal biennium.
HB 2470 by Representative Ormsby; by request of Office of Financial Management Concerning budget stabilization account transfers. Requires the state treasurer to transfer into the state general fund the one percent of general state revenues deposited into the budget stabilization account: (1) By June 30, 2020, for fiscal year 2020; and(2) By June 30, 2021, for fiscal year 2021.
HB 2471 by Representatives Kirby, Sawyer, Condotta, and Macri Preempting local government regulation of medical marijuana cooperatives. Prohibits cities, towns, and counties from enacting regulations pertaining to medical marijuana cooperatives absent an express grant of authority from the state.
HB 2472 by Representatives Vick, Blake, Sawyer, Condotta, Kloba, and Young Ensuring reasonable terms of payment are available to marijuana retailers when contracting with marijuana processors for the purchase of marijuana products. Requires a marijuana retailer, in a contract between a marijuana processor and the retailer for the purchase and sale of marijuana products, to tender full or final payment to the processor on a date not more than fifteen calendar days after the date the marijuana products are delivered to or received by the retailer.
HB 2473 by Representatives Vick, Blake, and Condotta Concerning private label marijuana. Authorizes business arrangements through which a marijuana product is offered or sold at retail by a marijuana retailer under a private label bearing the business or trade name of the retailer, or of an entity other than the marijuana producer or processor that produced or processed the product, if: (1) The retailer offering or selling the product does not have an exclusive right to sell the product; and(2) The product is reasonably available to any marijuana retailer.
HB 2474 by Representatives Condotta, Sawyer, and Kloba Modifying marijuana product labeling requirements. States that the label on a marijuana product container sold at retail: (1) Must include the business or trade name and state unified business identifier number of the marijuana producer and processor that produced and processed the marijuana; and(2) Is not required to include that information on the marijuana retailer selling the marijuana product.
HB 2475 by Representative Ryu Concerning the tolling of construction defect claims. Modifies provisions regarding construction defect claims.
HB 2476 by Representatives Fey and Harmsworth Clarifying the collection process for existing vehicle service transactions. Clarifies the department of licensing's collection process for existing vehicle service transactions.
HB 2477 by Representatives McDonald and Smith Concerning nonconsensual capture of private, personal, and familial activities by trespassers. Addresses the liability of a person for physical invasion of privacy when he or she knowingly enters the land or airspace above the land of another person without permission or commits a trespass for capturing visual images or physical impressions of the person engaging in a private, personal, or familial activity.
HB 2478 by Representatives Irwin, Dolan, Stokesbary, and Gregerson Modifying write-in voting provisions. Modifies voting provisions regarding write-in votes, candidates, and candidacies.
HB 2479 by Representatives Appleton, Ryu, McBride, and Tharinger Concerning Washington's property assessment appeal procedures. Changes timelines for certain property assessment appeal procedures.
HB 2480 by Representatives McBride, Gregerson, Hayes, Eslick, Stanford, Doglio, and Tharinger Providing local governments with options to preserve affordable housing in single-family neighborhoods. Gives communities a local option to preserve and increase healthy, high-quality affordable rental housing opportunities for low-income households.Ensures that housing opportunities are affordable to renters at below-market rent levels with consideration of community needs, market rental costs, and income levels of renters.Provides an exemption from ad valorem property taxation, for six years, to provide incentives to property owners to preserve affordable housing units for low-income households.
HB 2481 by Representatives Graves, Jinkins, Wylie, Holy, and Santos Changing driving a motor vehicle with a suspended or revoked driver's license provisions. Modifies provisions with regard to driving a motor vehicle with a suspended or revoked driver's license.
HB 2482 by Representatives Macri, Jinkins, Doglio, and Robinson Concerning limitations on health care provider services imposed by health care entities. Addresses what a health care entity may or may not do with regard to prohibiting or limiting a health care provider's practice.
HB 2483 by Representatives Klippert, Kraft, and Haler Siting of marijuana businesses in relation to areas or facilities frequented by children. Includes preschools and school bus stops in the buffer distance requirements of state-licensed marijuana businesses.
HB 2484 by Representatives Klippert and Haler Authorizing local governments to prohibit marijuana licensees within their jurisdictions. Allows the legislative authority of a city, town, or county to enact an ordinance prohibiting the siting and operation, within its jurisdictional boundaries, of a marijuana producer, processor, or retailer licensed under the uniform controlled substances act.
HB 2485 by Representatives Orwall, Dent, Blake, Buys, and Wylie Encouraging low-water landscaping practices as a drought alleviation tool. Prohibits homeowner association and condominium association restrictions that limit private property owners' ability to install drought resistant landscaping or wildfire ignition resistant landscaping.Ensures that state-funded buildings achieve the highest landscaping water efficient benchmarks.Requires major facility projects to be designed and constructed to receive credits made available for water efficient landscaping under the United States green building council rating system, international green construction code, other nationally recognized consensus standard, or the state sustainable school design protocol.
HB 2486 by Representative Graves; by request of Uniform Law Commission Enacting the revised uniform unclaimed property act. Repeals chapter 63.29 RCW (the uniform unclaimed property act) and establishes a revised uniform unclaimed property act.
HB 2487 by Representatives Dye, Orwall, McCabe, Jenkin, Klippert, Stambaugh, Holy, Kraft, Muri, and Johnson Increasing the public disclosure of registered sex offenders. Increases the public disclosure of registered sex offenders.
HB 2488 by Representatives Sullivan, Kagi, Pollet, Doglio, and Santos Clarifying the use of the Puget Sound taxpayer accountability account to include facilities to improve educational outcomes in early learning, K-12, and higher education. Clarifies that a county may use distributions from the Puget Sound taxpayer accountability account for either educational services or facilities, or both, to improve educational outcomes in early learning, K-12, and higher education.
HB 2489 by Representatives Cody, Rodne, Harris, Caldier, Macri, Robinson, Jinkins, Muri, Kagi, McBride, Wylie, Peterson, Slatter, Hayes, Sawyer, Pollet, Doglio, Kloba, Tharinger, Ormsby, Johnson, and Kilduff; by request of Governor Inslee Concerning opioid use disorder treatment, prevention, and related services. Declares that opioid use disorder is a public health crisis.Requires state agencies to: (1) Increase access to evidence-based opioid use disorder treatment services;(2) Promote coordination of services within the substance use disorder treatment and recovery support system;(3) Strengthen partnerships between opioid use disorder treatment providers and their allied community partners;(4) Expand the use of the state prescription drug monitoring program; and(5) Support comprehensive school and community-based substance use prevention services. Requires that agencies administer state purchased health care programs to: (1) Coordinate activities to implement this act and the state interagency opioid working plan;(2) Explore opportunities to address the opioid epidemic; and(3) Provide status updates as directed by the joint legislative executive committee on health care oversight to promote legislative and executive coordination.Changes the name of the community mental health services act to the community behavioral health services act.
HB 2490 by Representatives Santos, Harris, Muri, Wylie, and Johnson; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Addressing the terms under which tribal schools may participate in the state retirement systems as part of a state-tribal education compact. Requires certain information to be included in the state-tribal education compact if a tribal school chooses to participate in the teachers' retirement system and/or the school employees' retirement system.Requires the department of retirement systems to make reasonable efforts to seek guidance from the federal internal revenue service, if available, to ensure that this act does not jeopardize qualification of the state retirement plans under section 401(a) of the internal revenue code.
HB 2491 by Representatives Santos, Harris, and Muri; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Removing concurrent enrollment requirement of algebra II for AP computer science courses to be counted as equivalent to high school mathematics. Removes concurrent enrollment requirement of algebra II for AP computer science courses to be counted as equivalent to high school mathematics.
HB 2492 by Representatives Santos, Harris, Muri, Wylie, and Johnson; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Modifying definitions for alternative learning experience courses. Revises the definitions of "remote course" and "site-based course" for purposes of written student learning plans and alternative learning experience courses.
HB 2493 by Representatives Santos, Harris, and Muri; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Modifying provisions on second grade reading assessments. Addresses second grade reading assessments.
HB 2494 by Representatives Santos, Harris, Muri, Kagi, Fey, Wylie, Pollet, Tharinger, Ormsby, and Johnson; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Expanding statewide career and technical education course equivalency options. Expands equivalency options for statewide career and technical education courses.
HB 2495 by Representatives Santos, Harris, Muri, and Slatter; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Updating application requirements for the academic acceleration incentive program. Addresses eligibility for advanced courses in mathematics, science, or computer science and equitable access to dual credit opportunities.
HB 2496 by Representatives Santos, Harris, Senn, Kagi, Wylie, Slatter, and Pollet; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Strengthening school district plans for recognition, screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students. Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to develop and make available an online one-hour training module for school staff on recognition, screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students.States that the online suicide prevention training module for school staff does not replace the training requirement for school counselors, psychologists, social workers, and nurses to complete an approved three-hour suicide prevention training.Authorizes school staff to complete the three-hour suicide prevention training in lieu of the one-hour online suicide prevention training.Requires each educational service district to identify a regional mental health coordinator.
HB 2497 by Representatives Pellicciotti, Appleton, Orwall, Gregerson, and Fitzgibbon Concerning aircraft noise abatement. Prohibits the port district from undertaking any of the programs prescribed in chapter 53.54 RCW (aircraft noise abatement) in an area which is: (1) More than twelve miles beyond the paved end of a runway;(2) More than two miles from the centerline of a runway or from an imaginary runway centerline extending twelve miles from the paved end of the runway; or(3) Outside of the area contained by a parabola where the parabola is located at the terminal end of each runway and whose shape and outer limits are denoted at a point two miles away from the vertex along an x-axis, and at a point twelve miles away from the vertex along a y-axis.
HB 2498 by Representatives Caldier, Kilduff, Muri, Cody, Young, Smith, McBride, Hayes, and Johnson Facilitating the credentialing process for military spouses and state registered domestic partners of military persons. Prohibits the secretary of the department of health from adopting standards that require applicants who are military spouses or state registered domestic partners of military persons to, as a prior condition of certification, receive the recommendation of an approved medical program director and obtain active membership with an emergency medical services agency, when establishing standards for the reciprocal certification of physician's trained advanced emergency medical technicians and paramedics who are licensed in another state or accredited by a national accrediting organization approved by the department of health.Requires the department of health to grant a limited certification to the technician or paramedic who is a spouse or domestic partner of a military person and is licensed in another state or is accredited by an accrediting organization approved by the department which has a more limited scope of authorized services than this state.
HB 2499 by Representatives Caldier, Gregerson, Pike, and Young Exempting seeds and plants used to grow food from retail sales and use tax. Provides a sales and use tax exemption for seeds and plants used to grow food and food ingredients.
HB 2500 by Representatives Caldier, Jinkins, Manweller, Cody, Senn, Muri, and Kloba Concerning salaries of nonprofit health carriers. Requires a health carrier, that is a nonprofit organization and has a paid board of directors, to convene a panel of enrollees who will: (1) Set the compensation and benefit levels of the carrier's board of directors; and(2) Approve the compensation and benefit levels of the carrier's employees with the top five highest levels of compensation and benefits.
HB 2501 by Representatives Caldier, Slatter, Cody, Harris, Jinkins, Eslick, and Tharinger Facilitating access to the prescription monitoring program. Requires the department of health to: (1) By January 1, 2020, require that the prescription monitoring program database be compatible with all federally certified electronic health record technologies; and(2) Provide technical assistance to health care providers and health facilities attempting to access the program.
HB 2502 by Representatives Caldier, Cody, Manweller, DeBolt, Jinkins, and Muri Regulating explanation of benefits forms for stand-alone dental plans. Requires a health carrier offering a dental only plan to annually submit to the insurance commissioner the explanation of benefits form the carrier plans to use for the dental only plan for the subsequent plan year.
HB 2503 by Representatives Vick, Wylie, Pike, Harris, Steele, and Stonier Concerning zoning regulations relating to accessory dwelling units. Authorizes a local government to allow the development and placement of accessory apartments within or outside urban growth areas.
HB 2504 by Representatives Hansen, Wylie, Slatter, Kloba, and Goodman Concerning funding for the opportunity scholarship program. Ensures the predictable treatment of the opportunity scholarship program in the budget process by clarifying the calculation process of the state match.Requires the state match to be based on donations and pledges received as of the date each official state caseload forecast is submitted by the caseload forecast council to the legislative fiscal committees.
HB 2505 by Representatives Blake, Orcutt, Walsh, Chapman, Dent, Stanford, Muri, Hayes, Eslick, Shea, Tharinger, and Young; by request of Department of Fish and Wildlife Increasing participation in recreational fishing and hunting. Increases participation in recreational fishing and hunting.
HB 2506 by Representatives Sawyer, Kilduff, Ormsby, and Appleton Concerning liability for exemplary damages. States that a person may be liable, in a tort action for damages, for exemplary damages arising out of his or her willful or wanton misconduct.
HB 2507 by Representatives Appleton and Griffey Concerning employee recognition awards. Authorizes the board of county commissioners to recognize employees for accomplishments including outstanding achievements, safety performance, longevity, public service, or service as employee suggestion evaluators and implementers.Prohibits the awards from exceeding two hundred dollars in value per award.
HB 2508 by Representatives Goodman and Griffey Repealing an expiration date that affects state fire service mobilization. Repeals the July 1, 2019, expiration date in chapter 181, Laws of 2015, relating to state fire service mobilization.
HB 2509 by Representatives Hayes, Smith, and Johnson Concerning mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. States that a person who: (1) Obstructs the duty of a mandatory reporter to make a report is guilty of a gross misdemeanor; and(2) Is a mandatory reporter and fails to make, or fails to cause to be made, the report, due to negligence, is guilty of an infraction which shall be served by a notice of infraction by law enforcement officers or prosecuting attorneys with a monetary penalty of two hundred fifty dollars.Requires state contracts with youth-serving organizations to include a requirement that youth-serving organizations provide a signed acknowledgment of the organization's compliance with the mandatory reporter posting law.
HB 2510 by Representatives Morris, Hudgins, and Santos Concerning net metering. Modifies provisions relating to the net metering of electricity.Authorizes the department of commerce and the Washington State University extension energy program to coordinate to provide technical assistance to small utilities for the purpose of implementing chapter 80.60 RCW (net metering of electricity).
HB 2511 by Representatives Manweller, Fitzgibbon, Muri, Fey, Hayes, Valdez, and Kloba; by request of Select Committee on Pension Policy Providing a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1. Requires the beneficiaries who are receiving a monthly benefit from the teachers' retirement system plan 1 or the public employees' retirement system plan 1 to receive an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries' monthly benefit, not to exceed sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.
HB 2512 by Representatives Kagi, Dent, Senn, McCaslin, Muri, and McBride; by request of Department of Children, Youth, and Families Making technical changes regarding the department of children, youth, and families. Makes technical changes that relate to the department of children, youth, and families.
HB 2513 by Representatives Orwall, Holy, Kilduff, Pellicciotti, Ortiz-Self, Senn, Stambaugh, Gregerson, Reeves, Muri, McBride, Wylie, Peterson, Stanford, Pollet, Doglio, and Johnson Concerning suicide prevention and behavioral health in higher education, with enhanced services to student veterans. Requires the department of health to: (1) In collaboration with the student achievement council, develop a statewide resource for behavioral health and suicide prevention for the state's postsecondary institutions;(2) Convene and consult with a work group that consists of representatives from stakeholder groups; and(3) Contract with an entity that has suicide prevention expertise.Creates the suicide prevention in higher education grant program to provide funding to postsecondary institutions for the institutions to create partnerships with health care entities to provide mental health, behavioral health, and suicide prevention to students in their institutions.Requires the student achievement council to administer the grant program in collaboration with the work group convened by the department.Requires postsecondary institutions to submit a report to the department of health for establishing a baseline for behavioral health concerns and responses at the institutions of higher education.
HB 2514 by Representatives Kilduff, Muri, Sawyer, Frame, Jinkins, Gregerson, Valdez, Lovick, Stanford, Pollet, Santos, and Stonier Regarding discriminatory provisions found in written instruments related to real property. Addresses declaratory judgment action to strike discriminatory provision of a real property contract and removal of discriminatory provisions in governing documents.
HB 2515 by Representatives Tharinger, Schmick, Cody, Johnson, Jinkins, Harris, Robinson, Wylie, Pollet, and Ormsby Updating the medicaid payment methodology for contracted assisted living, adult residential care, and enhanced adult residential care. Requires the department of social and health services, beginning July 1, 2019, to adopt a data-driven medicaid payment methodology for contracted assisted living, adult residential care, and enhanced adult residential care; and beginning July 1, 2019, payments for these contracts must be based on the new methodology.
HB 2516 by Representatives Cody, Harris, Jinkins, Robinson, Tharinger, Caldier, and Macri Updating health benefit exchange statutes. Modernizes state health benefit exchange statutes by: (1) Aligning statutes with current practice; and(2) Clarifying changes to the state health benefit exchange enabling statute.
HB 2517 by Representatives Stonier, Vick, Kirby, and Jenkin Concerning penalties for alcohol manufacturers who have committed violations as part of its ancillary activities. Requires the state liquor and cannabis board to adopt, by rule, a schedule of penalties for a licensed alcohol manufacturer who has committed a violation as part of the licensee's ancillary activities.
SB 6142 by Senators Liias and Walsh Revising the authority of commissioners of courts of limited jurisdiction. Gives a court commissioner the same power, authority, and jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters as the appointing judges possess.Allows court commissioners of courts of limited jurisdiction to solemnize marriages.
SB 6143 by Senator Takko Concerning unit priced contracting by cities. Authorizes a first-class city, second-class city, or town to procure public works with a unit priced contract for the purpose of completing anticipated types of work based on hourly rates or unit pricing for one or more categories of work or trades.
SB 6144 by Senators Wellman, Nelson, Liias, Keiser, Hunt, Saldaña, and Kuderer Reducing state assessment requirements to only those required for federal purposes in order to facilitate removal of inequitable barriers to students. Declares an intent to create a balanced education system by: (1) Eliminating nonfederally required tests; and(2) Removing the statewide assessments as a high school graduation requirement.
SB 6145 by Senators Saldaña, Keiser, Dhingra, and Kuderer Addressing civil service qualifications. Directs the criminal justice training commission to require county, city, and state law enforcement agencies, that make a conditional offer of employment to an applicant as a fully commissioned peace officer or a reserve officer, to administer a background investigation that includes verification of immigrant or citizenship status as either a citizen of the United States or a lawful permanent resident.Authorizes an application for a position with a law enforcement agency to be rejected if the agency deems that it does not have the resources to conduct the background investigation required by the criminal justice training commission.
SB 6146 by Senators Saldaña, Pedersen, Keiser, Carlyle, Frockt, Hunt, Wellman, and Kuderer Relating to local government authority to regulate firearms. Addresses the regulation of firearms by local governments.
SB 6147 by Senators Rivers, Cleveland, Walsh, Kuderer, Nelson, Carlyle, Angel, Hasegawa, and Keiser Concerning prescription drug insurance continuity of care. Implements a cost-effective requirement that ensures patients can rely on the prescription formulary they enter into with their insurance carrier through the entirety of the plan year.
SB 6148 by Senators Palumbo, Ranker, Saldaña, Darneille, Keiser, Wellman, Liias, Zeiger, Hunt, and Kuderer Creating a work group on educational equity for homeless children and youth. Requires the department of children, youth, and families, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, the department of commerce office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs, and the student achievement council to convene a work group with aligned nongovernmental agencies to collaborate on creating a plan for children and youth experiencing homelessness to achieve educational equity with their general student population peers and close the disparities between racial and ethnic groups.Expires December 31, 2018.
SB 6149 by Senators Hobbs, King, Hunt, and Van De Wege Concerning the minimum monthly salary paid to Washington state patrol troopers and sergeants. Addresses the salary of Washington state patrol troopers and sergeants.
SB 6150 by Senators Cleveland, Rivers, Carlyle, Kuderer, Fain, Hasegawa, Mullet, Saldaña, Conway, Van De Wege, Chase, Keiser, and Liias; by request of Governor Inslee Concerning opioid use disorder treatment, prevention, and related services. Declares that opioid use disorder is a public health crisis.Requires state agencies to: (1) Increase access to evidence-based opioid use disorder treatment services;(2) Promote coordination of services within the substance use disorder treatment and recovery support system;(3) Strengthen partnerships between opioid use disorder treatment providers and their allied community partners;(4) Expand the use of the state prescription drug monitoring program; and(5) Support comprehensive school and community-based substance use prevention services. Requires that agencies administer state purchased health care programs to: (1) Coordinate activities to implement this act and the state interagency opioid working plan;(2) Explore opportunities to address the opioid epidemic; and(3) Provide status updates as directed by the joint legislative executive committee on health care oversight to promote legislative and executive coordination.Changes the name of the community mental health services act to the community behavioral health services act.
SB 6151 by Senators Rivers, Hobbs, King, Mullet, Van De Wege, and Kuderer Creating a special license plate to support the maintenance and improvements of Washington state parks. Creates "Sasquatch" special license plates to provide support for the maintenance and improvements of state parks.
SB 6152 by Senators Rivers and Takko Concerning the authority of counties to vacate a county road that abuts on a body of water if the county road is hazardous or creates a significant risk to public safety. Authorizes a county to vacate a county road that abuts on a body of salt or freshwater if the county road is hazardous or creates a significant risk to public safety.
SB 6153 by Senators Palumbo, Ranker, Mullet, and Liias Informing high school students enrolled in dual credit courses about the online credit search tool. Requires public high schools to inform students, enrolled in an advanced course that has an accompanying proficiency exam, about the credit search tool provided online by the student achievement council.
SB 6154 by Senators Palumbo, Fain, Ranker, Rolfes, Carlyle, Billig, Nelson, McCoy, and Kuderer Concerning the unlawful use of an elephant in a traveling animal act. States that it is a gross misdemeanor for a person to allow the participation of an elephant in a traveling animal act.
SB 6155 by Senators Short, King, Hobbs, Takko, Brown, Padden, Saldaña, and Keiser Concerning bone marrow donation information provided to driver's license and identicard applicants. Requires the department of licensing to provide the ability for a driver's license or identicard applicant to express a written interest in obtaining further information about making a donation of bone marrow and being placed on the bone marrow donor registry.Requires the department of health, within its bone marrow donor recruitment and education program, to also educate residents about the ability to obtain information about bone marrow donation when applying for or renewing a personal driver's license or identicard with the department of licensing.
SB 6156 by Senators Cleveland, Short, Kuderer, Walsh, Fain, Conway, and Keiser Providing the chiropractic quality assurance commission with additional authority over budget development, spending, and staffing. Provides additional authority over budget development, spending, and staffing to the chiropractic quality assurance commission.
SB 6157 by Senators Short, Kuderer, Rivers, Cleveland, Palumbo, Nelson, Becker, Walsh, Warnick, and Van De Wege Regarding prior authorization. Prohibits a health carrier from requiring prior authorization for an initial evaluation and management visit and up to twelve consecutive treatment visits with a contracting provider in a new episode of care of certain therapies that meet standards of medical necessity and are subject to quantitative treatment limits of the health plan.
SB 6158 by Senators Saldaña and Warnick Authorizing criminal background checks for employees of certain towing operators. Authorizes the state patrol to require that a towing operator who has applied for, or been issued, a letter of appointment or contract complete a criminal background check for prospective and current employees of the towing operator.
SB 6159 by Senators Takko, Honeyford, Fain, and Chase; by request of Department of Ecology Concerning the reauthorization of the underground storage tank program. Extends, by ten years, the termination and repeal, under the sunset act, of the underground storage tank program.
SB 6160 by Senators Kuderer, Darneille, and Palumbo Revising conditions under which a person is subject to exclusive adult jurisdiction and extending juvenile court jurisdiction over serious cases to age twenty-five. Extends juvenile court jurisdiction over serious cases to age twenty-five and modifies conditions under which a person is subject to exclusive adult jurisdiction.
SB 6161 by Senators Becker, Hunt, Fain, Rivers, Kuderer, Saldaña, Zeiger, Bailey, Carlyle, Conway, Wilson, Rolfes, Wellman, Hasegawa, Honeyford, Darneille, Angel, Liias, Walsh, O'Ban, Sheldon, Palumbo, Fortunato, Hobbs, Short, Mullet, Van De Wege, and Wagoner Establishing a training course for campaign treasurers. Requires the public disclosure commission to develop and provide a training course for individuals acting as treasurers or deputy treasurers for candidates.
SB 6162 by Senators Zeiger, Wellman, Palumbo, and Mullet Defining dyslexia as a specific learning disability and requiring early screening for dyslexia. Requires each school district and charter school to: (1) Screen each student in kindergarten and first grade for indications of dyslexia; and(2) If the screening indicates that the student may be experiencing dyslexia, conduct formal testing to determine whether the student is eligible for special education and related services.Requires the superintendent of public instruction to review free, online screening tools and determine which of the screening tools are reliable, valid, and accurate in classifying students as at-risk or not at-risk for dyslexia.
SB 6163 by Senators Becker, Cleveland, Fain, Bailey, Brown, Wilson, Short, Conway, Keiser, and Kuderer Extending the duration of the collaborative for the advancement of telemedicine. Delays, until December 31, 2021, the expiration of the collaborative for the advancement of telemedicine.
SB 6164 by Senator O'Ban Nullifying the imposition of certain taxes within regional transit authority boundaries. Authorizes taxes approved by regional transit authority voters to be nullified within the complete boundaries of a county within a regional transit authority if a proposition to nullify the taxes is approved by voters.
SB 6165 by Senators Chase, Angel, and Liias Modifying the offense of assault in the third degree. Includes in the crime of assault in the third degree, the assault of a person employed as a fare payment monitor or customer outreach staff by a public or private transit company or a contracted transit service provider.
SB 6166 by Senators O'Ban and Miloscia Regarding child sex trafficking. Places responsibility on a web site operator that has a significant business purpose for marketing individuals for commercial sex purposes for the content of advertisements featuring minors on its web site.
SB 6167 by Senators O'Ban, Conway, and Miloscia Providing tax exemptions for the assistance of disabled veterans and members of the armed forces of the United States of America. Provides a business and occupation tax exemption and a sales and use tax exemption for sales on a federal military reservation by a nonprofit organization that operates an adaptive recreational and rehabilitation facility dedicated to the assistance of disabled veterans and members of the armed forces of the United States.
SB 6168 by Senators Kuderer, Mullet, Hunt, and Liias Concerning school composting and recycling. Allows public schools to offer students the opportunity to compost their food waste and to recycle.Authorizes the state to provide free pickup of compost and provide supplies for public schools that do not currently have the pickup and supplies needed.
SB 6169 by Senator Palumbo; by request of State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Including certain residents who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent or postsecondary credential and the number of students expected to enroll in basic education for adults courses at community and technical colleges in caseload forecast council forecasting. Requires the caseload forecast council to forecast, as a courtesy, the number of: (1) State residents ages twenty-five to forty-four who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent or postsecondary credential; and(2) Students expected to enroll in basic education for adults courses at community and technical colleges.
SB 6170 by Senators Rivers and Palumbo Modifying marijuana product labeling requirements. States that the label on a marijuana product container sold at retail: (1) Must include the business or trade name and state unified business identifier number of the marijuana producer and processor that produced and processed the marijuana; and(2) Is not required to include that information on the marijuana retailer selling the marijuana product.
SB 6171 by Senators Rivers, Palumbo, and Mullet Ensuring reasonable terms of payment are available to marijuana retailers when contracting with marijuana processors for the purchase of marijuana products. Requires a marijuana retailer, in a contract between a marijuana processor and the retailer for the purchase and sale of marijuana products, to tender full or final payment to the processor on a date not more than fifteen calendar days after the date the marijuana products are delivered to or received by the retailer.
SB 6172 by Senators Rivers, Palumbo, and Mullet Concerning private label marijuana. Authorizes business arrangements through which a marijuana product is offered or sold at retail by a marijuana retailer under a private label bearing the business or trade name of the retailer, or of an entity other than the marijuana producer or processor that produced or processed the product, if: (1) The retailer offering or selling the product does not have an exclusive right to sell the product; and(2) The product is reasonably available to any marijuana retailer.
SB 6173 by Senators Takko, Padden, Fortunato, Wilson, Rivers, Zeiger, Schoesler, and Van De Wege Concerning public records act exemptions regarding concealed pistol licenses. Exempts the following from public inspection and copying under the public records act: Concealed pistol licenses, notices of license denials, and any documents associated with a license or license application.
SB 6174 by Senator Rolfes; by request of Office of Financial Management Concerning budget stabilization account transfers. Requires the state treasurer to transfer into the state general fund the one percent of general state revenues deposited into the budget stabilization account: (1) By June 30, 2020, for fiscal year 2020; and(2) By June 30, 2021, for fiscal year 2021.
SB 6175 by Senators Pedersen, Rivers, and Mullet; by request of Uniform Law Commission Concerning the Washington uniform common interest ownership act. Establishes the Washington uniform common interest ownership act.
SB 6176 by Senators Billig and Baumgartner Governing the use of narrow track vehicles. Provides definitions for "narrow track vehicle" and "short narrow track vehicle," for purposes of Title 46 RCW (motor vehicles), and includes the terms in certain "rules of the road" provisions.
SB 6177 by Senators King, Takko, and Mullet Allowing excess local infrastructure financing revenues to be carried forward. Revises provisions with regard to the local infrastructure financing tool program.Allows the revenues from local public sources, dedicated in the preceding calendar year, that are in excess of the project award to be carried forward and used in later years for certain purposes.
SB 6178 by Senators Palumbo, Rivers, and Kuderer Concerning online access to health care resources for veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Requires up to an additional twenty-five dollar license fee for a veterinarian license or a veterinary technician license which will be transferred by the department of health to the University of Washington for the purpose of online access to health care resources.
SB 6179 by Senators Carlyle, Ranker, Hunt, and Sheldon; by request of Utilities & Transportation Commission Concerning the annual reporting requirements for regulated utility and transportation companies. Subjects a public service company that fails to file an annual report in the form and within the time required by the utilities and transportation commission, including payment of any regulatory fee due, is subject to: (1) Monetary penalties; or(2) Cancellation or revocation of its operating authority and additional penalties.Allows the commission to waive penalties if the company is able to demonstrate that its failure to file the report, and in the time required, was due to circumstances beyond its control.
SB 6180 by Senators Hobbs, Schoesler, Takko, and King Defining the planting and harvest dates for purposes of exemptions for agricultural transporters. States that the planting and harvesting seasons are January 1st through December 31st of each year, with regard to the exemption for agricultural transporters.
SB 6181 by Senators Bailey, Palumbo, O'Ban, Hobbs, McCoy, Chase, Sheldon, Zeiger, and Wagoner Establishing a donation program for resident disabled veterans to receive hunting and fishing licenses. Authorizes the department of fish and wildlife to accept donations from the public so that resident disabled veterans may elect to use a donation towards their purchase of hunting and fishing licenses.
SB 6182 by Senators Takko and Angel Addressing noncollection of taxes by county treasurers. Addresses the neglect of a county treasurer to collect property taxes.
SB 6183 by Senators Takko and Angel Regarding foreclosure and distraint sales of manufactured/mobile or park model homes. States that the registered owner of record, legal owner on title, and purchaser are not required to sign the certificate of title and title application to transfer title when a manufactured/mobile or park model home is sold at a county treasurer's foreclosure or distraint sale.
SB 6184 by Senator Wellman Adding part-time employees to state civil service. Revises the state civil service act to include part-time employees in state civil service.
SB 6185 by Senator Wellman Removing an expiration date regarding postretirement employment options. Repeals the July 1, 2021, expiration date for the postretirement employment options for members of the teachers' retirement system.
SB 6186 by Senators Palumbo and Zeiger Reforming the growth management act to provide infrastructure for unplanned growth in counties. Requires a county planning under the growth management act to produce an annual growth monitoring report, within two months of the close of its fiscal year, that includes the following data for each planning county: (1) Population growth trends;(2) Employment growth trends;(3) Annexation trends; and(4) Residential development trends.
SB 6187 by Senators Palumbo, Carlyle, McCoy, Hobbs, Wellman, Sheldon, Hawkins, Mullet, Conway, and Brown Concerning the electrification of transportation. Authorizes the governing authority of an electric utility, formed under chapter 35.92 RCW (municipal utilities), and the commission of a public utility district to adopt an electrification of transportation plan.
SB 6188 by Senators Dhingra, O'Ban, Wilson, Van De Wege, and Kuderer Encouraging fairness in disciplinary actions of peace officers. Prohibits a law enforcement agency from taking punitive action against a peace officer solely because the officer's name was placed on a potential impeachment list.
SB 6189 by Senators Fain, Frockt, Pedersen, Palumbo, Hasegawa, Darneille, Rivers, Mullet, and Saldaña Changing driving a motor vehicle with a suspended or revoked driver's license provisions. Modifies provisions with regard to driving a motor vehicle with a suspended or revoked driver's license.
SB 6190 by Senators Hunt and Kuderer Allowing the use of a signature stamp for voting purposes. Allows a registrant who is unable to write or sign his or her name because of a physical disability, to sign the registration affidavit by making his or her mark or by using a signature stamp.
SB 6191 by Senators Kuderer, Hunt, Conway, Liias, Sheldon, Darneille, and Mullet Requiring presidential electors to vote for party nominees. Requires an elector to vote for the persons nominated by the party which has nominated the elector and if he or she fails to vote for the persons nominated by the party he or she is immediately disqualified and the remaining electors shall immediately fill the vacancy.
SB 6192 by Senators Hunt and Kuderer Computing the rate of vacation leave accrual for employees formerly employed by a school district. Requires each contract year or equivalent of full-time employment in a certificated or classified position with a school district within the state to be credited to the state officer or employee as one year of qualifying service, to the extent that rates of vacation leave accrual are based upon total state employment.