WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2018, 10:50 AM 17TH DAY
SB 5841 f Roadway worker safety
SB 5989 f Small claims court
SB 6009 f Vanity collector plates
SB 6017 f Military/consumer protection
SB 6030 City utility surplus
SB 6039 f Uniform unsworn declarations
SB 6040 Business corp. act meetings
SB 6057 f Recording standards comm'n
SB 6072 Port districts/unit price
SB 6073 f Hardwood processors levy
SB 6143 Unit priced contracts/cities
SB 6183 Mobile home foreclosure sale
SB 6211 f Federal lands revolving acct
SHB 1723 Hanford/occupational disease
SB 5074 f College bound scholarship
SB 5084 Breast health information
SB 6368 f Fairs, youth shows, & expos
SGA 9011 CHRIS LIU, Director, Department of Enterprise Services
SGA 9047 JULIA L. PATTERSON, Member, Gambling Commission
SGA 9054 ANNE LEVINSON, Member, Public Disclosure Commission
SGA 9070 BUD SIZEMORE, Member, Gambling Commission
SGA 9149 JOEL BENOLIEL, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents
SGA 9159 VALORIA A. LOVELAND, Member, Lottery Commission
SGA 9185 DEBORAH B. JENSEN, Member, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council
SGA 9195 FREDERICK W. FINN, Member, Lottery Commission
SGA 9233 JACK G. JOHNSON, Member, Public Disclosure Commission
SGA 9235 LINDA WILLIAMS, Chair, Industrial Insurance Appeals Board
SGA 9242 BARBARA BAKER, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission
SGA 9249 DAVID L. AMMONS, Member, Public Disclosure Commission
SGA 9267 STEPHEN SINCLAIR, Secretary, Department of Corrections - Agency Head
SGA 9288 JAY J. MANNING, Member, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council
SGA 9291 GREG B. MARKLEY, Member, State Investment Board
SGA 9303 CHERYL STRANGE, Secretary, Department of Social and Health Services - Agency Head