1638 AMH YOUN MORI 077
HB 1638 - H AMD 180
By Representative Young
On page 3, line 24, after "measures;" strike "or" and insert "((or))"
On page 3, line 25, after "(c)" insert "A written certification signed by any parent or legal guardian of the child, or any adult in loco parentis to the child, that the child has a biological parent, brother, or sister, with either of the following, documented by a health care practitioner:
(i) A history of immune system problems; or
(ii) An adverse reaction to a particular vaccine required by rule of the state board of health; or
| EFFECT: Exempts a child from mandatory vaccine requirements if a parent, legal guardian, or adult in loco parentis signs and presents a written certification that the child has a biological parent, brother, or sister, with either of the following, documented by a health care practitioner: a history of immune system problems or an adverse reaction to a particular vaccine required by rule of the Board of Health.
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