On page 122, after line 10, insert the following:
"(48) Within the funds appropriated in this section, the authority shall prepare a gap analysis and implementation plan report for delivery to the governor and the legislature by December 1, 2019, to allow:
(a) Every patient who presents to a hospital, emergency room, or behavioral health facility with an indication of a substance use disorder, opioid overdose, or chronic addiction to receive, with patient consent, prior to discharge: (i) A substance use disorder evaluation; (ii) medically necessary and clinically appropriate services prior to transfer of care, including if applicable medication to relieve opioid withdrawal symptoms; (iii) information about availability of local treatment options; (iv) recovery planning tools; and (v) notification of discharge provided to the patient's emergency contacts and recovery coach; and
(b) Every patient to receive access to recovery coach services from a certified peer counselor when beginning a course of inpatient or outpatient substance use disorder treatment. In addition, the authority shall consult the Rhode Island model for substance use disorder intervention and treatment services in preparing its report and include any anticipated costs associated with the recommended plan."