5741-S AMS ROLF S2995.1
SSB 5741 - S AMD 394
By Senator Rolfes
ADOPTED 03/13/2019
On page 4, line 5, after "delivery." insert "Any claims data collected in the all-payer health care claims database is owned by the state."
On page 4, line 8, after "organization" strike "((from among the best potential bidders))" and insert "from among the best potential bidders"
On page 4, line 10, after "(a)" insert "(i) In conducting the competitive procurement, the authority must ensure that no state officer or state employee participating in the procurement process:
(A) Has a current relationship or had a relationship within the last three years with any organization that bids on the procurement that would constitute a conflict with the proper discharge of official duties under chapter 42.52 RCW; or (B) Is a compensated or uncompensated member of a bidding organization's board of directors, advisory committee, or similar group within an organization, or has held such a position in the past three years.
(ii) If any relationship or interest described in (a)(i) of this subsection is discovered during the procurement process, the officer or employee with the prohibited relationship must withdraw from involvement in the procurement process.
On page 4, beginning on line 19, after "reports" strike ", especially among groups of health providers, carriers, and self-insured purchasers in the state"
On page 4, beginning on line 24, after "data" strike ", especially among groups of health providers, carriers, and self-insured purchasers"
On page 4, at the beginning of line 26 strike "(b) ((By December 31, 2017,))" and insert "(((b) By December 31, 2017,))(c)"
On page 7, after line 19, insert the following:
"(4) The state retains the ownership over all claims data submitted to the database pursuant to this section. No contract with the lead organization may transfer ownership of data from the state to the lead organization or the data vendor."
EFFECT: (1) Clarifies that any claims data collected in the database is owned by the state, and the data ownership cannot be transferred to the lead organization or data vendor through a contract;
(2) Restores the requirement that the lead organization must be selected from among the best potential bidders; and
(3) Requires the Health Care Authority to ensure that no officer or employee participating in the procurement process has a conflict with the proper discharge of their duties, or is a member of a bidding organization's board of directors, advisory committee, or similar group. Any officer or employee with a prohibited relationship must withdraw from the procurement process.
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