BySenators Dhingra, Wellman, Brown, Kuderer, and Wagoner
WHEREAS, Destination Imagination began in 1999, and quickly expanded into a world-class problem-solving program for students with more than 150,000 participants annually in the United States and more than 30 countries for age levels pre-k through university; and
WHEREAS, Destination Imagination has been an important component of inspiring and equipping participants to achieve anything they can imagine in life; and
WHEREAS, Destination Imagination participants learn self-confidence, creative and critical thinking, team building, perseverance, problem solving, risk taking, and project management; and
WHEREAS, Destination Imagination has developed one of the world's best professional development programs through challenges in the areas of technical, scientific, engineering, fine arts, improvisational, service learning, and early learning; and
WHEREAS, For nearly 20 years, Destination Imagination participants have gone on to careers in communications, business, law, medicine, and countless other disciplines where they put into practice the skills and knowledge learned through the program; and
WHEREAS, Many Washington state teams have gone on to win regional, state, and global competitions; and
WHEREAS, The work of the Destination Imagination program has made a significant difference in the lives of millions of children;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate acknowledge the achievements of Destination Imagination over two decades of advancing project-based challenges that are designed to build confidence and develop extraordinary creativity, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Adam Law, Director of Affiliate Relations for Destination Imagination, and Lindsey Holdren, Affiliate Director for Destination Imagination — Washington State.
I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8643,
adopted by the Senate
April 8, 2019
Secretary of the Senate