66th Legislature - 2019 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 22, 2019 - Friday 40th Day 2019 Regular Session
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 1130 f Pub. school language access ED DPS19 RUL
HB 1134 f Mobile food fire safety LG DPS7 APP
HB 1137 f Nat guard pay/wildland fires APP DP32 RUL
HB 1163 $f Expanded learning opp. prgs. ED DPS14 DNP5 APP
HB 1290 f Voluntary cleanups/haz waste APP DPS(ENVI)32 RUL
HB 1304 CTE/alt. learning exp. prgs. ED DPS19 APP
HB 1322 f Dual language learning ED DP18 DNP1 APP
HB 1356 Peer support group privilege CRJ DPS15 RUL
HB 1359 Local government procurement LG DPS4 DNP3 RUL
HB 1376 Mistreatment/faith exemption CRJ DP10 DNP3 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 1401 $f Hemp production COG DPS11 APP
HB 1408 f Survivorship benefit options APP DP32 RUL
HB 1424 f CTE course equivalencies ED DPS19 APP
HB 1465 f Pistol sales or transfers CRJ DP10 DNP4 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1468 f Bilingual educators ED DPS15 DNP4 APP
HB 1479 f Student mental health ED DPS19 APP
HB 1480 f Dredged material disposal ENVI DPS11 RUL
HB 1489 f Traffic LFO consolidation CRJ DPS15 APP
HB 1505 Child victims/sexual assault PS DP11 RUL
HB 1513 Forensic mental health care CRJ DPS11 DNP3 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1520 Ballot envelope dates SGOV DPS7 DNP2 RUL
HB 1528 Recovery support services HCW DPS14 DNP1 APP
HB 1532 f Domestic violence TBIs PS DPS11 APP
HB 1538 Sunshine committee recs. SGOV DPS7 DNP2 RUL
HB 1546 f Marbled murrelet strategy RDAN DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1551 f Communicable disease control HCW DPS9 DNP6 RUL
HB 1578 f Oil transportation safety ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1589 Correctional emps/firearms CRJ DP15 RUL
HB 1595 Child sexual abuse investig. PS DPS11 RUL
HB 1604 f Childhood deafness center ED DP19 RUL
HB 1610 f Lost & damaged fishing gear RDAN DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec2 APP
HB 1622 f Drought preparedness RDAN DPS10 DNP5 CB
HB 1623 f Public schools/sign language ED DP19 APP
HB 1625 f Utility rate making/property ENVI DP11 RUL
HB 1632 f Plastic food service ware ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1648 f Suicide awareness & prevent. CRJ DPS14 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1658 f Paraeducators ED DPS19 APP
HB 1668 f Washington health corps CWD DPS15 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1673 Explosives/public record act SGOV DP9 RUL
HB 1687 f Victim identity defenses PS DP8 DNP3 RUL
HB 1692 f Agency employees/harassment SGOV DPS9 RUL
HB 1713 f Native American women PS DPS11 APP
HB 1715 f Withholding of transcripts ED DPS12 DNP7 RUL
HB 1718 f Existing resources/local gov LG DP5 DNP1 FIN
HB 1730 f Payment/limitations period CRJ DP15 RUL
HB 1732 f Bias-based criminal offenses PS DPS7 DNP4 RUL
HB 1747 f Risk-based water standards LG DPS4 DNP2 RUL
HB 1753 f Health profession fees/rules HCW DP15 RUL
HB 1771 Family supports HSEL DPS7 DNP6 APP
HB 1781 f Land use petitions LG DPS4 DNP2 RUL
HB 1784 f Wildfire prevention RDAN DPS15 APP
HB 1815 f Immigrants in the workplace CRJ DPS9 DNP6 APP
HB 1824 f Pinnipeds & orcas ENVI DPS9 w/oRec2 APP
HB 1826 Discharge planning process CRJ DPS15 RUL
HB 1837 f Lurid criminal contact PS DP11 RUL
HB 1847 f Aircraft noise abatement LG DPS4 DNP2 RUL
HB 1869 f Emerging therapies work grp HCW DPS15 RUL
HB 1871 f Prison safety PS DPS11 RUL
HB 1874 Adolescent behavioral health HSEL DPS10 DNP3 APP
HB 1880 Problem gambling task force COG DPS6 DNP4 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1894 f Wildland fire advisory comm. RDAN DP15 RUL
HB 1902 f Single bill/health services HCW DP10 DNP4 RUL
HB 1918 Community preservation auth. HOUS DP7 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1925 f Adverse childhood exps. HSEL DP10 DNP2 APP
HB 1938 f Local infra. investment prg HOUS DPS7 w/oRec1 FIN
HB 1946 f Community forests RDAN DPS8 DNP6 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1963 f Marijuana financial arrange. COG DP11 APP
HB 1973 Dual enrollment scholarship CWD DPS13 DNP2 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1989 f Election training programs SGOV DPS5 DNP4 APP
HB 1997 f Manufactured/mobile homes HOUS DPS8 APP
HB 2001 Native American scholarships CWD DPS14 w/oRec2 APP
HB 2009 f Environ. health disparities SGOV DP5 DNP3 w/oRec1 APP
HB 2044 Park district deannexation LG DPS5 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2052 Marijuana product testing COG DP11 APP