66th Legislature - 2020 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 7, 2020 - Friday 26th Day 2020 Regular Session
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 1084 f Higher ed. athlete comp. CWD DPS17 APP
HB 1645 Parental improvement certs. HSEL DP2S10 DNP3 APP
E2SHB 1660 f Extracurricular/low income ED DP3S13 DNP3 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1853 $f Vehicle leaks/drip & drive TR DP2S (w/o sub ENVI)23 DNP8 RUL
HB 1861 f Ballot rejection rates SGOV DPS6 DNP3 APP
HB 1938 f Local infra. investment prg HOUS DP3S8 w/oRec1 FIN
HB 2089 f Higher ed. transparency CWD DPS17 APP
HB 2248 f Community solar projects ENVI DPS8 DNP3 APP
HB 2293 Election security/PRA SGOV DPS8 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2299 f Prison to postsecondary ed. CWD DPS13 DNP4 APP
HB 2305 Vulnerable adults/firearms CRJ DP10 DNP5 RUL
HB 2327 f Sexual misconduct/postsec. CWD DPS14 DNP3 APP
HB 2359 f Marijuana compliance cert. COG DPS11 RUL
HB 2448 f Enhanced services facilities HCW DPS14 RUL
HB 2457 f Health care cost board HCW DPS12 DNP1 w/oRec1 APP
HB 2458 f Optional benefits/schools ED DP17 RUL
HB 2465 f Prosecutorial filing info. CRJ DPS13 APP
HB 2513 f Higher ed. debt collection CWD DPS12 DNP4 w/oRec1 APP
HB 2514 f Higher ed common application CWD DPS15 w/oRec1 APP
HB 2523 f Higher education access CWD DPS14 DNP3 APP
HB 2541 f Rural development RDAN DPS15 FIN
HB 2550 f Net ecological gain ENVI DPS7 DNP4 APP
HB 2552 f Salmon committee RDAN DP12 DNP2 w/oRec1 APP
HB 2554 f Health plan exclusions HCW DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec1 APP
HB 2567 f Courts/arrests CRJ DPS9 DNP6 RUL
HB 2570 f Accessory dwelling units ENVI DPS10 DNP1 APP
HB 2571 f Fish and wildlife violations CRJ DPS13 RUL
HB 2573 f Public assist./crime victims HSEL DPS7 DNP5 w/oRec1 APP
HB 2577 f Agencies/businesses & profs. SGOV DPS9 APP
HB 2586 Electrification ENVI DPS7 DNP4 RUL
HB 2595 Smoke detection devices CRJ DPS13 RUL
HB 2610 f Mobile home community sales CRJ DP9 DNP4 RUL
HB 2611 f Bioeconomy ITED DPS9 APP
HB 2622 f Firearm orders compliance CRJ DPS9 DNP5 RUL
HB 2623 f Firearm possession/crimes CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2629 f Utility connection charges HOUS DPS6 DNP3 RUL
HB 2641 Passenger-only ferry service TR DP26 DNP3 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2645 f Photovoltaic modules ENVI DPS11 RUL
HB 2673 f Infill development ENVI DPS11 RUL
HB 2686 Liquor/common carriers COG DPS10 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2696 f Meat and poultry misbranding RDAN DPS13 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2712 f Beef country of origin RDAN DPS11 w/oRec2 DNP2 RUL
HB 2721 f Aerospace tech. innovation ITED DPS9 APP
HB 2727 f Liquor license/postsecondary COG DPS11 RUL
HB 2732 f Landlord mitigation/victims CRJ DPS11 DNP2 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2747 State microanimal SGOV DP9 RUL
HB 2769 $f Derelict vessel prevention RDAN DPS14 APP
HB 2819 f Pumped storage projects ENVI DP11 RUL
HB 2820 Court orders/weapons & DV CRJ DPS12 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 2830 f Electronic benefit cards HSEL DP12 DNP1 RUL
HB 2833 f Engineers and land surveyors CPB DP13 RUL
HB 2896 Surplus land, buildings HOUS DP6 DNP3 RUL
HB 2916 Voters' pamphlets overseas SGOV DP9 APP