66th Legislature - 2020 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 28, 2020 - Friday 47th Day 2020 Regular Session
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 2322 Transp. budget, supplemental TR DPS30 w/oRec1
HB 2325 Operating budget, supplement APP DPS19 DNP14 RUL
ESSB 5024 f Local taxing districts LG DPA5 RUL
2SSB 5144 f Child support pass-through CRJ DP12 APP
ESSB 5167 f Linked deposit program ITED DP7 w/oRec1 RUL
2ESSB 5389 f Telehealth program/youth ED DPA16 DNP1 APP
SSB 5441 f Rental vouchers/offenders PS DP8 APP
2SSB 5493 f Intergenerational poverty HSEL DPA7 DNP4 w/oRec2 APP
ESSB 5504 f Peer-reviewed journal access SGOV DP8 APP
SB 5519 f Mosquito control districts LG DP5 RUL
SB 5613 f Road vacation/body of water LG DPA5 RUL
SSB 5640 f Youth courts CRJ DPA10 RUL
ESSB 5759 Remote technology/lens Rx HCW DP15 APP
ESSB 6028 Uniform electronic transact. CRJ DP12 RUL
SB 6046 f Special district comm'r pay LG DP5 RUL
SSB 6048 f Insurance group supervision CPB DP13 RUL
SSB 6061 Telemedicine training HCW DP15 RUL
SSB 6065 Blockchain work group ITED DPA9 RUL
SB 6066 f Ethnic studies materials ED DP12 DNP4 w/oRec1 RUL
SSB 6074 f Financial fraud/theft crimes CRJ DP12 APP
SB 6078 f Fire juris. reimbursement CPB DP12 w/oRec1 RUL
ESSB 6095 Liquor/common carriers COG DP10 RUL
SB 6103 f Educational reporting ED DP17 RUL
ESSB 6122 f Temporary workers LAWS DPA4 DNP2 RUL
SSB 6127 f Student ach council/graduate CWD DP13 DNP3 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 6136 f Electronic benefit cards HSEL DP12 DNP1 RUL
2SSB 6139 Aerospace tech. innovation ITED DP8 APP
ESSB 6141 Higher education access CWD DPA15 DNP2 RUL
SSB 6158 Model sex. assault protocols PS DPA8 RUL
2SSB 6181 f Crime victims' compensation PS DP8 APP
SSB 6183 Elections/common access card SGOV DPA8 RUL
SSB 6206 Marijuana compliance cert. COG DP10 RUL
SSB 6210 f Antifouling paints ENVI DP10 APP
2SSB 6211 f Drug offender sentencing PS DPA8 APP
ESB 6239 f Public works projects LAWS DP4 DNP2 RUL
SSB 6259 f Indian behavioral health sys HCW DPA15 APP
ESSB 6261 f Farm labor contractor system LAWS DP4 DNP2 RUL
SB 6286 f Athlete agents/benefits CPB DP13 RUL
SSB 6297 f Early learning provider exp. HSEL DPA13 APP
2SSB 6309 f WIC fruit & veg. benefit HSEL DP11 APP
SB 6326 Municipal conflicts LG DP5 RUL
SB 6370 f Individuals in DOC custody PS DP6 w/oRec2 APP
SB 6374 f Apprenticeship materials CWD DP17 RUL
SB 6420 f Underground utilities/safety LG DPA5 RUL
SB 6468 Tuition advisory committee CWD DP17 RUL
ESSB 6473 f Asbestos building materials ENVI DPA10 RUL
SSB 6531 Personal services/liquor COG DPA10 RUL
SB 6556 f Mandated reporter options HSEL DP13 RUL
SSB 6605 f Security guard licensing CPB DPA13 APP
SB 6643 Abandon/council-manager plan LG DP5 RUL
SSB 6663 f Eating disorders & diabetes HCW DP15 RUL