66th Legislature - 2020 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

March 2, 2020 - Monday 50th Day 2020 Regular Session
1st Supplemental
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 2943 f Behavioral health admin orgs FIN DP12 RUL
HB 2950 f Housing tax exemption FIN DPS12 RUL
SSB 5011 Aviation revital. loan prg TR DP30 RUL
2SSB 5144 f Child support pass-through APP DP29 DNP2 RUL
2SSB 5149 f Monitoring w/ victim notif. APP DP31 RUL
ESB 5402 f Tax and licensing laws FIN DPA12 RUL
ESB 5457 f Naming of subcontractors CB DP18 w/oRec2 DNP1 RUL
E2SSB 5481 Collective bargaining/WDFW APP DP24 DNP7 RUL
2SSB 5572 School modernization grants CB DP21 RUL
2SSB 5601 f Health care benefit manage. APP DPA (APP w/o HCW)31 RUL
ESSB 5759 f Remote technology/lens Rx APP DPA31 RUL
SSB 5789 f Auto. traffic safety cameras TR DP20 DNP10 w/oRec0 RUL
SSB 5900 LGBTQ coordinator/veterans APP DP29 w/oRec1 DNP1 RUL
2SSB 5947 f Sustainable farms and fields CB DPA(CB w/o RDAN)19 w/oRec1 DNP1 RUL
SSB 5976 Dentistry access/disability APP DP30 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 6045 Vulnerable public way users TR DP30 RUL
SB 6049 f Insurance fraud account FIN DP12 RUL
SSB 6068 f Private airplanes/sales tax FIN DP11 w/oRec1 RUL
SSB 6072 f State wildlife account APP DP31 RUL
SSB 6084 Circular intersections TR DP30 RUL
SB 6102 f School bus stop signals TR DP30 RUL
SSB 6113 Central insulin purchasing APP DP20 DNP11 RUL
2SSB 6139 Aerospace tech. innovation APP DP31 RUL
SB 6170 f Plumbing APP DP31 RUL
SSB 6190 f Dev. disabilities trust CB DPA21 RUL
SSB 6191 f Adverse childhood experience APP DPA (ED)30 DNP1 RUL
SSB 6208 Bicyclists/stop signs TR DP23 DNP7 RUL
SSB 6210 f Antifouling paints APP DP31 RUL
2SSB 6211 f Drug offender sentencing APP DPA (PS)28 DNP3 RUL
SB 6212 f Affordable housing/prop. tax FIN DP12 RUL
SB 6218 f WSP retirement/salary def. TR DP30 RUL
SB 6229 Housing funds/quality award APP DP31 RUL
SSB 6256 Heating oil insurance CB DP21 RUL
SSB 6267 f Long-term services trust APP DP31 DNP1 RUL
SSB 6319 f Senior property tax admin. FIN DP12 RUL
SSB 6358 f Sub. providers/medicaid APP DP31 RUL
SB 6363 f All-terrain vehicles TR DP30 RUL
SSB 6397 Nonparticipating providers APP DPA31 RUL
SSB 6415 f Perm. fire district charge FIN DP10 DNP2 RUL
SB 6417 f Survivor option change APP DP31 RUL
ESSB 6419 f Habilitation center clients APP DP31 RUL
SSB 6429 f Dev. disability designation TR DP30 RUL
ESSB 6440 f Workers' comp medical exam APP DPA (LAWS)31 RUL
SSB 6476 f Correctional services access APP DP25 DNP5 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 6493 Active transp safety council TR DP26 DNP3 w/oRec1 RUL
SSB 6495 Essential needs & housing APP DP31 RUL
SSB 6521 f Innovative learning pilot APP DP31 RUL
ESSB 6540 f Working connect. payments APP DP31 RUL
SB 6565 Motorcycle parking methods TR DPA30 RUL
SB 6580 f Organ transport vehicles TR DP30 RUL
ESSB 6592 Tourism authorities FIN DPA(FIN w/o ITED)12 RUL
SSB 6605 f Security guard licensing APP DPA (CPB)31 RUL
SSB 6632 f Business licensing services FIN DP10 DNP2 RUL