66th Legislature - 2020 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1010 f Forfeited firearms/WSP Senn,Lovick CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 1013 f Walla Walla watershed pilot Jenkin,Blake APP DPS33
HB 1031 f Bulkhead obligations Walsh,Irwin ENVI DPS9 w/oRec1
HB 1047 Limited jdx. court comm'rs Jinkins,Stokesbary CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1072 f Prevailing wage laws Sells,Doglio LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 1088 Littering restitution MacEwen ENVI DPS11
HB 1117 f Motor vehicle laws Valdez TR DP29
HB 1143 f Firefighting foam notices Reeves,Gregerson ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1159 f Definition of theft Griffey,Goodman PS DP11
HB 1165 Low-water landscaping Orwall,Dent CB DP14 DNP9
HB 1167 Composting/nuisance lawsuits Walen,Blake RDAN DP10 w/oRec3
HB 1173 f Obsolete school provisions Santos,Ortiz-Self ED DPS15 DNP4
HB 1192 Marriage/elected officials Hudgins,Dolan CRJ DPS10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1223 f Diaper changing stations Reeves,Doglio CPB DPS9 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1229 f Traffic cameras, photo tolls Caldier,Kilduff PS DPS11
HB 1237 f Marijuana license compliance Kirby,MacEwen APP DP2S(w/o sub COG)32
HB 1241 f Water-sewer comm'r insurance Appleton,Griffey LG DP5 DNP1
HB 1242 f Lodging special excise taxes Blake,Walsh FIN DP9 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1261 f Clean water act/discharges Peterson,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS7 DNP4
HB 1277 Bicycle definitions Shea,Irwin TR DPS30
HB 1282 f Driver's license suspensions Reeves,Valdez TR DP17 DNP14
HB 1292 f Voter registration deadlines Walsh,Dolan SGOV DPS9
HB 1330 f Public guardianship cases Kilduff,Harris CRJ DP15
HB 1331 f Opioid use disorder Cody,Caldier APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)32
HB 1334 f Electric util wildland fires Blake,Kretz RDAN DPS12
HB 1347 f Vehicle reseller permits Barkis,Kirby FIN DP13
HB 1359 Local government procurement Leavitt,Irwin LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1372 f State guard retirement age Klippert,Ryu HOUS DP8
HB 1376 Mistreatment/faith exemption Sells,Klippert CRJ DP10 DNP3 w/oRec2
HB 1393 f Behavioral health, integrate Cody,Jinkins APP DPS32
HB 1395 f Direct contractor liability Pellicciotti,Hansen APP DPS(LAWS)19 DNP12
HB 1416 f Liquor licensees/events Stanford,Jenkin COG DPS10
HB 1419 f Emergency planning/nuclear MacEwen,Shea HOUS DP9
HB 1437 f Noncollection of taxes Pollet,Kraft LG DP6 DNP1
HB 1456 f Aviation revital. loan prg Dent,Springer TR DPS28 DNP1
HB 1457 f Aircraft fuel tax distrib. Dent,Springer TR DPS29 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1487 f Elevators Chapman,Chandler LAWS DPS7
HB 1494 Redistricting deadlines Walsh,Gregerson SGOV DP9
HB 1503 f Data brokers Smith,Hudgins APP DP2S(w/o sub ITED)32 w/oRec1
HB 1521 f Government contracting Dolan,Harris APP DP2S(w/o sub SGOV)21 DNP9 w/oRec1
HB 1524 f Street rod & custom vehicles Van Werven,Chapman TR DP30
HB 1544 f GMA actions effective date Mead,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS7 DNP3
HB 1551 f Communicable disease control Cody,Stonier HCW DPS9 DNP6
HB 1585 f Brain injury fee increase Doglio,DeBolt APP DP29
HB 1590 Housing tax/councilmanic Doglio,Dolan FIN DP9 DNP4
HB 1598 f City annexing/interlocal ag. Doglio,Dolan LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1608 f Patient care/health entities Macri,Dolan HCW DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1614 f Traffic lane merge education Young,Gildon TR DP30
HB 1625 f Utility rate making/property Fitzgibbon,Shea ENVI DP11
HB 1630 f Naturopathy DeBolt,Macri HCW DPS11 DNP4
HB 1631 f Child welfare workers Senn,Caldier APP DPS31
HB 1642 f On-bill repayment programs Doglio,Fey ENVI DPS9 DNP1
HB 1656 Residential tenants Macri,Jinkins CRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1665 f Domestic waste stream Smith,Morris ITED DP8
HB 1666 f Abandon/council-manager plan Vick,Walen LG DP6
HB 1687 f Victim identity defenses Stanford,Doglio PS DP8 DNP3
HB 1694 Tenants/installment payments Morgan,Macri CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1699 f Deannexation/parks & rec. Eslick,Peterson LG DP7
HB 1708 f Fishing and hunting licenses Blake,Fitzgibbon APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)22 DNP11
HB 1718 f Existing resources/local gov Volz,Senn FIN DP10 DNP3
HB 1729 f Subst use disorder treatment Macri,Jinkins APP DPS(HCW)18 DNP11 w/oRec1
HB 1750 County sheriff vacancies Mosbrucker,Lovick LG DP7
HB 1754 Homeless hosting/religious Santos,Jinkins HOUS DPS6 DNP3
HB 1762 f Ticket sale interference Young ITED DP8
HB 1787 Filipino American history Chandler,Santos SGOV DP9
HB 1808 f Nonprofit fund-raising/tax Orcutt FIN DPS13
HB 1843 f Railroad workers Chapman,Volz LAWS DP6 DNP1
HB 1894 f Wildland fire advisory comm. Dent,Griffey RDAN DP15
HB 1902 f Single bill/health services Cody,Appleton HCW DP10 DNP4
HB 1951 f County road emergency loans Walsh,Chapman TR DP30
HB 1965 f Workplace violations/qui tam Hansen,Stonier APP DP2S(w/o sub LAWS)17 DNP13 w/oRec1
HB 2013 f Allied veteran emblems Van Werven,Ryu TR DP30
HB 2031 f Foster parent case aides Frame HSEL DP12
HB 2037 f DFW sergeants/interest arb. Sells,Pollet APP DPS23 DNP9
HB 2047 f Carbon sequestration Ramos,Springer APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)22 DNP10
HB 2070 f Vehicle lamp colors Lovick,Dent TR DP30
HB 2074 f Livestock inspection Blake,Chandler APP DP30
HB 2117 f State tax structure Frame,Tarleton APP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)19 DNP12
HB 2157 f Tax structure Tarleton,Sullivan APP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)19 DNP14
HJM 4000 Biochar Shea,Fitzgibbon RDAN DP14
SHB 1002 Rape in the third degree PS(Orwall) PS DPS11
SHB 1009 f State auditor SGOV(Dolan) SGOV DPS9
SHB 1028 Off-road vehicles/local gov. TR(Shea) TR DPS27 w/oRec3
E2SHB 1033 f Mobile home relocation asst. APP(Ryu) APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)23 DNP7
2SHB 1039 f Opioid medications/schools APP(Pollet) APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)28 DNP5
EHB 1058 Motorcycle parking methods Irwin,Blake TR DP30
HB 1061 State clam Blake,Walsh SGOV DP9
HB 1079 f Board of regents/faculty Pollet,Kloba CWD DP15 DNP1 w/oRec1
SHB 1082 Massage therapists/photo HCW(Kraft) HCW DPS14
HB 1089 f Certificates of achievement MacEwen,Volz ED DP16 DNP2
SHB 1100 f Competency eval. payment CRJ(Jinkins) APP DPS(CRJ)32
E2SHB 1110 f Greenhouse gas/transp. fuels APP(Fitzgibbon) APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)19 DNP14
SHB 1158 Permanent cosmetics CPB(Ryu) CPB DPS7 DNP5 w/oRec1
SHB 1168 f Self-help housing dev./taxes FIN(Leavitt) FIN DPS13
EHB 1169 f Fire juris. reimbursement Peterson,Griffey LG DP5 DNP1
HB 1187 f Fish habitat projects Dent,Blake RDAN DP15
ESHB 1207 f Manuf. housing communities HOUS(Ryu) HOUS DPS9
HB 1212 f Election materials/names Shea,McCaslin SGOV DP9
HB 1220 f Insurance commissioner/PEBB Dolan,Volz SGOV DP9
SHB 1231 f Sex offenses/modify SOL PS(Griffey) APP DPS(PS)29
SHB 1244 f Appraisal mngmt companies CPB(Walen) CPB DPS13
SHB 1251 f Election security breaches SGOV(Tarleton) SGOV DPS9
HB 1278 f College bound/room & board Hudgins,Valdez APP DP23 DNP9
HB 1279 Committee on trade policy Hudgins,Stokesbary ITED DP9
HB 1285 f Treasurer/public works board Doglio,Steele CB DP23
2SHB 1304 f CTE/alt. learning exp. prgs. APP(MacEwen) APP DP2S(w/o sub ED)26 w/oRec3 DNP3
HB 1305 Notices of disqualification Walen,Irwin CRJ DP13 DNP2
ESHB 1308 Retirement system defaults APP(Stanford) APP DPS22 DNP9 w/oRec2
ESHB 1332 f Energy site eval. council ENVI(Wylie) ENVI DPS11
HB 1335 f Life sciences discovery fund Slatter,Schmick ITED DP9
HB 1341 f UAVs near marine species Hudgins,Morris ITED DP8 DNP1
HB 1368 f Cooperative finance org. B&O Springer,Kretz FIN DP12
SHB 1383 Patronizing a prostitute PS(Pellicciotti) PS DPS11
HB 1397 f Electric aircraft Slatter,Dent TR DP24 DNP5
E2SHB 1401 f Hemp production APP(Shea)
HB 1413 f Optional life annuity Ormsby,Volz APP DP25 DNP8
HB 1423 f Adult family home egress Tharinger,Harris HCW DP14
HB 1441 f Local infrastruct. financing Tharinger,Doglio CB DP16 DNP6 w/oRec1
ESHB 1453 f Residential tenants CRJ(Macri) CRJ DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec2
3SHB 1498 f Broadband service APP(Hudgins) APP DP3S(w/o 2 sub CB)31 DNP1
SHB 1520 f Ballot envelope dates SGOV(Morgan) SGOV DPS7 DNP2
E2SHB 1523 f Individual health ins market APP(Cody) APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)19 DNP13
SHB 1529 Peer counselors/agency affil HCW(Davis) HCW DPS14
HB 1548 f WA medical commission Davis,Cody HCW DP15
SHB 1576 Construction defect actions CRJ(Senn) CRJ DPS15
2SHB 1580 f Orca whales/vessels APP(Blake) APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)25 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1583 f Mosquito control districts Kraft,Pollet LG DP6
SHB 1595 Child sexual abuse investig. PS(Stonier) PS DPS11
ESHB 1622 f Drought preparedness RDAN(Blake) CB DPS(RDAN)12 DNP9 w/oRec2
SHB 1644 Youth development work group HSEL(Ortiz-Self) HSEL DPS12 DNP1
HB 1670 Fire district bid limits Eslick,Sutherland LG DP6
HB 1676 f Arts & crafts/liquor license MacEwen COG DP11
SHB 1686 f Hospital access to care HCW(Macri) HCW DPS14
HB 1702 f Low-cost course material/CTC Van Werven,Leavitt APP DP33
HB 1707 f Disabled veterans/lic plates Gildon,Ryu TR DP31
SHB 1715 Withholding of transcripts ED(Entenman) ED DPS12 DNP7
ESHB 1723 Active transp safety council TR(Kloba) TR DPS19 DNP9 w/oRec2
2SHB 1725 Pesticide application safety APP(Dent) APP DP2S(w/o sub LAWS)32
ESHB 1747 Risk-based water standards LG(Doglio) LG DPS4 DNP2
HB 1755 f Education doctorate degrees Leavitt,Van Werven CWD DP16 DNP1
SHB 1769 Vessel crewmember license RDAN(Blake) RDAN DPS14
2SHB 1776 All payer claims database APP(Cody) APP DP2S(w/o sub ITED)29 DNP2
ESHB 1788 WA state bar association CRJ(Stokesbary)
SHB 1791 Vuln. children ed. opport. APP(Reeves) APP DPS28 DNP5
ESHB 1793 Auto. traffic safety cameras TR(Fitzgibbon) TR DPS17 DNP14
ESHB 1799 f Death certificate short form HCW(Hoff) HCW DPS15
ESHB 1813 Pupil transp. contracts APP(Sullivan) APP DPS19 DNP14
HB 1829 f Veterans' assistance levies Chapman,Goehner FIN DP11 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1838 f Distillery information Walsh,Goehner COG DP11
HB 1841 f Crew size on certain trains Riccelli,Chandler LAWS DP6 w/oRec1
SHB 1847 f Aircraft noise abatement LG(Pellicciotti) LG DPS4 DNP2
ESHB 1880 Problem gambling task force COG(Kloba) COG DPS6 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1952 f Building communities fund Ortiz-Self,Kilduff CB DP13 DNP9 w/oRec1
ESHB 1966 f Pedestrian, etc. safety TR(Kilduff) TR DPS26 DNP5
ESHB 1997 f Manufactured/mobile homes HOUS(Ryu) APP DPS(HOUS)22 DNP8 w/oRec1
HB 2008 Ballot security alt. methods Hudgins,Gregerson SGOV DP9
EHB 2009 f Environ. health disparities Reeves,Lekanoff SGOV DP5 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 2033 f Mandatory reporting of abuse Chambers,Paul HSEL DP12
HB 2040 f Nonhigh school districts MacEwen APP DP32
HB 2051 f Pension & disability boards Lovick,Chapman APP DP33
HB 2075 f Livestock brand inspections Chandler,Ormsby APP DP32
HB 2110 f Affordable workforce housing Ryu,Santos FIN DP9 DNP4
HB 2129 f Harassment Stokesbary,Pollet APP DP32